
Showing posts with label Asian story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asian story. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3103 update Chapter 6453 & 6454 Chapter 3103: The birth of the drama queen | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3103 The birth of the drama queen

At half past six in the afternoon, it was getting dark.

A hurried figure trotted all the way into the antique street.

This person went straight to Jiqingtang, which is at the core of the antique street.

At this time, the manager of Ji Qingtang, Chen Yufei, was looking at the store with a few clerks. There were a few individual customers wandering around in the store. Chen Yufei left it to the other clerks to deal with, while he was anxiously waiting for the boy sent by Zhang Ermao. .

A few minutes later, a figure rushed in. As soon as he entered the door, he couldn't wait to ask: "Is the boss here? Do you collect antiques in our store?"

"Collect them, collect them!" Chen Yufei immediately greeted him enthusiastically and said Asked: "I wonder what you plan to sell?"

The man looked around, then took out something wrapped in red silk from his arms, and then he carefully opened one of the corners, revealing a gap, letting Chen Yufei see a small part of it, then quickly covered it again, and whispered: "This is a good thing, I don't know if you have the strength to take it down."

Chen Yufei said with a smile: "Look at you It is said that in the whole of Aurous Hill, if there is something that our Ji Qingtang cannot take, then no one can take it from you."

As he spoke, he said with a profound look on his face: "What you just showed me. I only saw a little bit of it, it seems to be a base. If I read it correctly, judging from my personal experience, it should be something from the Ming Dynasty. So, please move to the VIP room, and we can discuss it in detail there. , you can let me take a closer look at the things, or give you a real price."

The man said hurriedly: "Okay! Hurry up!"

 Chen Yufei invited him to the VIP room at the back, and then closed the door. , only the two of them were left inside.

Originally, there was no surveillance in the VIP room. Ever since Jacob hit the Yu Hu Chun Ping, Warnia Song  had people install surveillance cameras in obvious locations.

The man came in and saw that there was a surveillance camera in the room, so he quickly asked: "Why are you still recording here? I can't let people outside know about my coming here."

Chen Yufei knew very well that these conversations were actually It was just an arranged script, so he smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, this is our internal security camera. It is mainly used to keep a piece of evidence in case anyone has any disputes or objections about things." , those who work in our industry have to be careful. If you take a piece of porcelain that is inherently defective and drop it here on purpose, and say we broke it, we will be asked to compensate according to the normal market price. If there is no monitoring, there is nothing we can do. Just make sense, right?"

The man waved his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, I'm here to sell things, not to trick people. You should take a look at the things first, and if they work, give me a price as soon as possible. ."

After that, he handed the thing wrapped in red silk to Chen Yufei's hand.

Chen Yufei took the thing and looked at the Buddha statue and its matching base carefully. Then he smiled and said to the man, "Brother, are you in a hurry to get rid of this thing?"

 "Yes." The man nodded and said, "As long as the price If it's suitable, we can make a move now."

Chen Yufei smiled thoughtfully and asked him, "What price are you going to quote for this thing?"

The man held out five fingers: "Five hundred thousand!"

"Five hundred thousand?" "Chen Yufei laughed and said: "This thing looks like a bronze Buddha from the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. The craftsmanship and shape are very good. If it goes to auction, it can sell for at least one or two million. Find a strong one like Ji Qingtang. If you sell it on consignment in an antique store, you can sell it for at least one million. Why are you selling it for half a million?"

The man sighed: "To be honest, this thing belongs to our old man, who just died this afternoon. Son, he asked him to leave all the antiques in the house to my eldest brother in his will. I thought that the old man was so partial, so I had to get something for myself, so I quietly took it out and wanted to sell it quickly. If you want to cash it out, you don’t have to tell me whether it’s worth one million or two million, or even three or five million. I’m not greedy. If you give me half a million, this thing is yours.”

Chen Yufei asked him back: "Since your old man has made a will and left things to your elder brother, and you take them out quietly, this is theft, and then this thing is stolen property. Do you think I dare to accept it?" He immediately said: "Our old man has a lot of things, and this is just one of them. Moreover, my eldest brother doesn't know anything about antiques. He doesn't even know that such a thing exists or how much it is worth. Besides, if this thing is upright, It’s impossible for me to only ask for 500,000 yuan. You know many rich people in this business. If you can find a rich person to spend more than 1 million yuan to buy it, then you will make dozens or even millions. "

After that, he said with a pained look on his face: "I've made the situation very clear to you, so I won't argue with you anymore. I'll drop another 100,000. If you can take it, I'll give you 400,000. , I can’t take it, I’ll look for someone else to look at it!”

Chen Yufei sneered disdainfully and said, “Oh brother, your acting skills are indeed good, and your story is pretty good, but you think I, Chen, is the wrong person! How can a person be the general manager of Ji Qingtang and still not see your tricks?"

The man's expression flashed with panic and he said quickly: "What tricks can I do to sell things sincerely? If you want, you can. If you don't want it, just give it back to me, or I won't sell it to you."

Chen Yufei said with a contemptuous smile: "Your Buddha statue is indeed good, the shape and workmanship are very good, but the leather case looks artificially aged. In my opinion, although this thing is not a modern handicraft, it is not too old. It is the end of the late Qing Dynasty at the earliest, and maybe it is something from the early Republic of China."

"But there is one thing to say, this base of yours is really It’s an old object with a large door from the Xuande period of the Ming Dynasty. Unfortunately, it’s just a base. Without the statue, the base is not worth much. It’s only worth a few tens of thousands of yuan. So I’ll take a look at this thing of yours. At most It's only worth 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, and you try to sell it to me for 500,000 yuan, and you made it look like you put a big leak in my face. Aren't you treating me like a fool?"

 The man suddenly panicked and said quickly: " did you see this?"

"It's a joke." Chen Yufei said arrogantly: "I've been fooling around for so many years, if I can't even see your little tricks, wouldn’t those years of wandering around be in vain?”

 After that, he threw the things back to the other party and said coldly: “Brother, if you want to trick me, you are still too young. Go back and practice hard for a few more years!”

The man took the things and said nervously and frightenedly: "I'm sorry, boss, I'm just a young man who doesn't know the truth, and I'm trying to do everything in front of you. Please don't be as knowledgeable as a b@stard like me..." "

Chen Yufei waved his hands in disgust: "Okay, take your things and get out."

"Hey!" The man hurriedly put the things in his arms and ran away from the door without looking back.

Chen Yufei turned his back to the camera, with a secretly happy face, and sighed in his heart: "Damn, it turns out this is the feeling of relying on technology to show off. Although I know it is an act, it is really fun!"

Thinking of this, he The drama queen got up, looked at the direction in which the man was escaping, and sneered: "There is no antique liar smarter than me, Chen Yufei, yet!"

After that, he closed the door of the VIP room and returned to the lobby.

After the man escaped from Jiqingtang, he walked around the antique street with his things.

At this time, Zhou Liangyun was just about to close his shop. He planned to go to the supermarket to purchase some daily necessities and arrange the second floor where he lived. The man just happened to sneak up to the door of his store. He looked up and saw Zhou Liangyun. Looking at each other, he lowered his voice and asked mysteriously: "Boss, are you collecting things here?"

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3102 update Chapter 6451 & 6452 Chapter 3102: The secret must not be revealed! | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3102 The secret must not be revealed

Because Zhang Ermao also promised to give Chen Yufei of Ji Qingtang a favor, he made an agreement with Jacob that the two of them would meet in the parking lot outside the antique street around seven o'clock in the evening.

Afterwards, Zhang Ermao first sent Jacob back to the Painting and Calligraphy Association, and then he chose a clever younger brother in his heart and asked him to familiarize himself with the lines and plot, and then take his things to Ji Qingtang.

The younger brother who was selected by Zhang Ermao met him in the office as soon as possible. As soon as they met, Zhang Ermao introduced to him in detail what he needed to do tonight and helped him clarify every one of the detail.

And he does have a good way of judging people. Although the younger brother he chose has never done this kind of thing, he got started very quickly. In a short time, he had learned the entire script by heart and was able to do it flawlessly.

After making sure there was nothing wrong with this person, Zhang Ermao called Chen Yufei.

As soon as the phone call came through, Chen Yufei was the first to ask: "Brother Ermao, how is the progress of the matter we talked about?"

Zhang Ermao smiled and said: "Everything has been arranged, and the things and people have been found. In a while, , and when it’s almost six-thirty, I will ask him to take the things to your store first. You must receive them in person, and you must get the things in person.”

 Chen Yufei said hurriedly: “Brother Ermao, don’t worry, I’ve already arranged it. Everything is ready, the monitoring has been debugged, and there are no problems with the camera, recording, and exporting."

After that, he quickly asked: "By the way, Brother Ermao, please introduce this script to me when the time comes. How can I say it so that I can appear more professional?"

Zhang Ermao said, "I'll introduce it to you now. Take a pen and paper and note down the key points. Don't forget it."

"No problem!" Chen Yufei was excited! , quickly got a pen and paper, and listened and memorized it.

Halfway through listening, the corners of his mouth were like ripe and fried watermelons, unable to close at all.

After hearing the second half, he even put down his pen and paper, held his mobile phone between his face and shoulders, couldn't help but applaud, and blurted out: "Brother Ermao, you are such a genius! You can come up with such a method, This guy named Zhou must die."

Zhang Ermao chuckled, and after introducing the entire plan, he told him, "You must remember not to tell anyone about this, even in your store. You can't let them know that when word comes from the antique street that Zhu Liangyun suffered a big loss and got punched in the eye, you pretend to suddenly realize it, bring up the surveillance camera, and send it to your colleagues so that they can see clearly and take it as a clue. "So, in this way, your reputation for being sharp-eyed and having much better professional abilities than Zhou Liangyun will spread like wildfire. If this matter reaches Miss Song's ears, your position will be secured!"

Chen Yufei said excitedly ! : "Brother Ermao, you have helped me a lot. I don't know how to thank you. Don't worry, I will give you a big red envelope when everything is done!"

Zhang Ermao smiled and said casually. : "As long as you have this heart."

After saying that, Zhang Ermao thought to himself: "The so-called big red envelope you call is only ten or twenty thousand. If I didn't let Zhou Liangyun be fooled by this matter today, Jacob, I would It will cost at least 100,000 yuan. "


 When it was almost six o'clock, Elaine called Jacob and asked him affectionately: "Hey, hubby, what do you want to eat tonight? Okay."

Jacob chuckled and said, "Honey, my friend has something to do tonight, so I won't go home for dinner."

Elaine asked casually, "What's the matter?"

Jacob smiled. Said: "If this thing is done, maybe we can earn three to four hundred thousand. If it works, I will buy you a big diamond ring after we get to Dubai."

Elaine heard how much he could earn One hundred thousand, she immediately asked excitedly: "Really? What kind of business are you doing to earn so much money?"

Jacob smiled and said: "Don't let the secret be revealed. I will tell you after it is completed."

Elaine hurriedly asked: "Then have you decided when we will go to Dubai?"

Jacob said: "Whether he can make it depends on tonight. Regardless of whether he can make it or not, we will leave for a while tomorrow morning, and I will leave the two of us first. I’ve booked my flight and booked the hotel at the seven-star Burj Al Arab I told you about before. I see people bragging about how luxurious that seven-star hotel is on the Internet every day, so I’m going to take a look at it. How awesome is that?"     

When Elaine heard this, she immediately danced with joy: "Oh my God, that's great! I just wanted to go quickly! Then you should be busy tonight, and I'll pack up my things quickly!"

He said carelessly: "Bring less luggage. Only bring the necessities. Apart from the necessities, we can buy the rest when we get there!"

 "Okay!" Elaine was so excited that she said, "Then hurry up and get busy. Go to your business, I'm going to pack my things!"

After hanging up the phone, Elaine immediately called Charlie.

Charlie was at the Champs-Élysées villa in the middle of the mountain. His grandfather and his two uncles were still discussing investment cooperation in East Cliff. He specifically asked Charlie to spend more time with the old lady. It just so happened that Nanako was still practicing controlling spiritual energy in another villa, so Charlie came here directly.

Originally, he planned to return to the city soon, go to Claire's company to pick her up, and then go home for dinner together. Unexpectedly, Elaine called and said, "Good son-in-law, your dad has something to do tonight." He's not coming home for dinner. He said he's going to Dubai tomorrow morning. Mom has to pack up. How about you and Claire  what you want to eat and will order it home in advance? "

Charlie asked curiously, "Didn't Dad say this? Haven't he finished the matter yet? Why are you leaving tomorrow?"

Elaine smiled and said, "I don't know what his plan is, but he just called and said that he had a business deal to discuss tonight. Let's see if it works out. It's tonight, no matter whether it works or not, we have to leave tomorrow morning." 

As soon as Charlie heard this, he knew that his father-in-law was definitely going to do something against Zhou Liangyun tonight.

Although he didn't know what tricks they were going to play, Charlie was generally not worried. After all, both Jacob and Zhang Ermao were just shrimps in front of Zhou Liangyun.

But Charlie's only worry is that they don't follow martial ethics and gather a group of people to find trouble for Zhou Liangyun.

Although Zhou Liangyun has seen the world and gone through big storms, after all, he is just a frail middle-aged man with little fighting ability. Not to mention the many gangsters under Zhang Ermao, even Zhang Ermao and Jacob can control Zhou Liangyun. He wanted to beat him up, so Charlie thought about it and decided to go to the antique street quietly and keep an eye on him secretly. As long as they didn't do anything, he wouldn't interfere. Once they did, he could stop them.

Thinking of this, he said to Elaine: "Mom, I won't go back to eat tonight. I'll tell Claire later that you two can order something to eat tonight."

Elaine didn't care, mainly because she couldn't take care of it. When cooking, she was afraid that Charlie would not have anything to eat when he come back and he would be dissatisfied. Since Charlie wouldn’t come back to eat, then whatever happened would be fine.

So she smiled and said, "Good son-in-law, since you have to be busy too, then you should be busy with yours. I'll call Claire and ask her to order whatever she wants. We two will eat at home!"

 "Okay, Mom. "

Charlie hung up the phone, said goodbye to his grandmother, and drove to the antique street.

After arriving at the antique street, he walked around wearing a mask and discovered Zhou Liangyun's "Zhen Baoxuan".

"Zhen Baoxuan" still has no signboard at the moment. Only Zhou Liangyun is packing it up. Apart from old shelves and display cabinets, there are no products for sale. I guess it will take at least a month or two to get back on track. Time to prepare slowly.

Charlie did not go in to disturb him, but went to a teahouse not far away diagonally across the street. He found a seat with a good view on the second floor and sat down. He ordered a pot of Biluochun and drank while waiting on his seat, waiting to see himself. What bad ideas are the father-in-law and this bastard Zhang Ermao holding back?

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3096 update Chapter 6439 & 6440 Chapter 3096: The second honeymoon | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3096 The second honeymoon

Charlie, who had been silent all this time, had multiple thoughts flashing through his mind.

He didn't want to see Zhou Liangyun, a heroic figure who would rather risk his life in exchange for a square mansion from the Rothschild family, still being bullied in a rotten place like Aurous Hill Antique Street.

Therefore, his first thought was to call Orval Hong and ask him to keep a close eye on the antique street. Anyone who dared to cause trouble for Zhou Liangyun would be killed in the cradle as soon as possible.

But he also knew that a person like Zhou Liangyun, who had seen big storms and even the Rothschild family dared to be tough, would probably not be willing to be protected in a place like Aurous Hill. This kind of person is good at solving problems, even the smallest details. The problem should still come easily to him.

After thinking about it again and again, Charlie decided not to interfere too much for the time being, and let Zhou Liangyun deal with the local snakes in Aurous Hill on his own. I can keep an eye on it secretly. As long as the soldiers, including his father-in-law Jacob, didn't go too far, I believed Zhou Liangyun would be able to deal with it.

So, he deliberately said to Jacob: "Dad, if that boy Zhang Ermao comes up with any ideas, you should tell me when the time comes, and I will also give you some advice."

Jacob didn't know the current relationship between Charlie and Zhou Liangyun. He thought that Charlie was also dissatisfied with what happened back then, so he patted his chest and said, "Good son-in-law, don't worry, if there is any progress in this matter, dad will definitely follow up and communicate you in time." 

Claire on the side couldn't help but muttered: "Husband, if dad is ignorant, are you also ignorant? You don't want to get involved in this kind of thing."

"No." Charlie said with a smile: "I also want to help dad with some checks. This kind of thing must not be above the law. Otherwise, if things get serious and dad gets involved, I won't be able to get him out again."

As he said, He also reminded Jacob in a profound way: "Dad, I understand that you are angry, but I heard that Zhang Ermao is following Orval Hong now. You must not let him use Taoist methods to solve this matter, otherwise if something serious happens and you are sentenced to five or eight years, it will be a big loss. Mom has experience in this area, and life there is not easy."

Jacob didn't have any extra wisdom, so he He couldn't think of any way to take revenge at all. His simple idea was to ask Zhang Ermao to take a few people to follow him to the antique street and beat Zhou Liangyun violently.

But now when he heard Charlie say this, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

 So he could only mutter depressedly: "Even if I can't beat him half to death, I should at least let me slap him dozens of times. Otherwise, wouldn't those slaps I received in the first place be in vain?"

Claire immediately Said: "You can slap people in the face, but if they call the police after the slap, then you are intentionally hurting and provoking trouble. At the least, you will be detained for 15 days, and at the worst, you will be sent to squat for a few months. You can weigh it yourself."

"I ..." Jacob argued with a red face: "When they beat me, why didn't the police arrest them?"

Claire asked him: "Then why didn't you call the police?"

"Should I call the police?" Jacob said angrily. : "I smashed their bottle, and they asked me to pay more than five million yuan. I was afraid of losing the money and ran away. You asked me to call the police?"

Claire looked at him and said very seriously: "You didn't call the police at that time? It’s because you know that you are in the wrong and others have nothing to blame, so if you go to beat them up now, why don’t they call the police?”

Jacob was speechless for a moment and could only look at Charlie and said expectantly: "Good son-in-law, you show Feng Shui to rich and powerful people everywhere. You must have very good connections. If I hit Zhou Liangyun and he calls the police, Can't you find some connections for me?"

Charlie shook his head without hesitation and said, "I can't find any, not at all."

After that, he added: "I have an acquaintance in the detention center. If you go in, I can find someone to take care of you."

Jacob sighed dejectedly. He has always been timid, but he did not dare to act like a horse. Like Elaine, he went through the torture of the detention center.

However, he regained his composure after a while, clenched his fists and said: "It's okay, in the worst case, I'll find another way to get revenge. No matter what, since he dares to return to Aurous Hill, I am determined not to spare him. If I don't get this situation back, How will Jacob hang out in the antique street in the future?" 

After saying that, he turned around and left the restaurant without saying anything more.

Claire looked at Charlie helplessly and said, "Husband, you must always take good care of dad and don't let him cause trouble outside."

Charlie nodded lightly: "Don't worry, wife, I will do it."

The two cleaned up the restaurant together, and when they came out, Jacob was sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking tea and watching TV.

As for Elaine, she stayed by Jacob's side with a rare smile on her face, constantly helping him refill his water and add tea.

Seeing Charlie and Claire come out, Elaine quickly greeted them and said, "Claire, Charlie, you two come and sit for a while and try how mom makes the tea."

The two looked at each other and then said: Sat down on the sofa.

While pouring tea for the two of them, Elaine said to Claire with a smile: "By the way, Claire, mom was so busy being angry with your dad that she forgot to ask you, are you going to the United States to help that Miss Fei this time? How much did she give you?"

Claire said a little unnaturally: "Miss Fei gave me two million."

"Only two million?" Elaine was immediately disappointed and said angrily: "Okay… son-in-law can earn tens or even millions to show someone Feng Shui. How long does that take? You went to help her and worked for so long, and she only gave you two million? That's too stingy!"

Claire said awkwardly: "It's two million U.S. dollars..."

"What? U.S. dollars?!"

Elaine suddenly exclaimed: "How much is two million U.S. dollars? What is the exchange rate today?"

Jacob on the side quickly picked up his mobile phone to check. After checking, he blurted out: "Today's exchange rate is 7.2 yuan."

"I'll go!" Elaine said excitedly: "So, two million US dollars, that's more than 14 million! My dear Oh, more than 10 million! Our family has become rich!!"

Claire said hurriedly: "I didn't expect Miss Fei to give so much. She asked me to apply for a card at JP Morgan in the United States and said It was normal wages and subsidies. I didn’t expect to receive two million dollars from Fei’s Group just before I got on the plane. She said it was for my hard work, but I didn’t do much work, so how could I ask for so much money? , so all the way here I was thinking about how to give her back some of it."

Elaine hurriedly said: "My dear girl, are you stupid? Are you stupid?! Since they have given it to you, you can take it with peace of mind. What's the point of returning it to others? Isn't this spitting in their faces?"

Claire frowned and said, "Mom...what you said is too this the same thing?"

"Of course it is the same thing." Elaine said righteously: "Rich people care about face. If you don't want the money, then you don't give them face. Isn't that just like spitting in someone's face?"

After saying that, she quickly comforted and said: "Good girl, just take this money steadily, tens of millions of dollars. Don't be stupid, you know?"

Claire said frankly: "Mom, I didn't help them much when I went to the United States, and the project was not progressing smoothly. There are still disputes. Maybe all Ms. Fei's previous investment will be lost. In this situation, how can I get so much money from others? This money is too hot to hold."

"Hey!" Elaine curled her lips and said, "This is the first time I heard someone say that money is still hot. If it were me, let alone two million US dollars, even if it were two red-hot gold bars, I would never feel hot to put it in my pocket.!”

After saying that, she hurriedly added: “If you find it too hot, please give it to mom first. Mom will save it for you. When you and Charlie have children in the future, I will save it for my grandson to go to college!”

Charlie was amused when he heard this. Will he keep it for her grandson to go to college? Only Elaine could say this. If the two million US dollars were really given to her, she would probably spend them all before the child was born.

Claire also knew that his mother was absolutely unreliable when it came to money, so she said: "Mom, let me think about this matter again. My current thinking is that if the project becomes brighter in the future, I will use this money." I will not return it to Miss Fei. As long as she still needs my participation, I will follow this project to the end. But if this project cannot continue, then I will return at least half of it to her."

Elaine said quickly: " At most, half of it will be returned. How about you transfer one million US dollars to mom first, and she will go to the bank to buy a fixed term."

Claire said: "If I keep one million US dollars, I want to use it to develop the company. Now I am doing it. Being young is a good time to work hard on my career. It is definitely more meaningful to invest the money in the company than to deposit it in the bank."

Elaine was a little dissatisfied: "After all, you just don't believe mom?"

Claire was helpless. Said: "Mom, it's not that I don't believe you, it's that I really have my own plans for this money. When I went to the United States this time, I found that many design companies are taking the route of holding high and fighting hard, and they are trying to find ways to participate in various competitions. I have the opportunity to win awards. On the other hand, I will try my best to take on big projects to increase my visibility. The development direction is the same as that of those advertising companies. I also want to increase the scale of the company. While expanding the staff, I will also poach a few with high salaries who are well-known in the country. A well-known designer, in this case, maybe I can take on some larger real estate projects. This money is just the first phase of start-up capital."

After that, she looked at Elaine and said: "If you need money, I can give you 50,000 U.S. dollars, and treat it as my pocket money to honor you. You don’t have to save it for me. It’s completely up to you and I won’t interfere. Isn’t that okay?”

Elaine could give herself something after hearing this. Fifty thousand US dollars, she suddenly smiled and said: "Okay! I think it works! My daughter is amazing and has such a strong career ambition. If you really build a well-known domestic design brand, wouldn't our family be even more powerful?"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but think: "My son-in-law is a famous Feng Shui master, and my daughter is a famous designer. Our family has two money printing machines, and we can make endless money!"

Jacob on the side did not expect Elaine to say After just a few words, he got fifty thousand US dollars. He was so itchy that he couldn't help coughing twice and said: " are so powerful now, and dad is very happy. I wonder if I can let dad share your Success too."?"

Claire nodded: "Okay dad, I will give you fifty thousand US dollars."

Jacob smiled and said with joy: "Then I will thank my daughter in advance!"

Claire did not delay, she immediately took out her mobile phone and transferred $50,000 to each of their accounts.

The two of them were naturally happy after receiving the money. Elaine looked at the words "50,000 U.S. dollar deposits" on the account and couldn't help but sigh: "If my daughter and her good son-in-law continue to move forward, maybe our family will not be as different from Han Meiqing in the future.!"

Jacob said awkwardly: "Why did you mention Han Meiqing again..."

Elaine quickly explained: "I don't mean anything else, but the more I think about her doing so well, the worse I feel. It's not balanced. How much money does the good son-in-law say she has? How many billions?"

Charlie said casually: "A conservative estimate, one billion US dollars."

"One billion US dollars..." Elaine murmured: "One hundred million is just that. One hundred is one million, and one billion is one thousand. Based on the initial two million US dollars for a project, you have to do at least five hundred..."

Charlie said quickly: "Mom, don't think about this. , the interest earned on other people's money in the bank is tens of millions of dollars a year, what's the comparison?"

As he said that, Charlie thought about it. He would have to be a witness for Han Meiqing and He Yuanjiang next week. If Elaine couldn't figure it out in the past few days and some evil moth came, it would not end well, so then he said: "Dad, Mom, you two have been working very hard during this time. Why don't you find a resort to have fun and treat it like a second honeymoon? How about you two choose a place and I will give out money after you have chosen it?"

When Elaine heard this, she said happily: "Okay! That's great! I haven't traveled for a while! I didn't have much chance to have fun last time in the United States. I was cheated."

After that, she looked at Jacob and complained: "You didn't care at all when we got married. It's okay if the wedding is not a grand event, and you didn't even take me on our honeymoon!"

Jacob laughed twice: "You ran away with the ball at that time, where should I take you for your honeymoon..."

After saying that, he quickly added: "But since the good son-in-law said so, then you can choose the one you like. It’s a place where I can catch up on my honeymoon!”

Not only did Elaine not travel for a long time, but Jacob also didn’t go out to play for a long time.

The last time I went to South Korea for exchange, He thought it was a trip of love and career. Unexpectedly, he was so suppressed by He Yuanjiang's halo that he couldn't open his eyes. He even lost his love in South Korea, so that trip was very difficult for him. There's absolutely nothing to be happy about.

In addition, the recent news that Han Meiqing is getting married has made him really unhappy. Being able to go out for fun is definitely a good opportunity to relax and change his mood.

What's more, Charlie spent money without having to pay a dime.

When Elaine heard what Jacob said, she naturally yearned for it, so she asked Jacob: "Where is the most fun?"

Jacob thought for a while and asked tentatively: "Europe? Or resorts like the Maldives or Mauritius? "

Elaine suddenly thought of something and blurted out: "Will Han Meiqing also have a honeymoon after getting married? Where are they going?"

Jacob said awkwardly: "Then I don't know where to go."

Elaine thought for a while and blurted out : "A woman like Han Meiqing, who likes to pretend to be artistic, will most likely find a picturesque tropical island to enjoy the natural scenery. I don't want to bump into her. When they live in the presidential suite, they will be everywhere. Private jet, I'm afraid I'll be so angry that I'm going to die abroad."

Jacob said subconsciously: "The world is so big, how could we meet them by chance..."

Elaine said seriously: "As long as a person with this kind of energy can get up, , Drinking cold water can stuff your teeth, and farting can bring out shit."

As she said, she had an idea and said excitedly: "I thought of it! Let's go to a vulgar place! As long as it's vulgar enough, I will definitely not meet Han Meiqing!"

Jacob asked her: "Where is the more vulgar place? Xinma, Thailand?"

Elaine pouted: "In what age do you still go to Xinma, Thailand? It's OK to be vulgar, but you can't be vulgar. You have to Rich and vulgar!"

After that, she said with a firm tone: "If we want to go, let's go to Dubai! In a place like this where people spend a lot of money and live in extravagance, Han Meiqing will not even go there for her honeymoon. It's a good place to shop. Shopping and spending money, what is the purpose of giving these dollars to my daughter? Isn't it just to go shopping abroad?"

"Hey..." Jacob gave a thumbs up: "I really have it for you! Then go to Dubai!"

Elaine looked at Charlie again and asked him: "Good son-in-law, what do you think of Dubai?"

Charlie nodded: "I think it's okay, then let's book Dubai."

Elaine exclaimed with a hint of something in his words: "Good son-in-law, what do you think of Dubai?" It's just that the consumption in Dubai is not low..."

Charlie waved his hand and said cheerfully: "Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of it. Didn't Claire give you one hundred thousand US dollars? I'll give you one hundred thousand US dollars too!"

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3012 update | Chapter 6271 & 6272 Chapter 3012 should be the same | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3012 should be the same

In the afternoon, Charlie  said goodbye to Helena, said goodbye to Zhou Liangyun, and left to return to the United States alone.

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

  Not far from Ottawa to Burlington, but the border is a little more troublesome, but the relatively lax management of the US-Canada border, coupled with the absence of the Rothschilds secretly watching, is not difficult for Charlie . 

  After a smooth entry into the United States, Charlie drove to Burlington, where his plane was waiting and ready to take off.

  At the small airport a few dozen kilometers from Burlington International Airport, DHS was still conducting an extremely detailed search of the Gulfstream 650, but there was no valuable discovery.

  The DHS also began to wonder if this would be an outright prank, or if the intelligence officer was mistaken, but as long as there were no turning arrows in the bow, they would have to scrupulously search the plane to complete the case.

  However, this does not affect the normal operation of Burlington International Airport.

  Charlie  arrived at Burlington International Airport and passed through customs and boarded a special plane to return to China.

  And at this moment, Wu Feiyan took Wu Tianlin to the door of the navigation company that had been temporarily suspended.

  The previous fire scene, after police investigation, had determined that there were no casualties, so it was also dealt with in accordance with the general accident for the time being, so the police had long been evacuated clean and clean.

  Since the airline had just had a major accident, and now Chen Zhimin is missing, and no money has been approved for reconstruction, it has basically stalled, leaving only one security guard at the scene, and everyone else has taken a holiday.

  When Wu Feiyan and Wu Tianlin went to the door of the general aviation company, the security personnel outside the door said: “ embarrassed two people,business here has stopped.”

  Wu Feiyan glanced at him and said in a cold voice: “ open the door.”

  The man looked surprised, quickly opened the door, respectfully said: “ two please.”

  Wu Feiyan, seeing that he had not looked at him again, walked straight in, and Wu Tianlin followed closely.

  It was easy to get a few security guards under control, then walke in with Wu Tianlin and swaggeringly.

  Wu Feiyan felt that if you really want to find clues related to Chen Zhimin, this is the most critical place.

  At this time, the hangar of the burned-out helicopter was shocking and was supposed to stop in the hangar

There must have been somewhere else, but I can't imagine that since everything happened in the bustling metropolis of New York, the other party can't have the powerful weapon of the near-defense gun, so what exactly did they use to make Zhongyong don't even have the chance of martyrdom died?”

  For many years, Wu Feiyan has been instilling the significance of the Niwan Palace in the four earls, who have already firmly believed that if they encounter dangers and cannot escape, they will definitely open the Niwan Palace in the first place.

  As long as the Niwan Palace is opened, the formation they have left in their Niwan Palace will be martyred, and if it is martyred in a bustling city like New York, buildings within a few hundred meters will probably be spared.

  As Wu Feiyan could not think of any logic, she suddenly saw something and immediately walked to the center of the hangar.

  In the centre of the hangar ruins, a skeletonised helicopter stands in solitude as a backdrop to the.

  The helicopter has four crossed rotors, one of which appears to have some less visible damage to its tail.

  Wu Feiyan immediately walked forward, carefully observed the small damage on the rotor, and suddenly thumped in her heart, and said: “ I know how Zhongyong Bo died.”

  Wu Tianlin came forward and asked, How did the “ hero and Zhongyong Bo die?”

  Wu Feiyan sullenly face, said:“ If I guess right, he should have been decapitated by this rotor.”

  Wu TianLing was horrified:“ actually has this strange thing?!”

  Wu Feiyan said coldly: “ the damage on the rotor, consistent with the width of the human cervical spine, normally, this part of the site can not be subject to this inconspicuous damage, and, on the night of the incident, Chen Zhimin let the helicopter fly to the top floor of the Manhattan hospital, and then Zhongyong Bo just stared at the antique dealer in the Manhattan hospital…… Several key factors emerged at Manhattan Hospital, and it made sense to use it to cut off the head of Zhongyong Bo.” 

  Wu Tianlin's puzzled question: “ Zhongyong Bo can not make such a stupid mistake, you just said that he did not even have the chance of martyrdom before his death, that is to say, someone took advantage of his unprepared, directly put his head into this rotor?”

  “ should be this.” Wu Feiyan sighed and said seriously: “ the person who killed him, and the person who killed Jian Gongfu and Chang Shengbei should be the same.”

Friday, January 12, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2995 update | Chapter 6237 & 6238 Chapter 2995 No starting position | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2995: No starting position

Hearing the other person's answer, Wu Feiyan's heart sank deeper.

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

  Both Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo disappeared at this hospital, and when Chen Zhimin's assistant died at this hospital, it is needless to think and know that there must be hidden enemies.

  Now three people have only one body left, and the other two are like evaporation, which makes Wu Feiyan extremely nervous.

  Considering that Chen Zhimin's assistant was found dead in the morning, and that Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo were positioned to disappear in the early morning hours before dawn, Wu Feiyan speculated that if they had really been attacked, they should have solved Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo first, and then killed Chen Zhimin's assistant.

  She couldn't help asking herself in the bottom of her heart: “ why did the other party not let go of Chen Zhimin's assistant who was hit by the car? What threat does a patient in a hospital bed pose to him? Has that assistant seen him?”

  Thinking of this, she immediately asked the police officer: “ there is no evidence that the deceased was murdered?”

  The police shook his head: “ is presumed to have been killed, but no direct evidence has been found, and we are now investigating morphine use from various departments in Manhattan Hospital to see if we can find clues.”

  Wu Feiyan asked, “ about how long it takes?”

  The police thought to themselves: “ A significant portion of the New York police force is now working with the Rothschilds to find their stolen antiques, so the investigation of this case should be slower, at least two or three months, I personally estimate.”

  “ two three months?!” Wu Feiyan hated the straight gnashing of teeth and asked: “ did you have the surveillance video from yesterday to this morning?”

  The police said truthfully: “ found out this morning that all surveillance footage had been destroyed.”

  Wu Feiyan also asked: “ that data can not be recovered?”

  The police shook their heads: “ could not recover, the other party's means were very professional, all storage equipment was completely destroyed, and after evaluation, the professional found that even one byte could not be restored.”

  Wu Feiyan's heart is angry.

  She had already probed the entire Manhattan hospital with aura, and she was unaware of the half-fragile marks, which proved that the other side had already handled the scene very clean.

  Now even the surveillance video is completely destroyed and can not be recovered, which means that the other side has broken the clue from the perspective of criminal investigation.

  She pressed the tension in her heart and asked the police officer:“, did you know master Chen Zhimin's movements?”

  “ does not.” The policeman said truthfully: “ We tried many ways to contact Chen Zhimin, but there was no audio, and we speculated that he had disappeared.”

  Wu Feiyan was extremely depressed, and her expression was angry.

  She never thought that she was looking forward to arriving in New York to get the treasure of the Sifang Bao Building, but she did not expect that the news of the Sifang Bao Building had not been found, and that her two generals had disappeared at the same time without leaving any clues.

  In anger, she asked again: “ Chen Zhimin disappeared here in the early morning of this morning, how did he leave the hospital, do you not know?”

  “ does not.” The policeman said truthfully: “ all the surveillance videos have been gone, and we can only rely on the criminal investigation expert for clues

Locations were searched on the spot, but clues were also destroyed, and even a complete footprint and fingerprints could not be extracted, so it was not known how they left.”

  As the heart of Howard Rothschild, Hank, although not an Oriental martial arts, is a very professional top agent who is very good at dealing with all kinds of traces, and Ye Charlie left him here to finish yesterday, which is to clean up all the clues, Let the police and Wu Feiyan not find any breakthrough point for a while and a half. 

  Wu Feiyan also felt a deep sense of powerlessness, she thought of the Sifang Bao Building, and asked: “ the antique dealer named Zhou Peter, was he protected here before? Where is he now?”

  That police said: “ week Peter was acquitted last night and the responsible police officer who protected him and Fbi were withdrawn overnight.” was not known

  Wu Feiyan frowned tighter, her heart was teetering: “ two of my generals are missing, the antique dealer is also missing, is the mysterious enemy also staring at the Sifang Bao House?!”

  “ It must be so! The mysterious person has a deep relationship with Master and may also know the origin and use of the Sifang Bao Building, but this matter is strengthened by him first?!”

  At the thought of this, Wu Feiyan was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot.

  Zhong Yong Bo and Chen Zhimin are important to her, but they are not worth mentioning compared with the Sifang Bao Building, which can affect the world social network.

  If the Sifang Bao Building can affect the social millet of Datang One country in that year, if she can get the treasure house, the operation of the Po Qing Society will surely be greatly assisted, and maybe it will multiply its strength;

  And for Wu Feiyan, more importantly, if the movement of the Po Qing Society flies into the sky, her personal fortune of Wu Feiyan will also be unreachable.

  She felt that her luck in finding the secret of her life and the key to the next five hundred years had been bad, and that the Po Qing Society had recently been repeatedly created by an enemy hidden in the dark, and even Wu Feiyan was tortured to sleep. These things revealed a fact, That is Wu Feiyan's movement has begun to decline sharply.

  Although Wu Feiyan is very strong, she has lived for four hundred years, and her life style, like a towering tree with four hundred years, has been strengthened by four hundred rings, and has been strong as iron. Even she herself can not resolve it.

  Even if you call a Feng Shui master like Lai Tsinghua, in the face of this super-numerous life of four hundred years of buff, you will not be able to solve the dilemma of life for her.

  Therefore, Wu Feiyan feels that the dilemma in her own life can only be solved by the national heavy weapon of the Sifang Bao Building.

  Because of this, she has already made up her mind this time in New York, and it is absolutely impossible to lose the antique.

  It was also because she had to get to the Sifang Bao Building that she asked Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo to look at the antique dealer together.

  After all, in her opinion, the antique dealer was the only clue to the Sifang Bao, and if she could pry open his mouth, she would be sure to get the Sifang Pao.

  But now the Sifang bao is unaccounted for, the only antique dealer with a clue also missing a few hours ago, the clue about the Sifang Bao was completely severed at once!

  Wu Feiyan, who was furious, saw that the police in front of her could not find any valuable clues, and looked at another police officer and asked in a cold voice: “ about the few questions I just asked, do you have any clues to supplement?”

  The policeman shook his head and said, “, I have nothing to add.”

  Wu Feiyan expressed disappointment and said to the two people in a cold voice: “ you two remember, do not mention to anyone what happened to me, if you have any progress and clues here, go to Starbucks across from the hospital to find me.”

  The two police officers still looked empty, but their expressions were very firm and nodded respectfully: “ remembered!”

  Wu Feiyan ignored the two and turned around and left the hospital.

  Wu Tianlin and others outside the hospital, saw Wu Feiyan come out so soon, and asked in a low voice before her: “ British Lord, how did you come out so soon? Have you found any clue?”

  Wu Feiyan shook her head gloomily, she now feels that everything seems to be unable to start, but she can not give up on this, so she said to Wu Tianlin in a cold voice: “ you go to inform the left army of the governor of Wu Yongzhen, let him mobilize the left army of the governor of the United States all the intelligence network, at all costs to find Chen Zhimin、 Zhongyong Bo, and the whereabouts of the antiques dealer! They would have a big reward if anyone could find!”

  Wu Tianlin said:“ good British master, this I will notify him!“

  Saying that, Wu Tianlin asked again: “ British Lord, do you see if you need to arrange a hotel to temporarily settle down?”

  Wu Feiyan shook her head and pointed to Starbucks across the road and said: “ go there, I want a coffee.”

  Wu Tianlin hurriedly followed Wu Feiyan across the road and came to the Starbucks store to find a window seat and sit down.

  Subsequently, Wu Tianlin graciously ordered an ice American for Wu Feiyan, respectfully served to Wu Feiyan in front of him, and then said: “ British Lord, Wu Yongzheng has already started action over there.” 

  “ good.” Wu nodded, resulting in a cup of coffee, but she did not drink it, and looked through the window at the Manhattan hospital building.

  Immediately afterwards, she saw a policeman scurrying out, the very one who had been questioned by herself.

  As she saw the other person running towards her Starbucks, she suddenly heard a happy thought: “ is no longer a clue?”

  With this in mind, Wu Feiyan silently read the tips of the law, releasing a little aura, and all the guests in the whole Starbucks are instantly controlled by her, ignoring her everything and deaf to her.

  Soon, the police officer ran to Starbucks, met Wu Feiyan, and ran to her, respectfully said: “ we just confirmed one thing.”

  Wu Feiyan said coldly:” quickly!“

  The police officer said truthfully: “ had a patient reaction, and in the early hours of this morning, a helicopter movement was heard above the hospital!”

  Wu Feiyan frowned: “ MoF they fled by helicopter?”

  Thinking of this, she immediately told Wu Tianlin Road: “ informe Wu Yongzhen to thorough

ly check all the helicopters under the name of Ann and see which one had been to the Manhattan hospital in the morning!”

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Monday, December 11, 2023

Chapter 2962 break through

 Chapter 2962 break through


The Zhou family estate is dark at this time.

The windows in the villa next door were shaded by Rothschild staff, so it also looked as if no one was living.

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

As soon as night came, the villa stopped its vehicles and all the vehicles parked inside were silent, but outsiders did not know that in this quiet villa, more than forty people, including Steve Rothschild and Royce Rothschild, were gathered. 

Of the more than forty people, almost thirty, except Steve and his son, were in charge of monitoring every move of the Zhou family estate at all times, and the remaining ten were in full charge of the security of the villa.

The Rothschilds all attach great importance to their own security, not to mention that this time they came to the scene, the eldest son and eldest son of the current Rothschild patriarch, so even if they gave Zhou Jiabu a network, they were still afraid to take care of the safety of the core members of the family.

Worried about the dangers to his forefathers, Steve Rothschild approached Hank to confirm his level of safety at the villa.

To reassure Steve Rothschild, Hank is proud to introduce him that the “ major, we are all the best agents here, all equipped with anti-Intelligence equipment, and once the detector finds that anyone who is not wearing an identification device has appeared, All will immediately transmit the position fact to the sniper;”

“, and each of us has our own identification equipment, the system will immediately verify his identity, once any monitoring equipment to his face, will immediately start the face recognition system to confirm whether it is me, if it is me, then determine security, if it is not me then it will immediately alert; ”

“ In addition, all the staff outside wear a 24-hour non-closeable recorder, the recorder is uploaded to the cloud in real time, and the intelligence center is responsible for storage and analysis. As long as any two people can follow suit, they can cross-judge whether the other party is themselves.”, your safety can also be guaranteed here.

Hearing this, Steve seems to have put his heart down completely, and he has nothing to do, but to stay here with his son and wait for Hank to seize the clue and find out the Quartet!


At the same time, after nightfall, Charlie asked Qiang Zai to get him a car and drove in the dark to New Jersey, where the Zhou family estate was located.

Since New York and New Jersey are adjacent, many middle-class people and small and medium-sized wealthy people in New York choose to buy houses in New Jersey in order to pursue the quality of living. The nearest place is less than an hour's drive from New York. For Americans who are used to driving to commute, In terms of distance, this distance is not that far.

After Charlie drove to New Jersey, he did not go directly to the Zhou family manor. He first parked the car on the roadside of the block about one kilometer away from the Zhou family, ordered a cup of coffee from a roadside cafe, and sat by the window of the coffee shop. He drank on the seat next to him and explored the surrounding environment.

Since the Zhou family's manor is located at the end of a road, this is the only way to get to the Zhou family's manor.

While drinking coffee, Charlie discovered that there were two black Cadillac SUVs parked outside the motel across the road. Although both cars were turned off and the windows were heavily filmed, there was actually something inside. There are always people, and there are four people in each car.

Charlie guessed that these people should be the subordinates of the Rothschild family. They are always on standby here. If there is any emergency, the eight people can go to support immediately.

Moreover, the SUV they ride in has strong performance and heavy weight, and is most suitable for interception. It will not be afraid of ordinary cars in front of it, even if it collides head-on.

Charlie couldn't help but secretly think that these people had already started setting up a dragnet a kilometer away. If they got closer, he didn't know how many people would be keeping an eye on them.

It seems that if you want to take the Sifang Baozhu away from here without exposing yourself as much as possible, it is indeed not that easy.

At this time, several middle-aged men in plain clothes walked into the coffee shop. Charlie looked at a few more people and found that their walking gait, body posture and control of subtle movements all seemed to be well-trained. They are all professionals, so he stirred the coffee in the cup silently, quietly observing these people.

A few people chose a table in the corner by the window and ordered a few cups of coffee from the waiter. After the waiter left, one of them looked at the motel outside the window and cursed in a low voice: "These Rothschilds are the last ones. It’s better not to cause any trouble for us, because once they cause another big scandal, our reputation will be completely ruined.”

The other person nodded, lowered his voice and said: "Come on what he means now is for us to keep an eye on him here for the time being.

If they behave inappropriately, we will Immediately step forward to stop it, but the superiors also remind us not to move first.

The Rothschild people are now very Sensitive, once we get too close to the Zhou family, they will look for us trouble. "

The man from before sighed helplessly: "They don't pay attention to the FBI at all. It's pointless for us to keep an eye on them. Look at their personnel and equipment. They are several times better than us. They really want to do something." We can't stop it."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and said: "I heard from people in the equipment department that the Rothschild family has transferred several sets of the most high-end thermal imaging equipment. Within a few hundred meters, even they ocan tell whether a mouse is male or female, but you don't know what they are going to do. "

The colleague opposite smiled slightly and said: "Unable to stop is the true intention of the higher-ups. If the Rothschild family insists on doing something, no one can stop them, and there is no chance for the White House. We only need to act like we are blocking them." The mission has been completed. If public opinion really collapses, we can still explain that we did stop them, but they didn't take us seriously at all. "

The third person who had been silent until now suddenly spoke: "Did you see the helicopter passing by in the afternoon?"

"I saw it." The other two people nodded, and one of them asked: "Is there anything special about helicopters? The Rothschild family has arranged at least a dozen helicopters near here."

The third person pretended to be mysterious and said: "Those helicopters are just waiting secretly nearby. None of them has flown within a mile of Zhou's house. The one in the afternoon is the only exception. You know who is sitting on that helicopter?" Who is it?"

The two people quickly asked: "Who is it?"

The third person whispered: "I don't have exact information about who it is, but I am certain that the people on that helicopter are direct members of the Rothschild family!"

"Really?" The two looked stunned, and one of them quickly said: "Direct members of the Rothschild family are also here? What are they here for?"

The man said: "I don't know what he is doing specifically, but it can be seen from Rothschild's series of actions that the Zhou family is very important to them. Yesterday, the director went to have a meeting above. I heard him talking to the deputy The director talked and said that almost the entire Rothschild family had mobilized and put the entire New York and an area of ​​200 miles under martial law!"

Say?" "Martial law?" one of them asked: "Why didn't I listen?

The man explained: "The current martial law is not open to the public. The police come out to block all land transportation. All vehicles leaving the designated area must be inspected. The reason they use is anti-drug. They say that based on the tip, a large amount of drugs have entered the country. new york; "circle"

“In addition, passengers on all departing planes must go through two security checks, and the goods loaded into the warehouse must be security checked.

Everyone must go through security checks again, otherwise they will not be able to take off. This is done secretly and is not known to the outside world; "

"In addition, all cargo ships are prohibited from leaving the port, and the customs will conduct one-by-one inspections. The customs' external rhetoric is that a batch of nuclear materials that can be used as weapons are currently leaving New York and being delivered to terrorists. In fact, this is It’s a fcuking fart. Who in their brains would sell nuclear materials from New York? There are fart nuclear materials in New York, but it’s just a trick of the Rothschild family.”

As he said that, the man added: "Oh, by the way, even helicopters can't leave New York now. The whole of New York has been surrounded by an iron barrel!"

"Who did you hear this from?" The first person asked with some confusion: "Why didn't I hear about such a big movement?"

The man explained: "This has just started today. Currently, there are a group of core members of the Rothschild family staring at every aspect of the land, water and air. A group of high-ranking guys are now scrambling like crazy. I don’t know what they are doing.”

Another person sighed: "I'm too lazy to care what they are going to do. I just know that I have to stay up all night again tonight. I don't know what to do with such a hard life."

Time is the end. "

At this time, the waiter came over with three cups of coffee. The three of them exchanged glances and stopped talking in low voices. 

They thought that other people would not overhear the three people whispering in the corner, but they did not expect that every word they talked about fell clearly into Charlie's ears.

Charlie's heart moved. In his opinion, the Rothschild family was strictly guarding the Zhou Manor in order to find the Sifang Treasure Building. Now that even the core members have flown to the front line, they must be here to grab military glory.

If no one from the Rothschild family came, it would be really difficult for me to take away the Sifang Treasure Building under the nose of so many professional equipment.

Now that the core members of the Rothschild family have arrived, it is equivalent to a breakthrough. It is like someone is handing you a pillow if you feel sleepy!

If you want to take the Sifang Baozhu away from here without anyone noticing, and take it all the way out of the United States, the best way is to let people from the Rothschild family act as mules for transporting human flesh.

No matter who is coming from the Rothschild family this time, there is no doubt that they are here to help me!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2945 update | Chapter 6137 & 6138 Chapter 2945 Look forward, move forward | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels


Chapter 2945 Look forward, move forward

At this moment, Charlie could no longer control his emotions, lowered his head and covered his face, crying loudly!

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

When he was young, his parents were killed. For many years after that, he often felt ashamed of living alone and living alone.

If it weren't for Aunt Li's constant care and guidance for more than ten years, he might have become depressed and distorted, and even ended his life at a certain point in time.

Since he obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures", he has the ability to explore some hidden details of his parents' death.

When he knew that the reason why he was able to grow up safely in an orphanage was all arranged by his father during his lifetime, his sense of shame doubled instantly.

But now, when he learned that the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" was left by his father for him, even the ascending dragon destiny that he opened the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scripture" was his father who stripped his own destiny and blessed it in his own. When he was wearing it, he was so ashamed that he felt ashamed.

What made Charlie even more tortured was Zhou Liangyun's words just now. He said that stripping away one's fate was the cruelest thing he had ever seen in his life... 

Seeing Charlie collapse and cry, Zhou Liangyun put his hand on his shoulder. , said with relief, "Master, you don't have to blame yourself for this. This is your father's willing decision. He knows that if he doesn't give you his destiny, he will not be able to escape death, and you will not be able to escape death, and you will have to give up your destiny. After giving it to you, although he is powerless, you will have a chance to survive and defeat Wu Feiyan..." 

Speaking of this, Zhou Liangyun said again, " Now it seems that your father's choice was correct. You have obtained the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures". Given time, you will definitely be able to kill Wu Feiyan and avenge your parents!" 

Charlie nodded heavily while sobbing. At this moment, he realized that he had been trusted by his father for a long time.

Destroying the PoQing Society and killing Wu Feiyan are the marks that have been engraved on his bones since he was a child!

Only by achieving these two goals can he comfort his parents' spirits in heaven and be worthy of the other dragon's destiny given to him by his father!

At the same time, Charlie couldn't help but ask, "Uncle Zhou, were you there when my father separated his fate from me?"

 "Yes." Zhou Liangyun nodded and said, "At that time, your father asked me to come here from the United States. , firstly because he was afraid of accidents during the process of stripping off the destiny, and secondly because he wanted to give me the jade pot spring bottle containing the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" after the destiny stripping off, so that I could take it with me overnight. After returning to the United States, I kept the jade pot and spring vase hidden in an unknown place. It wasn't until Mr. Lai solved your dilemma in the shoal that I took it out and brought it back to China." 


Charlie After hesitating for a moment, he asked, "Uncle Zhou, can you tell me how fate is separated? Or, what kind of scene did you see?" 

Zhou Liangyun hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "Master, I don't know How to peel off the fate grid? After all, I am not LongGe, and I have not understood the things written in the "Nine Mysteries Sutra Preface". As for what the scene was at that time, to this day, you no longer need to know this, and I have no intention of telling you. You, I will tell you the hidden secrets and the whole story of the past today. From now on, you should look forward and move forward, and stop looking back at the past."

Charlie murmured, "I just want to know what my father went through back then... "

Zhou Liangyun nodded and said very understandingly, "I understand how you feel, but too many fetters will only become yours.Inner demons and nightmares, aside from other things, even if you let me recall those years again, it will be an unbearable burden for me, so I ask for your forgiveness, young master..." 


Charlie pursed his lips for a long time and nodded gently

Zhou Liangyun nodded.

Seeing that he no longer insisted, Zhou Liangyun changed the topic and said, "By the way, young master, I have hidden the Sifang Baozhuang in the same place. After you leave here, you must take it out as soon as possible and bring it back to China as soon as possible." . 

Charlie nodded and asked him, "Uncle Zhou, where did you hide the Sifang Baobang?" "

Zhou Liangyun smiled and said, "The square treasure building is hidden outside the door of the Zhou family's manor in New Jersey, near New York. "

As he spoke, Zhou Liangyun added, "Outside the gate of my manor, there is a pair of very majestic stone lions. Inside the base of the male lion, there is a hidden compartment. The four-sided treasure building is hidden there. It is not difficult to open the hidden compartment. , just use a small crane or forklift to lift the male lion's body directly, the base will open, and the hidden compartment will be inside. "

Charlie asked in surprise, "Such an important thing has always been placed at your door? "

"yes. "Zhou Liangyun smiled and said, "The Rothschild family has already searched all the properties, all the shops and all the related places of our Zhou family countless times. In my family's manor, the walls, ceilings and underground, combined, There were a total of sixteen hidden compartments, and they had already used the most professional equipment to dig through them, but they never dreamed that the things were actually in the stone lion at the door. "


As he spoke, Zhou Liangyun added, "By the way, the jade pot spring vase containing the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" has been hidden there for the past twenty years without any changes. The United States is originally a sparsely populated place. Not in the city center, every house is quite large. It is very common to see two stone lions at the entrance of a Chinese manor. Only by hiding here can I ensure maximum safety. Otherwise, no matter where I hide, I will leave traces during my actions. , As long as they follow a little bit, they can find it sooner or later, but if this thing has never left my house, then they won't be able to catch any clues;" 

"Besides, my house is located in a remote place, and the manor is at the end of a small road. There is no surveillance at the door, and there are no outsiders. The entire process can be kept absolutely confidential. To them, this thing is as if it has disappeared from the world, and the stone will last forever. Not to mention twenty years, even two hundred years will not be given to it. No matter what impact it brings, it can always stand there and keep guarding the secrets inside. "

When Charlie heard this, he couldn't help but marvel. Being able to put such an important thing at an undefended door really requires a very strong mentality. It can be seen that Zhou Liangyun himself is also a very courageous and courageous person. You are an awesome person who dares to think and do it.

At this time, Zhou Liangyun reminded Charlie again, "By the way, young master, although it has been a few months since the incident happened, it cannot be ruled out that the Rothschild family is still secretly watching my family, but I believe that with your The strength should not be discovered by them. "


Charlie nodded, "Don't worry, Uncle Zhou, this matter is not a problem for me. After I go out, I will bring the Sifang Baozhu back to China as soon as possible. After I return it to Zhao in its entirety, I will let people Releasing the news made the Rothschild family completely give up. "

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As he said, Charlie thought of something again and said, "Just letting them give up would be too easy for them. This matter must ruin their reputation. I will find a way to let them send you out personally and give you your freedom. ! " add friend to get updates

Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain

 Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain Sometimes, making the other party despair appropriately is also a strategic method. If you meet a friend who ...