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Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2919 update | Chapter 6085 & 6086 Chapter 2919 Can you do it? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2919 Can you do it?

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2919 update  |  Chapter 6085 & 6086 Chapter 2919 Can you do it? |  Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels    

When Charlie and Chen Zhaozhong left the goose shop together, Chen Zhaozhong looked back at the simple facade and sighed softly, "From now on, my father's goose roasting skills will be lost." 

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Charlie smiled and asked him, "Uncle Zhong, do you doubt or object to my decision today?"

Chen Zhaozhong was silent for a moment and said seriously, "Master, Qiangzai is an orphan I adopted, not a pet I tame. I started from the day I adopted him. , I never thought about making any plans for his life. He learned to cook roast goose from me, not because of my intention, but because he had a wandering childhood, had neither read much nor had the heart to study, and an illegal immigrant His identity meant that it would be difficult for him to get out of Chinatown, so I taught him how to make roast goose, so that he could make a living." 

Speaking of this, Chen Zhaozhong added, "As for whether he chooses to sell roast goose or give up selling roast goose , I respect his choice, but the opportunity given to him by the young master today is too big, and I'm afraid that he doesn't have enough experience to grasp it." 

Charlie said seriously, "Uncle Zhong might as well look at this problem differently."

Chen Zhaozhong said respectfully, "Master, please speak."

Charlie said, "Before you and I came, Qiang Zai had been targeted by them and had been beaten. Today they came to visit, and Qiang Zai definitely couldn't come up with three thousand US dollars. What if If we didn't come, what would happen to Qiang Zi now? At best, he would have at least received a more severe beating. Judging from the ruthlessness of those gang members, Qiang Zi will most likely have lifelong sequelae. In the worst cases, it can be disabled, or even paralyzed, and this is only a relatively good result;"

After a pause, Charlie said again, "If you think about the worst, these people have already started killing in Chinatown, and they have killed more than one or two. If they want to use Qiang Zai to scare the monkeys today, or if Qiang Zai resists too fiercely today, once they pull out a gun, Qiang Zai will definitely die today." 

"So, it can range from serious injury to death. In this case, Qiang Zai will be killed. Qiang Zai has nothing to lose. From now on, everything for him is earned;" "

Besides, when Qiang Zai was about to shoot and kill those few gangsters, he was really murderous. Faced with oppression, Qiang Zai had nothing to lose. If your enemy is murderous, it means he still has blood. Taking this path must be better for him than not taking it at all."

Chen Zhaozhong nodded slightly in agreement, and then asked, "By the way, young master, why didn't you let Qiang Zai shoot and kill those people?"

Charlie said, "He will definitely have to kill people in the future, but it shouldn't be now. He kills so many people right from the start. It's easy to become cruel and bloodthirsty, so let him slowly adapt to it. Let's do it."

After saying that, Charlie asked Chen Zhaozhong, "Uncle Zhong didn't have any rest all night. Do you want to go to the hotel to catch up on some sleep first?" "

No." Chen Zhaozhong waved his hand quickly and said, "I came with the young master to do some business, wait. Let's talk about it after finishing the business. Let's go to Queens now and find a place to have a cup of coffee. Peter's antique shop should probably open." "

Okay." Charlie nodded, "Then go directly to Queens."


New York ,The Queen.

Queens is a large area. Although it is not as prosperous as Manhattan, its central location can be regarded as a smaller version of Manhattan.

Moreover, Queens has a dense population and a lot of immigrants of all ethnic groups, so it is relatively lively. The famous Flushing is a neighborhood where Chinese and Chinese traders gather.

Peter Zhou's antique shop is located in the center of Queens. Although the store is not large, the location is really not a choice.

When Charlie and Chen Zhaozhong parked opposite the antique store, they found that the antique store was not open.

At first, Chen Zhaozhong didn't notice anything wrong. After all, it was still morning, and few antique shops opened early in the morning.

But Charlie, whose eyesight was obviously better, noticed something unusual.

He saw the mottled rust on the iron door and handle of the antique store, as if no one had taken care of it for a while.

He originally planned to have a cup of coffee opposite, so he drove the car to the opposite side of the road and stopped. When he walked closer to check, he discovered that the antique shop had indeed not been opened for a long time, and there were even spider webs hanging above the folding iron door.

Looking inside through the window, the displays inside were all dirty and seemed to have not been maintained for a long time.

Chen Zhaozhong on the side couldn't help but frown, "It feels like this place has been closed for at least a few months." "

Yes." Charlie nodded, "Didn't you say that the Zhou family has run many antique shops in Europe and the United States? Maybe this place has been abandoned?" "

Chen Zhaozhong took a look at the second-hand store next door and found that although the store still had a closed sign, there were already people inside, so he walked up, knocked on the door, and chatted with people.

After the chat, he turned around and came out and said to Charlie, "Master, let's go back to the car and talk."

Charlie realized that Chen Zhaozhong might have found some sensitive clues, so he returned to the car with him.

After getting in the car, Chen Zhaozhong said, "Master, I just asked the owner next door. The owner said that Peter Zhou was arrested in this store four months ago, and the store was closed accordingly." 

"Caught?" Charlie asked curiously, "Why was he arrested?"

Chen Zhaozhong said, "It is said that it was because of fraud, but the shop owner next door said that his situation was very special and different from ordinary fraud. When he was arrested, it was the FBI who came to arrest him. People, the battle is big."


Charlie muttered and asked him, "Uncle Zhong, shouldn't the police be responsible for cases like fraud?"

Chen Zhaozhong said, "Not necessarily, if the circumstances are serious, endangering national security, and involving important people and items, the FBI may be responsible. Since Peter Zhou is suspected of fraud and is arrested by the FBI, it proves that the situation should be quite serious." 

Charlie asked, "The shop owner just now knows What's Peter Zhou's current situation?"

Chen Zhaozhong shook his head and said, "That person doesn't know very well. He only knows that the Zhou family's antique stores in the United States seem to have closed. As for his current situation, that person hasn't received any news." 

As he said, Chen Zhaozhong sighed helplessly and said, "In the past few years that I have been in New York, I have basically been bored in Chinatown and seldom come out. I don't know many people. I can't find a suitable channel to get information." 

Charlie took a sip. He said, "It's okay. Regarding matters in New York, it's probably safe to ask Miss Fei. Her connections and information channels must be much better than the two of us." After that, he took out his mobile phone and called Fei Kexin.

The phone rang seven or eight times before it was finally picked up. Fei Kexin asked as soon as he opened his mouth, "Old Bai, how is the situation in Atlanta?" 

Charlie realized that Fei Kexin might not be able to speak conveniently, and She completely made up the title, probably because she was with her wife Claire Wilson at the moment.

So Charlie asked, "If it's inconvenient for Ms. Fei, we can talk later."

Fei Kexin said, "I'm currently working on a project in New York. Please wait for me. I'll get back to you in five minutes."

"Okay." Charlie responded and hung up the phone.

Five minutes later, Fei Kexin's phone call came on time. As soon as the call came through, she said respectfully, "Mr. Wade, I just discussed the plan with Madam. I was afraid that she would misunderstand, so I didn't dare to talk to you directly. Please give me some advice." Please forgive me."

Charlie smiled and said, "It's okay, you are more considerate than me. How is Claire doing with you recently?"

Fei Kexin said, "Mrs. I have been busy with the project these days, because I don't I am sure how long you need me to hold off Madam, so I pretended to be real and entrusted her with full responsibility for the project here. It may be a little tiring, but Madam is still very devoted." 

Charlie smiled and said, "My wife is very enterprising, much better than me."

Fei Kexin smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Wade must be very enterprising, otherwise he wouldn't have let me invite your wife to New York."

As he said, , Fei Kexin quickly asked, "By the way, Mr. Wade, do you have anything to do with me?"

Charlie hummed and said, "I want you to help me find out about a person." 

Fei Kexin said without thinking, "Tell me the situation and I'll start immediately."

Charlie said, "There is an antique dealer named Zhou Peter. It is said that the Zhou family is quite famous in antiques in Europe and the United States." Have you heard of him?"

Fei Kexin smiled and said, "Peter Zhou, his family is indeed quite famous in the Chinese antique circle. They have been mainly engaged in Chinese antiques overseas for so many years, from the beginning of the Opium War to the end of the Anti-Japanese War. There are a large number of antique cultural relics flowing out of China in Europe and the United States. Peter Zhou's family's main business is to recover these Chinese antiques from overseas and then sell them. Some precious cultural relics are often donated to China for free. My grandfather often used to buy them from their family. I bought some toys in my hand. It’s just that I’ve gotten older in the past few years and played less.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It would be great if Miss Fei knew about him. To tell you the truth, I have something very important to do with him.” I need to consult, but after I arrived in New York, I found that their store had been closed. It is said that he was also arrested by the FBI on suspicion of fraud. I wonder if you can help me check his whereabouts?" 

Fei Kexin said in surprise. "Mr. Wade, have you come to New York? Does Madam know?"

Charlie said, "I came in a hurry this time, and the investigation was a bit sensitive, so I didn't tell Claire, and I asked Miss Fei to keep it a secret for me."

Fei Kexin said hurriedly, "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, I won't tell Madam."

After that, she said, "You just said that Peter Zhou was arrested. I have never heard of it, but don't worry. , I will ask someone to collect clues and let you know when I find out!"

"Okay." Charlie thanked, "Thank you, Miss Fei."

After hanging up the phone, Charlie said to Chen Zhaozhong, "Uncle Zhong, Fei The lady helped to check it out. It will probably take some time. Let's go to Buckingham Palace in New York to have some breakfast and then take a rest." "

No problem." Chen Zhaozhong nodded and said with a smile, "It's just that there is still some distance from Buckingham Palace. If Miss Fei If the progress over there is faster, it might not take half an hour for the news to arrive. How about we just eat something across the street? Just give me a cup of coffee.

Coffee, I don't have to sleep all day. "Charlie also felt that what he said made sense, so he agreed.

The two of them went to the restaurant opposite, ordered some food and drank some coffee. Before they finished the cup of coffee, Fei Kexin called. 

The phone call came. Once the call was made, Fei Kexin said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, I have already found out the situation you asked me to check. Peter Zhou was indeed arrested by the FBI four months ago. He was arrested because he provoked A member of the Rothschild family is also the person the Rothschild family asked the FBI to arrest.

Charlie frowned and asked, "Rothschild family? " Is it direct or collateral? "

Direct. " "Fei Kexin said, "It is said that he is of a very high level and should be a core member of the entire Rothschild family.

Charlie asked again, "Then what specifically caused them to be offended? Have you heard about it? " "

No." "Fei Kexin said truthfully, "It is said that although the person was arrested by the FBI, he was interrogated by Rothschild people personally. When the Rothschild family interrogated him, the FBI was not qualified to stay at the scene, but it is said that After the trial, the Rothschilds were very angry and used their own power to imprison Peter Zhou in Brooklyn Prison without trial. For several months, Peter Zhou's family and lawyers were not allowed to meet him. "

Charlie is not surprised. After all, they are the Rothschild family. Not only are they extremely wealthy, but they have already penetrated into the powerful elite of the United States. In the United States, they naturally have the ability to catch people and lock them up. It's definitely not difficult to say, and maybe even just one sentence is enough.

So Charlie asked her, "In a situation like this, if you put people in jail without trial and don't allow visits, does that mean that Never come out in this life? "

Very likely. " "Fei Kexin said, "The Rothschild family probably wants to get some clues or results from Peter Zhou. Before the goal is achieved, he will never be released, even if he takes the best lawyer in the United States. It was useless to call them all over. Once this happened, they could label Zhou Peter as a threat to the country's territorial security at any time. This would be equivalent to possessing Shang Fang's sword, which would be difficult for anyone to use. "

Charlie asked her, "Miss Fei, is there any way to get him out?" 

Fei Kexin said in embarrassment, "Mr. Wade, Kexin, let me tell you the truth. In theory, there is nothing that the Fei family can't do in New York, but the premise is that the Rothschild family has no objections. In New York and even the entire In the United States, if something is decided by the Rothschild family, then no one can change it. If I go to recruit people, everyone I find will definitely tell me that it cannot be done. "

Charlie smacked his lips, feeling a little difficult.

The main purpose of coming to see Peter Zhou this time was to find out what kind of relationship he had with his father, and why he went to Aurous Hill, Antique shop under the alias Zhou Liangyun. He works in the hall, and what connection he has with him obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" that he doesn't know about.

But all this is based on the premise that he must see him and face him face to face.

Now Peter Zhou actually Being sent to prison by the Rothschild family, even Fei Kexin couldn't get him out of prison, which was really difficult. 

In desperation, Charlie asked her, "Ms. Fei, if you ask you, Can you send someone to Brooklyn Jail? "

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