
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Chapter 3129: If it stinks, it stinks

 Chapter 3129: If it stinks, it stinks

As soon as Jacob said the words, Zhou Liangyun on the side couldn't help but laugh.

He had never heard of people who donated money to charity and regretted it and wanted to get it back. Today was an eye-opener.

However, the operator was obviously more experienced than him, so he only heard the other person explain slowly: "Sir, according to relevant national regulations, public welfare donations donated to charity, disaster relief, and poverty alleviation cannot be canceled at will..."

Jacob said quickly : "I really accidentally clicked on the wrong one. I originally wanted to donate 30,000 yuan, but I accidentally pressed an extra zero and donated 300,000 yuan. You can tell your boss how to cancel it." 270,000 is enough."

The operator said apologetically: "I'm sorry, sir, we have strict financial regulations here, which means that we have no right to use the charitable donations in the account at will. Every expenditure here needs to be clear Approval process, if you think there is a major misunderstanding in your donation, you can hire a lawyer to submit an application to the court. If the court supports it, your donation will be revoked in accordance with the law. At that time, we can rely on the results of the court's judgment. I'll return the money to you."

"Is it so troublesome?" Jacob said anxiously, "It only takes a long time. I donated too much. Can't you just give me the excess? Isn’t it natural?”

The operator explained: “Charitable donation itself is a very serious and strict matter, and since there are regulations on tax-deductible donations, we must act accordingly.” Think about the process, if a company donates 10 million to us at the end of the year to avoid taxes, saving the company several million, and then tells us after the tax year that the donation was wrong and the money will be refunded, then Aren't we helping this company to evade taxes?"

Jacob blurted out: "But I am an individual, not a company!"

    The operator added, "Individuals are also involved in tax issues, and personal income is also subject to personal tax. Yes, if you donate the part of your income that needs to be paid personal tax, and then ask for it back on the grounds that you donated it by mistake, we cannot bear the legal liability involved, so if you want to return your donation, the only way is to go through the court or an authoritative arbitration institution will revoke it."

Jacob suddenly became desperate and said depressedly: "I have to go to court to get the money back, and I will be busy for years and months. This money is life-saving for my wife. I'm sick and need the money for surgery. Can't you give me some accommodation?"

The other party said, "I'm really sorry, sir, this is a matter of principle and it really can't be solved. Besides, I'm just an operator and I don't have that much power."

Jacob didn't give up and said, "Then I can go to your leader for an interview, right?"

    The operator replied: "It's already past working hours. If you want to come to the leader for an interview, you can do it during working hours. Come to the foundation."

 After that, the other party said: "But in order to avoid your trip in vain, I still recommend that you consult a lawyer first, and the lawyer will give you a very professional advice."

Jacob was very upset. ,yes. Naturally, he was unwilling to give up the 300,000 yuan, but now he knew in his heart that there was no point in spending it with the operator here, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, okay, I'll think about it myself first.

 " After that, he hung up the phone angrily.

Seeing that Jacob was still sulking after calling him, Zhou Liangyun didn't want to continue to argue with him, so he smiled and said, "Mr. Wilson, my place is closed. If there is nothing wrong with you, I will close the door."

Jacob replied . After coming to his senses, he looked at Zhou Liangyun, rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said: "Boss Zhou, actually I have one more thing to ask you for a favor. For you, it is a trivial matter, but for me, it is a matter of great importance. Life and death, I hope you will never refuse..."

Zhou Liangyun smiled and said: "I definitely can't promise you in advance, but i can come and listen."

    Jacob hurriedly came forward and said with a flattering face: "Boss Zhou, Zhang Ermo’s circle of friends, I believe you must have read it. To be honest, that circle of friends had a very bad influence on me. It has already affected the foundation of my calligraphy and painting association. You see, you have made a lot of money this time. Even if you donate 10 million, you will not pay it back. Is there 10 million left? The net profit is already 9.7 million, so I would like to ask you to help me dispel the rumors by posting on WeChat, saying that what Zhang Ermao posted on WeChat is all false."

Zhou Liangyun thought to himself: " The reputation of being suspected of fraud will definitely have a great negative impact on Jacob. If he is not completely cleared of this suspicion, he will really have a hard time in the Painting and Calligraphy Association, and may even be expelled. He is Charlie's father-in-law, I should leave him some room."

 But thinking of this, he realized another problem: "Zhang Ermao's exposure must also be Charlie's intention. This shows that Charlie deliberately wants to give his father-in-law a lesson. If I let Jacob go without Charlie's consent, it might go against Charlie's ideas..."

After thinking about this, Zhou Liangyun said tactfully: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson, this I may not be able to promise you this. After all, I don’t know what the whole situation is. Whether what you said is right or what Zhang Ermao said is right, I have no way of verifying it."

    Jacob said quickly: "Zhang. Er Mao is a slanderer. He is used to deceiving people in the antique street. He never speaks the truth. You must not believe him!" 

Zhou Liangyun nodded and said, "To be honest, I really don't want to . I don’t want to go into this muddy water to find out who is true and who is false. If you insist that the content he posted is untrue, then I suggest you confront him face to face. As long as you can If you win against him in the confrontation, then you are innocent and your reputation will not be affected in any way."

Jacob said awkwardly: "I...I have already broken up with Zhang Ermao, so I don't want to confront him.

After that, he looked at Zhou Liangyun and begged: "Boss Zhou, look at me, I am definitely more reliable than Zhang Ermao. Zhang Ermao cheats and kidnaps all day long. Will he donate to charity? " ! But I can!"

    As soon as he said this, Jacob realized that his call to refund the money just now was a slap in the face, and he quickly went back to the square and said: "Of course, I don't have the financial conditions to donate 300,000 in one go. I’m so supportive, but you heard the call I made just now. I am willing to donate 30,000 yuan. This is not a small amount!”

 “Yes…” Zhou Liangyun sneered and said, “you can donate 30,000 yuan. That’s right, after all, love cannot be measured only by the amount of donations.”

 After that, he added: “But I really can’t help you with the matter you just mentioned. To be honest, I’m new here. The last thing I want is to get into trouble, and I don’t want to wade into troubled waters, so I ask Mr. Wilson to find another way."

Jacob was still unwilling to give up and said quickly: "Boss Zhou, if you don't want to post on Moments, that's fine. I will go back and find our president. You can explain this matter clearly to our president face to face. There is no such thing as fraud. As long as our president has your words, I can return to the Painting and Calligraphy Association. Convinced the public.

 Zhou Liangyun shook his head: "I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson, I can't do this kind of thing. You'd better hire someone else. " "

 With that said, he didn't want to continue spending time with Jacob, so he opened the store door directly and said to him: "Mr. Wilson, are you leaving? If you don't leave, I will leave first. Please help me when you leave." Lock the door from the outside."

Jacob knew that he was issuing an eviction order, so he could only walk out and said helplessly: "Okay, Boss Zhou, think about it carefully. I'll come back to you tomorrow if it doesn't work. It’s okay to have some money. You wait for me to get the three hundred thousand back. I’ll give you one hundred thousand. Don’t think it’s too little. If you get more than one hundred thousand, you can make one hundred thousand. Who can’t live without money, don’t you think so?”

Zhou Liangyun smiled noncommittally and said, "Mr. Wilson, let's get the 300,000 back first."

Jacob nodded: "Okay! I'll do it early tomorrow morning, oh no, I'll do it now. Go find a lawyer for consultation!"

Zhou Liangyun said with a smile: "Then I won't give it away." 

Jacob waved his hand : "You stay here, I'll leave first."

After that, he turned around impatiently and left the antique street. I plan to consult with a law firm.

When Zhou Liangyun saw him leaving, he returned to the store. In fact, he had no intention of leaving. He just said he wanted to leave because he didn't want to get entangled with Jacob.

However, in order to avoid trouble, he still hung a closure sign outside the door and locked the door from the inside.

At this time, a man suddenly walked out of the door and asked through the glass door: "Boss, can I show you something else?"

Zhou Liangyun didn't even look back. He was about to refuse when he suddenly realized that the person speaking was Charlie.

So, he quickly turned around and saw Charlie standing outside the store door.

A smile appeared on his face, he took two quick steps to open the door, and asked with a smile: "Mr. Wade, it's been a long time since we last met!"

Charlie knows that Zhou Liangyun is continuing his own personality. According to his current identity setting, he naturally knows him, but since he was expelled from Ji Qingtang, he has no contact with him anymore.

So, Charlie also smiled and said: "Boss Zhou, long time no see, you are your own boss now."

Zhou Liangyun said very humbly: "It's a small business, it's not worth mentioning. I wonder why Mr. Wade is here?"

Charlie took it casually . He took out an amulet made of clams and said, "I got something by chance, and I would like to ask Boss Zhou to take a look at it."

Zhou Liangyun nodded, made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Mr. Wade, please come in."

 Charlie Stepped into the store, Zhou Liangyun closed the door again, and then said to Charlie with a smile: "Master wade, do your father in law know that you are coming to my place?"

Charlie said with a smile: "He doesn't know that I am here. Wait for him to leave the teahouse opposite before coming down."

After that, he asked Zhou Liangyun: "Uncle Zhou, what did my father-in-law say when he came to you?"

Zhou Liangyun said with a smile: "First, he said that he donated all the money and asked me not to call the police. , I told him that I didn’t plan to call the police, so he quickly called the charity again and wanted them to return the money. The other party said that he needed to go through legal channels, so he planned to find a lawyer and wanted me to help him before leaving. I didn't agree to Zhang Ermao's circle of friends, but I didn't completely block the possibility."

Charlie shook his head and smiled: "It seems that things are easy to change and nature is hard to change. I thought he could truly realize his mistakes. , I didn’t expect that the only thing on his mind was the seat.”

After saying that, Charlie said again: “Uncle Zhou, you don’t have to talk to him anymore, and don’t leave him any room in this matter. He mus

t be able to donate it. It’s up to him to get his money back, but as for his reputation, it will stink if it stinks

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