
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2918 update | Chapter 6083 & 6084 Chapter 2918 Bloody | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2918 Bloody

At dawn in New York, Joseph Wan  and his men took Aman Ramovich, Antonio, and the bosses of the gangs under the Zano family away from Chinatown and headed for the port.

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The remaining second-in-commands have all been replaced by their regular posts.

Qiang Zai was still in a daze. Although he saw  Charlie take down the entire Zano family overnight, he still had an unrealistic feeling.

Charlie saw the curtain fell and Qiang Zai was a little confused, so he asked him: "Qiang Zai, how do you feel now?"

Qiang Zai came back to his senses, scratched his head and said: "Mr. Wade... I feel... I feel a bit unbelievable...

Charlie smiled and said: "Then you have to adapt as soon as possible, because starting from today, you have to reorganize the Chinese Gang as soon as possible. Although the Zano family is the largest mafia in New York, it is not the only one. In the future, There will be many challenges for you. Since you have chosen this path, you must find a way to go further on this path."

Qiang Zai nodded solemnly and said respectfully: "Mr. Wade, from now on, the Chinese gang will find a way to support itself, and I will submit the profits to you on a monthly basis for the profits handed over by those gangs!"

Charlie waved his hand: "Most of their money was obtained by bullying ordinary people. If I bully them and get this money into my hands, then there is essentially no difference between me and them."

Saying that, Charlie smiled and said: "Uncle Zhong regards you as half his son, and I have acquaintance with you. Since you have chosen to take this path, you can keep this money safely." , 

if you are ambitious, use this money  to grow and develop, and pave the way for yourself in advance. In that case, when you are old, you can become a well-known entrepreneur, or simply run for parliament; if you are not ambitious, save more money. Here, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life. "

Qiang Zai said firmly: "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, since I have chosen this path, I will definitely go all out!"

Charlie nodded and said: "But Qiangzai, please remember that although these gangs under the Zano family dare not do anything to you, it does not mean that you have no other opponents in New York and the United States, and I only Let me help you this time. If one day a more powerful opponent appears in New York and wants to take your life, you can only defeat the opponent on your own. Do you understand?"

Qiang Zai said solemnly: "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, I understand!

Charlie looked at Ni Dawei, the former boss of the Chinese Gang, and said, "Mr. Ni."

Ni Dawei's body trembled and he said respectfully: "Mr. Wade, do you have any orders..."

Charlie said: "You are Chinese, a member of the Chinese gang, and you live in Chinatown. Here, you represent all the Chinese people who are making a living in Chinatown. Therefore, you must not be so cowardly again in the future. Facts have proven that under your command In this industry, cowardice cannot guarantee safety. The more cowardly you are, the more people will want to ride on your neck and shit."

Ni Dawei was ashamed, lowered his head and said: "Mr. Wade is saying... From now on, I will definitely cooperate with Brother Qiang and I will never embarrass the Chinese again!"

Charlie nodded and said very seriously: "When I was a child, I also heard the story of the development of the Chinese Gang overseas. At that time, the members of the Chinese Gang  dare to fight hard, they have built a great foundation in Canada, the United States and even Europe. However, I did not expect that in the 21st century, Chinese gangs in various places have declined rapidly. Many have disappeared, and the remaining ones have also disappeared. They can only survive by huddled in various Chinatowns, do you know why?"

Ni Dawei said awkwardly: "Over the years...Europe and the United States have indeed become more and more aggressive in cracking down on gangs, and the degree of unity among compatriots overseas is indeed worse than that of Koreans and Vietnamese, so it is indeed difficult overall." A lot..."

Charlie waved his hands and said seriously: "What you said are just excuses. In my opinion, the reason why overseas Chinese gangs are declining rapidly is because they have lost their blood!"

As he spoke, Charlie continued: "Many members of the Chinese Gang in the last century came from the battlefield. After leaving the battlefield and leaving the army, some people wanted to see the outside world, so they traveled across the ocean to come here to make a living. At that time, people who came to Europe and the United States had to ride a sampan to escape death, so they were not afraid of death, let alone Americans, Italians, Mexicans and Algerians in the United States. In their eyes, the Mafia was nothing? Who are the Mexican drug lords? When they narrowly escape death and stand on this land, their life has only eight words: look down on life and death, and do it if you don't accept it! "

At this point, Charlie pointed at Ni Dawei and continued: "Look at you again, these so-called second and third generation Chinese, you have long lost the blood of your parents! Many of you were even born in the United States and do not have to travel across the ocean. You just got a U.S. passport, and then grew up drinking milk, cola, and eating hamburgers and cereal. Even if you are descended from wolves, you would have already lived like huskies. Not to mention having the blood of your fathers, now let you If you sit on the sampan that your fathers used to travel and follow their route again, your legs will become weak before you even get on the boat!"

Ni Dawei buried his head deeper.

He knew that Charlie was telling the truth.

I think back then, his father had participated in the Southwest War. His old superior came to North America before him. After making some money, he invited him to come to the United States to make money. At that time, they were armed with guns. A middle-aged man with bullet holes formed a Chinese gang in Chinatown and made a name for himself in the United States and Canada.

At that time, North America was like a sponge, frantically absorbing immigrants and illegal immigrants from all over the world. Gangs formed by various ethnic groups sprung up like mushrooms after rain. In New York City alone, there were no less than a thousand gangs, large and small. Looking across the United States, gangs Tens of thousands. 

However, the Chinese gangs of that era, who had just arrived, were able to fight their way out of tens of thousands of gangs because of their bloody nature.

However, by Ni Dawei's generation, the bloody spirit has almost disappeared, so the Chinese Gang continued to lose in various gang struggles, continued to retreat, and continued to shrink. Originally, he naively thought that at least there was still a stronghold in Chinatown, but who knew? It can be imagined that the enemy's strength has long been overwhelming, and a few risky attempts have defeated them.

At this moment, Ni Dawei was extremely ashamed.

I recall that when my father was still alive, he never bowed his head to anyone. But when it came to me, although I inherited the inheritance he left behind, in my own hands, it was quickly destroyed.

Thinking of this, he said to Charlie with red eyes: "Mr. Wade, I, Ni Dawei, swear to you that I will definitely bring back the bloody spirit of the Chinese Gang!"

Charlie nodded slightly, stood up, stretched, and said: "I've said everything that needs to be said, so I won't delay here any longer. You should take care of yourself in the future. If you encounter trouble in the future, you can only rely on yourself. ”

Both of them nodded, and Charlie continued to speak: "By the way, there is one more thing. Although gangs are common in the United States, you still have to restrain yourselves with the moral principles of the world, and always go to force yourself to eat with the strong. Don't Bully the weak, bully the market, let alone harm the world. If one day you two are as evil as those people, I will come to the United States again to kill you with my own hands!"

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Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2917 update  |  Chapter 6081 & 6082 Chapter 2917 Shock |  Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

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