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Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2914 update | Chapter 6075 & 6076 Chapter 2914 live on | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 2914 Live on

Antonio gave full play to his identity as the underground emperor in New York. Any gang leader who was notified by him was just a fart and a hurry.

    However, no one could expect that the one waiting for them on Chinatown was full of tied flowers and stinky rags, and finally squatted with the hands and second hands of a group of fraternal units. On the corner of the second floor of the roast goose shop.

    As more and more people arrive, Antonio becomes more and more panicked.

    Taking advantage of the gap that the last wave had just brought to the second floor and the next wave had not yet arrived, he couldn't help the poor Baba's question Charlie: “ Mr. Wade... These gang bosses were deceived by me to Syria, I alone sold all the gang bosses in New York, and everyone came back to Syria,If they started to beat me together, I wouldn’t die there...”

    Charlie smiled and asked him: “ What do you think you should do? ”

    Antonio swallowed the saliva and said carefully: “ You see I have cooperated so much, or leave me in New York, behind you and the strong boy...”

    Charlie asked: “ Staying in New York is not afraid that people will avenge you?You deceived the bosses of these gangs to Syria. Guess their family will desperately find you? ”

    Antonio smoked the corner of his mouth, tentative question: “Mr. Wade, why don’t you just let me go back to Sicily...”

Charlie patted his shoulder, and said plainly: “ OK Antonio, don’t fcuking dream, you Sicilian good men are all over Europe and America, but no one goes to Syria to build a career. You might as well represent the people of Sicily. It's a battle for the people of Sicily; ”

    “ In addition, as for your safety issues, you don’t have to worry. Although the place you are going to is a bit behind, it is also a place where the rule of law is said. Who beats and beats, who kills and who pays for your life, whoever really killed you,My old friend Commander Hamid will definitely avenge you. Unlike New York, you killed so many people. New York can still keep you at large and leave you in New York. You must not be able to live for a week. ”

    Antonio saw Charlie's iron plate together, and he didn't give himself a little loosening at all, and his heart was dead.

    However, Charlie's words also gave him a little comfort in talking about better than nothing. It felt like everyone was in jail together. Anyway, the prison guards and the warden deterred everyone, making everyone afraid to be too presumptuous.

    It's just that this time I really offended the gang upstairs and died. Even if there is still a chance to return to New York in the future, I am afraid there will be no good life.

    The people were kept tied up until early in the morning.

    The gang bosses who came after the burning of the angel, before they figured out what was going on, they were directly tied into hairy crabs, and their mouths were blocked. There was no chance to ask the whole story. I don’t know it until now. The boss he has always trusted, Sicily’s pride, and famous Antonio Zano,Why did he cheat them here.

    Charlie didn't talk nonsense with them. People came and tied them up and threw them upstairs to let Qiangzi stare. Who dared to move, struggled, and dared to make an undesirable sound, and directly poured a pot of water to pour the crotch.

    Pouring the crotch sounds cruel, but it is still far from the means of these gang buddies.

    However, this method is surprisingly effective. A pot of boiling water is in front of you. Dozens of gang bosses who kill people without blinking are stunned.

    In the early morning, the Joseph Wan rushed to New York on a Concorde passenger plane with more than a dozen soldiers.

    The Joseph Wan did not know what happened to Charlie suddenly letting himself come to New York, so he didn't dare to delay and went straight to Chinatown for a moment.

    After the arrival of Joseph Wan, when he saw Charlie on the first floor, he said respectfully: “Mr. Wade, you are in a hurry to let your subordinates come. What is your command? ”

  Charlie pointed to Antonio on the side, and said: “ This is the boss of the New York Mafia. You know, there are many people with heads and faces in the New York gang upstairs. You will say hello one by one for a while. This group of people is cheap. I can handle them alone, and they are not convinced,You have to be famous, background, and teamed to truly calm them. After dawn, you take him with his little brothers to leave the United States by boat, and then turn to Syria and give it directly to Hamid. ”

    The Joseph Wan immediately nodded and said: “Good Mr. Wade, what else do you have to explain to your subordinates, or let your subordinates pass it on to Commander Hamid? ”

   Charlie glanced at Antonio and said: “ This Antonio is an absolute Sicilian good boy, but he was lame, telling Hamid that Syria’s medical conditions are limited, so he doesn’t have to bother to treat him. Find a carpenter and give him a deputy abduction. Hamid has been building fortifications,There must be a lack of labor, and limping a leg does not delay his work. ”

    Antonio heard this and wanted to die here on the spot, and he struggled for a lifetime. He never thought that he would become this field now.

    At this time, Charlie asked Qiangzai to go upstairs again and brought Oman Ramovic down.

    Oman Ramovic had seen the world, and immediately recognized him the moment he saw the Joseph Wan.

    At this moment, Oman Ramovich's heart was naturally shocked.

    Unexpectedly, Charlie could swing to the Joseph Wan. It was only a few hours since last night and now that the Joseph Wan could appear in New York in such a short time.

  Charlie asked Qiang to bring Amanramovich to the front, instructing Qiangzai to pull out the rags in his mouth.

    Oman Ramovich said with great respect: “Mr. do you ask me?”

   Charlie pointed to the Joseph Wan, and said lightly: “ Haven’t you always been curious about my relationship with Wanlong Temple? Now the Master Wan is here, let him tell you. ”

    Joseph Wan's military expression is awkward, and if he is afraid of what Amman Ramovich said, he will immediately say: “Mr. Wade, His Highness is only for you to look at the head. If this person speaks badly and defame the Wade family, please order your subordinates to give him long memory! ”

    The frightened soul of Omanramovich is not possessed.

    It seems that I guessed right. It was not that the Wade family was conquered by the Wanlong palace, but that Charlie conquered the Wanlong palace.

    As for the Wanlong palace army, he was also terrified.

    When he was in Waderest mountain, he was arrogant at night, and he had to frustrate Charlie's parents. If it weren't for Charlie's large number and high-handedness, he is afraid that his deceased parents would also be implicated by himself.

    What's more, if you broke your artery on the same day, if it wasn't for Charlie to shoot, you are still a waste person, how could you break through one after another and become a master of darkness.

    Therefore, whenever he think of the beginning, Joseph Wan's heart is ashamed.

    The key is mr. Wade too low-key, and it is clearly the wanlong Temple that surrenders to him. He must declare to the outside world that the Wade family has lost their wealth and begged the Wanlong Temple to raise your hand, so it is inevitable that he will be panic in the heart of the Joseph wan. He can’t tell the world that he won.

    As soon as the Wanbujun's words were exported, Amaramovich was also terrified.

    He quickly apologized for the frightening salute: “ Sorry Mr. Wade, I also heard rumors from the outside world, and please ask your adults to have a lot of knowledge, don't know me in general...”

Charlie smiled: “ If I had general knowledge with you, I would have learned your means long ago and let Antonio kill you. ”

    Speaking, Charlie looked at Antonio and asked him: “ Antonio, I will give you a proposal. If you are willing to kill Oman Ramovic, I will let you stay in New York to continue to control the Zano family. What do you think? ”

    As soon as Antonio heard this, no matter what Charlie said was true or false, the whole person did not hesitate to say: “Mr. Wade!As long as you give me a gun, I will now make Oman Ramovich's head into a horse honeycomb! ”

    Oman Ramovich's face was pale.

    He didn’t know whether Charlie really meant it. After all, he also used the idea of killing people with a knife a few hours ago, trying to kill Charlie with Antonio’s hand. If Charlie also came to treat his body with his own way, then He must die in the hands of Antonio.

   Charlie saw Oman Ramovich's fear and said with a smile: “ You don't have to be so scared, I have said it, and I won't know you in general. ”

    Oman Ramovicton was relieved. At this moment, he no longer cares whether to go to Syria or Afghanistan, as long as he can live, he will be willing to go wherever he goes.

Charlie looked at him and said seriously: “ Oman Ramovich, you are different from the gang bosses upstairs, and this Antonio from Sicily, they are some small shrimps that do not come to the table, but you are After all, you are an oligarch, and you should be brave and successful when you want to come when you are young,It's just that in the past two years, you are getting older and gradually stunned by beauty. ”

    Aman Ramovic looked down in shame.

    He also realized early that he planted it on Charlie twice because of women.

    However, he was not really obsessed, mainly because he had other ideas besides women twice.

    He wanted to win due respect in Western Europe, so he wanted to marry Helena. He wanted to gain a foothold in New York quickly, so he wanted to marry Antonio’s family.

    After all, it is still forced by the current situation.

    He is an oligarch, but his identity background, in Western Europe and North America, is indeed excluded.

    What's the use of just money?Although he can live in the best house in the UK, even a three-year-old child in the UK dares to insult himself in front of the TV camera and let himself get out of the UK.

    Just when he felt decadent for his life, Charlie said again: “ Amaramovich, Eastern and Western Europe are not for you, Europe and the United States are not for you, but you can find a life in Syria. The next direction of development, at that time I will let Hamid focus on you, if you can get his appreciation,Maybe a new goal in life can be found in Syria. ”

    In Charlie's view, Hamid was born of grassroots roots, as did Amanramovich.

    Hamid was hit by a gun, and Amanramovich created an oligarchic legend by his brain.

    If the two can reach cooperation, they will be able to get very positive results.

    Of course, Amanramovic may not look down on Hamid’s one-acre three-pointed land, but now he has no other choice. Charlie will forcefully lower his expectations and let him treat Hamid as a new opportunity for adult life.

    It's like finding someone for a rich man with a higher eye. He wants high, thin, beautiful, big, tender, important, important, and pure.

    But it doesn't matter to Charlie. He will use his means to compress the request of this rich man from a lot of no, one step in place to only one left, just live.

1 comment:

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