
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Chapter 3123: You have to make him feel pain!

Chapter 3123: You have to make him feel pain!

Now that things have happened, Zhang Ermao is not afraid of being exposed, but that Charlie and Orval Hong will kick him out.

And when he heard that Charlie asked him to expose himself and then go to apologize to Zhou Liangyun, he felt as if he had been granted amnesty.

He cried and thanked: "Thank you, Master Wade, for being generous. From now on, I, Zhang Ermao, will be a down-to-earth person and will never play such clever tricks again. If there is another time, I...I will definitely die to apologize!"

 Charlie asked him: "I asked you to go and plead guilty, but I didn't say I would be lenient with you, right?"

Zhang Ermao said subconsciously: "Master Wade... you... what you just said was not that you wanted to be spared. This time I..."

Charlie said with emotion: "Zhang Ermao, you are indeed smart, but I still say that in the future, your wisdom should be used on the right path, do you understand?"

Zhang Ermao said hurriedly: "I understand! Ermao understands!"

"Yes." Charlie said calmly: "When you were still hanging out in the antique street, it was nothing for you to do this kind of thing. After all, your circle was full of intrigues and counterfeiting. It was your Survival rules, but you are no longer in that circle, so naturally you can no longer do this kind of thing. If you do it, you are not abiding by the rules;"

 "Zhou Liangyun did behave rudely to my father-in-law, but that was also my father-in-law's fault. The mistake came first. You help my father-in-law to take revenge on him. This is called indifference between right and wrong."

At this point, Charlie added: "You are absolutely not allowed to do any revenge against Zhou Liangyun in the future. If word gets out, people might think it's me. Charlie doesn't know the difference between right and wrong, and I asked you to help my father-in-law vent his anger, do you understand?"

Zhang Ermao said quickly: "Master Wade, don't worry, I will go to Zhou Liangyun and kneel down to apologize in the next moment, and I will never cause any trouble to him again, even . If the President Wlson comes to me, I won’t respond to him!”

After that, Zhang Ermao asked him cautiously: “Master Wade, please let me explain the situation next time. What should I say about your father-in-law? Well..."

Charlie asked him: "What is one-five-ten? If you have something to hide, is it still called one-five-ten?"

Zhang Ermao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Charlie was not going to help Jacob hide it, either. At this moment, he truly understood how wrong he was this time.

Charlie is not the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong. Since it was his father-in-law Jacob who made the mistake first, how could he cover it up? It was impossible to protect him, let alone stand up for Jacob.

And I rushed to stand up for Jacob, trying to curry favor with Jacob. Isn't this flattering the horse's leg?

Thinking of this, he quickly said diligently: "Okay, Master Wade, I understand! I'm going to go to the antique street to apologize to Zhou Liangyun, and then write a handwritten apology letter, clearly describing what happened, and send it to In the circle of friends, there are many old colleagues in the antique industry in the circle of friends, and the entire Aurous Hill antique circle will know about it by then."

He then reminded tactfully: "By the way, Master Wade, President Wilson,  said before that he would do it right away. It is possible that he will be promoted to president. If this matter goes out, although the police will not be called, it will still have a great impact on President Wilson's reputation. It is estimated that it will be a little difficult for him to become the president next. "It doesn't matter. "

Charlie said firmly: "I know better than you who my father-in-law is. If he is really allowed to be the president, he will only be a poor person and not worthy of the position. If he doesn't get the job, It's better to go."

Zhang Ermao said respectfully, "Okay, Master Wade, I understand!"

Charlie said with satisfaction, "Okay, then I'll wait and see how you perform."

 Zhang Ermao felt a little embarrassed when he thought of Jacob. Said: "Master Wade, President Wilson is on the plane to Dubai now. He gave me a deadline and asked me to give him a clear reply after he gets off the plane and get the bronze Buddha of the Northern Song Dynasty back. If I  can’t give him the things, I’m afraid he’s going to ask you for help…”

 "It doesn't matter." Charlie said: "I will let him give up when the time comes. In addition, when he troubles you, you should be tougher. You don't need to be groveling to him just for my sake. Over time, he will only Let him lose himself even more and go further and further."

At this point, Charlie paused slightly and continued: "I tell you Zhang Ermao, this time it is lucky that no loss was caused to others, otherwise you would have really faked it. The goods have been sold for hundreds of thousands, and if people start to investigate, maybe you both want to go in!"

Zhang Ermao was afraid and quickly made his attitude clear: "Master Wade, don't worry, I will ignore President Wilson if he comes to me in the future ! ! I will never do anything for him again!"

 Charlie hummed and said, "Zhang Ermao, I have another task for you. Let's see if you can make up for it."

 Zhang Ermao was immediately excited when he heard this. He stood up and blurted out: "Master Wade, tell me! No matter how difficult it is, I will try my best to complete it!" 

Charlie said: "I don't care what method you use, you have to make my father-in-law willing to spit out the money, and he can't keep a penny."

 Zhang Ermao subconsciously asked: "Master Wade, do you want President Wilson to spit out profits or all profits and principal?"

Charlie said: "It is best to spit out all."

Zhang Ermao immediately agreed and said: "Don't worry, Master Wade. I, Zhang Ermao, will definitely ask President Wilson to return all 300,000 yuan!"

Charlie said again: "You are not allowed to help him ask for the money he spent to buy things. This time You have to let him feel pain, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I understand!"

"Okay, go ahead and do your business."

Zhang Ermao said continuously, "Okay, Master Wade! Master Wade! Going right now!"

After hanging up the phone, Charlie couldn't help but sigh.

As my father-in-law, he did go a little too far this time. Since becoming the vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Society and having the opportunity to become the president, he has become more and more confident and feels good about himself.

 If we doesn't teach him a lesson this time, he will become more and more courageous like Elaine did before.

Thinking back to the beginning, Elaine dared to transfer all the 20 billion cash balance. If it hadn't taught her a profound lesson, she still doesn't know what she would be like today.


While Zhang Ermao hurried to the antique street, Chen Yufei, who had run to the toilet several times because of nervousness, was sitting uneasily in front of the group's human resources manager.

The HR manager took out a document, handed it to him, and went straight to the point: "Chen Yufei, this is a notice to terminate the labor relationship between the group and you. Because you have personally caused heavy losses to the group's reputation and profits, the group has decided , using the terms of the labor contract regarding gross negligence as the legal basis, we will unconditionally terminate all labor employment relationships with you!"

After that, the manager added: "You can hand over the work today, pack up your personal belongings, and leave. Yes, your salary for this month will be calculated for you today. When the group pays your salary on the 10th of next month, it will be credited to your salary card on time."

Chen Yufei felt like he was struck by thunder and blurted out: "Manager, I will be fired directly. I don't comply with the labor law! I didn't cause any losses to the group. I just misjudged someone else's collection. You can't make more money for the group because my professional ability is not high enough. , do you think I have caused losses to the group? There are a lot of good things in the entire antique industry that are bought at low prices every year. Is it my fault just because I didn’t buy those things for Ji Qingtang? ?”

The HR manager said calmly: "How many good things others bought at low prices has nothing to do with Ji Qingtang, but if you reject the good things that others bring to your door, then it is your problem. We have all seen the video, mr. And miss song also has seen it. Doesn’t this cause heavy losses to the group?”

As he spoke, the HR manager spoke sharply and said coldly: “Besides, don’t forget that you are the general manager of Ji Qingtang, and you represent Ji Qingtang. Reputation, brand name and professionalism, but you are so blind that you can't even recognize a priceless good thing. Do you know how much impact this has on Ji Qingtang's reputation? Before I came here today, I specifically consulted with several people. Friends who are involved in antiques, without exception, they all know about you, and without exception, they all believe that your ignorance and incompetence have had a major negative impact on Ji Qingtang! Isn't this a major fault? "

Chen Yufei argued: "Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Ji Qingtang handles so many things every year. It is normal for us to make mistakes in one or two things occasionally. Even a robot cannot ensure that its work is 100% flawless. Do you think I should be fired just because I misjudged this one thing?"

    The HR manager said coldly: "You still don't know where you went wrong, right? I'll tell you the truth, the group doesn't care about you Ji Qingtang. What is the profit requirement? It’s okay if you don’t make money for the group, but you can’t smear the group!”

 “It’s not a big problem if you missed a Northern Song Dynasty bronze Buddha worth 20 million yesterday. As long as you don’t say it, the group will have no problem at all! I don’t know that you passed by such a good thing, but your mistake was that you published the video!”

“It was your video that tarnished the name of the group and Ji Qingtang. Today, the group used this video. It is completely legal to use it as evidence to fire you. If you are not satisfied with your job dismissal, you can go to the labor department. You can also go to a lawyer to sue. But this video you posted will definitely teach you how to behave. ."

Chen Yufei suddenly became desperate.

He also knew in his heart that according to the content of this video, he definitely made a major mistake. There was nothing wrong with the group's dismissal of him based on this video.

At this time, his intestines were turning green with regret, and he cried in his heart: "Damn it, if I had known that today's situation would be like this, I would rather be beaten than conspire with Zhang Ermao to do such a thing! In the end, Zhou Liangyun was not punished. He is going to make a fcuking profit of 20 million because of this, and he is famous. I haven't gained any fcuking benefits, and I'm about to lose my job. Isn't this a big fcuking loss?

 "Thinking of this, he hated Zhang Ermao even more.

So, he gritted his teeth and said to the HR manager: "Let me tell you the truth, what happened yesterday was not at all due to my blindness, but a trick made by Master Orval Hong's master Zhang Ermao against Zhou Liangyun. He took over the bronze Buddha." He also found someone to come to our Ji Qing Hall to show off and ask me to keep things out according to his lines."

"Then he asked someone to sell this thing to Zhou Liangyun. Originally, he wanted to trick me. Zhou Liang was so lucky, I didn’t expect to give him such a big gift..."

"I think Fifth Master and Director Song have a good relationship, they are both friends, so I thought I would help if I could. Since we were acting together, I didn't take a closer look at this thing. Who would have thought that Zhang Ermao was out of touch, but instead he tricked me... Please tell Director Song about this, I really didn't mean to shut out the Bronze Buddha..."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and found his The chat record with Zhang Ermao contains all the lines in the script that Zhang Ermao gave him, which are very same from what he said in the video.

He handed the phone to the HR manager and said with an aggrieved look: "You have nothing to prove. I have the chat records between Zhang Ermao and me. You can see for yourself!" 

At this moment, Chen Yufei could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor. Yes, after all, Orval Hong and Warnia Song did have a certain friendship, and these chat records can also prove that he did not really get eye-catching, but acted exactly as Zhang Ermao said.

In this way, to a certain extent, both Zhang Ermao and Orval Hong were dragged into the water.

At this point, Chen Yufei had no other choice but to make a desperate move.

The HR manager looked at the chat history on his mobile phone and frowned.

He didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret in the matter.

Moreover, people from Mr. Orval Hong's side were also involved.

He looked at Chen Yufei and said, "Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

Chen Yufei saw that he was taking him seriously, and his hope rekindled in his heart.

 The HR manager walked to the door of Ji Qingtang store, took out his mobile phone and called Warnia Song.

On the phone, he reported the situation to Warnia Song, and then asked Warnia Song: "Chairman, how do you think I should handle this matter?"

 Warnia Song had just called Charlie this morning and tentatively asked Charlie. Charlie’s attitude towards Zhou Liangyun almost ended up judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart. So when she heard that Zhang Ermao and Chen Yufei were working together to create Zhou Liangyun, she knew that it must have nothing to do with Charlie.

 In addition, Warnia Song was also keenly aware of something wrong. According to her guess, if Zhang Ermao wanted to use fake things to bring good luck, it must be for Charlie's father-in-law Jacob. Then why should he let people run away for such a thing? Come to Jiqingtang, act in a play with Chen Yufei, and also post it online?

To put it bluntly, didn’t Chen Yufei want to use this incident to step on Zhou Liangyun’s head to put some money on his own face?

Therefore, she said without hesitation: "Jiqingtang is now in a mess, and it is getting more and more outrageous. Let's do this. You can fire Chen Yufei normally, and all other employees of Jiqingtang will also be fired on the spot, and compensation will be N+1. "

The HR manager hurriedly said: "Chairman, if this happens, Ji Qingtang will probably close down."

Warnia Song agreed and said decisively: "Jiqingtang really needs to close down for rectification. After Chen Yufei is fired and other employees are dismissed. , posted a notice on the door of Ji Qingtang, saying that due to the poor management of the group, there have been very serious problems within Ji Qingtang, and the store will be closed for rectification from today, and the opening time will be notified later! "

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 Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain Sometimes, making the other party despair appropriately is also a strategic method. If you meet a friend who ...