
Friday, May 3, 2024

Chapter 3121 I will drag you with me even if I die

Chapter 3121 I will drag you with me even if I die

    Warnia Song can tolerate Chen Yufei's inaction, but she cannot tolerate him destroying Ji Qingtang's brand.

Since Chen Yufei's incompetence has had a great negative impact on Ji Qingtang, he must be fired.

Verification of the entire matter is also a process that the group must go through for dismissal, because according to the contract signed between the group and its employees, once an employee makes a major mistake at work and causes major losses or adverse effects to the group, the group can immediately terminate the employee unilaterally contract and no compensation is required.

As the general manager of Jiqingtang, Chen Yufei is fully responsible for all the business of Jiqingtang. Yesterday, someone took a Northern Song Dynasty bronze Buddha worth 20 million and offered hundreds of thousands to sell it to Jiqingtang, but he turned the other party away. As for giving away 20 million, this is definitely a serious mistake.

Moreover, Chen Yufei also sought his own death.

He recorded the video himself and spread it himself, which is equivalent to completely confirming his mistake, and there is no chance of reversal.

So, just when Chen Yufei was still hoping that this matter would not reach Warnia Song's ears, the HR manager of the Song Group had already arrived at Ji Qingtang.

Along with the HR manager, there was even the group's legal affairs.

At this time, there were no customers in Jiqing Hall, only a few waiters were holding up the facade. Originally, many people came to see Chen Yufei today, most likely because they wanted to see Chen Yufei’s jokes, but Chen Yufei was hiding in the office and no one couldn't see him, everyone slowly dispersed.

Seeing the group's human resources manager and legal staff come in, several of the clerks thought they were guests. They all said welcome listlessly, then bowed their heads and went about their own business.

The HR manager looked around at a few people and asked, "Is your manager here?"

One of the guys said, "Our manager won't see the guests today. If you have any questions, just tell me."

The HR manager said coldly, "I am The person in charge of the human resources department of the Song group wants to see Manager Chen."

"From the Song group?" The man looked at the human resources manager with a surprised look on his face.

Ji Qingtang is just an inconspicuous small store in the entire Song Group. These people usually don't even see people from the group, let alone the person in charge of human resources of the entire group.

The HR manager directly took out his work badge, handed it to the other person, and said, "Please inform your manager that I have something very important to discuss with him in person."

The guy didn't dare to make any mistakes, and said quickly: "You Wait a minute, I'll go to our manager's office to see if the manager is busy."

After saying that, he hurriedly ran a few steps to the door of Chen Yufei's office, without even bothering to knock on the door, he opened the door and barged in.

At this time, Chen Yufei was chatting privately to ask colleagues in the antique industry to help delete the video. However, seeing the increasing traffic of the video, those people were unwilling to delete it. Some even refused to reply to his request to delete the video at all. He didn't reply to messages or answer calls, but he discovered that the other party had been replying to netizens' comments under the video, and was also mocking himself as worthless in the comments.

Chen Yufei, who was furious, saw the door being pushed open by the waiter. He suddenly lost his temper and yelled: "Didn't I tell you? Don't let anyone come in to bother me. Don't you understand?"

The waiter said quickly. : "Manager, there are two people outside. One of them said he is the HR manager of the Song group and is waiting to see you."

Chen Yufei exclaimed: "Fcuk, is it true? The HR manager of the group?"

" "Yes." The clerk nodded and said, "That's what he said. I don't know if it's true or not."

Chen Yufei secretly screamed in his heart. The HR manager came to him at this time, and there must be nothing good going on.

Thinking of this, he became even more angry at Zhang Ermao, and quickly said to the guy: "Go out first, put them in the VIP room, and tell them that I will be there right away."

The guy nodded: "Okay manager."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Chen Yufei immediately called Zhang Ermao. As soon as the call came through, he angrily said: "Zhang Ermao, Zhang Ermao, you are really fcuking hurting me. Now the HR managers of the group have come to Ji Qingtang to see me. I doubt them." There is a high probability that I will be fired. If you cause me to lose my job, tell this matter and let everyone know that this bad idea was yours!"

Zhang Ermao immediately exploded when he heard this. He said angrily: "Chen Yufei, you have to be conscientious in what you say and do. My original intention in doing this was to help you squeeze Zhou Liangyun away from the antique street. I didn't confiscate a penny from you and didn't eat a meal from you. "Thinking of you biting me back now, you are too fcuking unethical!".

Chen Yufei scolded angrily: "Fcuk your unethical ethics! If you don't have this diamond, don't take this porcelain job. It's you. I chose it. I said you wrote those scripts for me. I originally wanted to lose face with you, but in the end I became the laughing stock of the entire industry! Just remember my words, Zhang Ermao, I don’t care if you belong to Mr. Orval Hong! You are still your own person, I rely on this fcuking job to support my family, eat and drink, if you dare to cut off my wealth, I will fight with you!"

Chen Yufei threatened in a sinister tone: "You Don’t think that I was afraid of you when I called you Brother Ermao. I still know some details about you. Aren’t you just serving as a master to Mr. Orval Hong? If Master Hong knew that your skills were so poor, he would probably tell you to pack up and get out!"

Zhang Ermao was scolded by Chen Yufei. Instead of daring to refute, he felt a chill on his back!

I really didn't expect that I originally thought that one thing could make two people happy, but it turned out that one thing would backfire one after another. Jacob was going to fall out with him, and Chen Yufei was going to fall out with him too!

Moreover, Chen Yufei, who is also a laborer, mentioned Zhang Ermao's weakness in one sentence.

If this matter really comes to the ears of Mr. Orval Hong, without saying anything else, just being the one who makes the game and making himself into the game, it will be enough to make Mr. Orval disappointed with himself. downright.

If Chen Yufei really revealed this matter, his reputation would be ruined.

Thinking of this, he quickly apologized and said with a smile: "Yu Fei, don't worry, it's better to wait until you meet with your HR manager. Don't worry, if they really want to fire you, I will help you find a way. "

Chen Yufei asked him: "What can you do for me? Can you help me plead with Miss Song?"

Zhang Ermao was speechless for a moment.

 Warnia Song is the chairman of the Song Group. Both in personal strength and social status, she is far above Orval Hong. Even Orval Hong may not be able to speak in front of Miss Song, let alone herself.

Zhang Ermao, who had always been smart, was on the verge of collapse.

He regretted the series of wrong decisions he had made more and more, and even couldn't help but raise his hand and slap himself in the mouth several times.

At this time, the guy pushed in the door again and said nervously: "Manager, the HR manager from that group said that he must see you in person within three minutes!"

Chen Yufei was extremely irritable and said impatiently: "Okay Okay, I understand, you go out first, I'll be back in a minute!"

After that, when the boy went out, Chen Yufei threatened the phone fiercely: "Zhang Ermao, if they are really here to fire me, I will tell them the truth on the spot, and I will drag you with me even to death!"

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