
Sunday, October 22, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2912 update | Chapter 6071 & 6072 Chapter 2912 See them all again | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

Chapter 2912 See them all again

At this time, Antonio and Aman Ramovich no longer dared to have any disobedience to Charlie. 

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So, the two immediately followed Charlie's request and separated their men and their families.

In less than ten minutes, these people had all evacuated from the Zano family's manor. 

Charlie released his spiritual energy to investigate, and after seeing that the entire manor was indeed empty, he said to Qiang Zai: "Qiang Zai, go and drive the car to the door. "

"Okay Mr. Wade!" Qiang Zai nodded and quickly left the wine cellar.

Charlie looked at Antonio and Amen Ramovich again, and said calmly:"You two, get up quickly and go to the door." 

Ugh Antonio looked at his useless leg and choked up: "Mr. Wade, I...I can't walk...

"Yes, Mr. Wade..." Aman Ramovich also said with a dejected look: "I can't walk either. My right leg hurts so much that I can't even stand up.

Charlie said coldly: "You two, one has a broken right leg, and the other has a broken left leg. You two happened to be helping each other out. Since you can't be father-in-law and son-in-law, at least you can be a pair of brothers who support each other." ""

Julia couldn't stand it anymore and quickly tried to help her father up.

But Charlie warned: "Don't interfere." Julia asked angrily: "Why do you torture them like this?"

Charlie asked back: "Is this called torture?"

After that, he pointed to the medieval-style torture rack next to him and asked her: "Would you like your dad to introduce to you how this thing is usually used? And then the tricks he uses on others are all in Can you demonstrate it on him?"⌛

Julia still wanted to refute, but Antonio turned pale with fright. He quickly pushed his daughter away and said nervously: "Julia, don't help me, I can stand up by myself...

After that, he barely stood on one leg and jumped towards Aman Ramovich with difficulty.

At this time, Aman Ramovich was also afraid that Charlie would attack them again, so he quickly jumped to Antonio on one leg. After the two hugged each other, they supported each other with their bodies and barely managed to stand firm.

Charlie ignored Julia and walked out. Antonio and Aman Ramovich also jumped out quickly hugging each other. Julia followed all the way behind, and when the four of them came out, Qiang zai had already driven the car to the gate of the manor. 

Charlie stuffed Antonio and Aman Ramovich into the back seat, then walked to the passenger seat, opened the door, and said to Julia who was following behind: "You don't have to follow, go find someone to take the wine cellar." Dispose of the body, and tell everyone in the Zano family, as well as Amoramovich's accompanying bodyguards, who dares to come and report for the two of them.

Qiu, I will kill them without mercy!"

Julia asked nervously: "Can my father still come home tonight?

"He can't go back." Charlie said, "He will be in Chinatown tonight. Get on the boat and go to Syria tomorrow. "

Julia hurriedly said: "Let him say goodbye to his family..." Charlie nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will let you go with him tomorrow."

He said goodbye, just wait for the notice. "⌛ After saying that, Charlie got into the car and said to Qiang Zai: "Drive. "

Qiang Zai stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly drove away from the Zano family's estate.

Drive all the way towards Chinatown.

At the same time, in the roast goose shop in Chinatown, the five members of the Burning Angels were still guarded by Chen Zhaozhong and Ni Dawei and did not dare to move. 

At this time, they hoped that if they did not go back for a long time, the boss and other comrades would realize the problem and seize the time to send people over to rescue them.

However, they also knew in their hearts that if they didn't go back for just one or two hours, the boss would not have any suspicion. If they wanted to make him suspicious, they would have to wait at least until early tomorrow morning. 

Just when they were hoping for a miracle to happen, the door Suddenly Being pushed away.

The five of them looked at the door expectantly, only to see Charlie, whom they least expected to see, step in. 

What they didn't expect even more was that they were followed by two weirdos hugging each other and hopping on each other's legs.

However, they soon saw that the reason why these two "weirdos" were so weird was not because they were really strange, but because their other legs were constantly covered with blood. If they looked closely, they could see that Both men could be seen suffering from gunshot wounds. 

At this time, the sharp-eyed Will Johnson, the leader of the five, suddenly recognized one of the people with a broken leg. He exclaimed in horror: "Boss Zano?!" 

When the other four people heard this, they all opened their eyes wide and subconsciously looked in the direction where Will Johnson was looking. It didn't matter, the four people were scared to death!

Who would have thought that their boss’s boss, the boss of the New York Mafia, and the talker of the Zano family, Antonio Zano, would be so embarrassed following Charlie to this small roast goose shop! 

You know, this is the most powerful mafia boss in New York! He is like the emperor of New York’s underground kingdom!

But now, this underground emperor, who had unlimited fame and power in the sunset, has become a miserable prisoner. This contrast has simply shocked everyone's attention! 

Ni Dawei was also dumbfounded at this time!

He has been the boss of the Chinese Gang for some years, but the Chinese Gang can only be regarded as the lowest level in the entire low-level gang circle in New York. It is completely the bottom of the bottom. For Antonio, he has no qualifications for being famous for a long time. 

And in his cognition, he even surrendered to Antonio,

But how could he have imagined that Antonio had become Charlie's prisoner at this moment.

Antonio didn't expect that someone would recognize him here. When he saw that the other person had dark skin and was dressed, he knew he must be a gang member. He immediately realized in his heart that this person should be a member of the peripheral gangs under his command. 

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of what he had experienced today.

If these blind bastards hadn't collected protection money from Charlie, he wouldn't have been subjected to such inhuman torture, and he suddenly felt very angry. 

He had forgotten his current situation, looked at Will Johnson, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You son of a b!tch, who is your boss?! Who asked you to come to Chinatown to collect protection money?! are your dog eyes blind??.  actually dares to come here and act recklessly!”,

Will Johnson didn't expect that his idol, his boss, would insult him as soon as he opened his mouth. Naturally, he felt aggrieved and could only say bitterly: "Boss Zano, I am Will from Burning Angel." !My boss is Daniel, and it was Boss Zano who asked him to take over Chinatown and Lower Manhattan, so he handed over Chinatown to me... We are all under your orders! "

Antonio panicked in his heart, and then he remembered that he had personally defined the sphere of influence for the Burning Angels and other peripheral gangs, and asked them to completely clear and occupy the area assigned to them in the shortest possible time, and the Chinatown area The place was indeed allocated to the Burning Angel. 

In other words, no matter who you assign this area to, the other party will definitely find this roast goose restaurant, and they will definitely be offended by it.

As a result, he, who was furious just now, instantly became mute, looking around and daring not to speak anymore.

Seeing that he was starting to act stupid, Charlie slapped him in the face and said coldly: "Look at how cowardly you are, you really embarrass the Sicilians!"'

Antonio received a slap in the face, but he could only say with shame: "I'm sorry, Mr.'s all my fault...

Charlie asked coldly: "Do you know who the second-in-command of Burning Angel is?"

"I know." Antonio explained: "The second boss is Mike, and Daniel grew up together." 

Charlie said coldly: "Call Daniel and ask him to take that Mike and come here to see you immediately!"

After saying that, Charlie said again: "Tonight, I want to meet all the gang leaders and second-in-commands below you." 

kindly donate some money to me friends (PayPal.Me/aaritn or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi). thanks in advance..

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2913 update | Chapter 6073 & 6074 Chapter 2913 Drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

1 comment:

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