
Friday, November 10, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2932 update | Chapter 6111 & 6112 Chapter 2932 It depends on whether you listen or not | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels


 Chapter 2932 It depends on whether you listen or not

A sudden voice from outside the crowd made everyone look back subconsciously.

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Neither Joseph nor Gustavo expected that someone would intervene at this time.

Just as he was wondering, Charlie had already separated from the people outside and walked up to Gustavo and Joseph.

The boys who were pushed away didn't understand why they were pushed to both sides by this tall and thin boy. Before they could react, the person had already passed by them. 

Seeing that Charlie was a strange oriental face, Joseph immediately pointed at Charlie angrily and asked, "Who the hell are you? Are you looking for death?" 

Saying that, he did not want to waste time on Charlie. At the same time, he immediately yelled at the two men around him, "Pull this kid out and beat him to death!"

As soon as the two heard this, they immediately geared up and approached Charlie.

In their opinion, Charlie was tall and thin, and looked like the kind of person who never exercised. And they were both muscular men bigger than the mouth of a bowl. It was easy to teach Charlie a lesson.

The two people quickly came to Charlie, one of them stretched out a hand, and was about to grab Charlie and drag him out. Unexpectedly, Charlie suddenly became angry and suddenly took action, grabbing the two people's outstretched arms. .

The expressions of both of them were shocked. No one saw how Charlie made his move, but his hand was indeed caught by Charlie.

Just when the two of them were surprised, Charlie suddenly twisted his hands inwards, twisting their arms instantly and deforming them. A crackling sound like firecrackers came out, and the two of them were directly on the spot because of the huge torque in their arms. After twisting and turning for half a round, their heads hit each other directly, and they were instantly bruised and bloody.

The worst thing at this time was that their arms had been broken into countless pieces.

As the two of them sat on the ground and wailed, everyone was completely frightened by Charlie.

They simply couldn't imagine how Charlie could easily flip two muscular men weighing more than 200 kilograms into the air. This kind of power could not be achieved by even the strongest strongman in the United States!

Joseph was also dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the two most capable men around him would become useless in an instant. He had been in the gang for many years and had seen all kinds of injuries. The broken arms of his two younger brothers had already been damaged. It turned over more than once. With this level of tragedy, even with all-out treatment and recovery, he is afraid that they will not be able to hold a mobile phone in the future. It is basically equivalent to losing an arm. This kind of strength is simply unbelievable.

Joseph, who was a little nervous, subconsciously asked Charlie, "Who are you? What do you want to do? No matter how good you are, you may not be able to beat the ten of us, right?" 

Charlie smiled, looked at Joseph seriously, and said seriously "You are such a b!tch and forgetful about things. I am your Uncle Wade.Ah, you forgot? "

Joseph did not expect that Charlie would call him a b!tch when he opened his mouth. Seeing that he was not older than him, he actually said he was his uncle. He suddenly became furious and shouted at the younger brothers around him, "Come together! Get rid of him! "

Although the younger brothers were nervous, after all, they had weapons in hand, and with the large number of people, they thought that their chances of winning were not small, so their expressions turned cold, and they turned around to attack Charlie. 

At this time, Charlie did He made a blocking gesture and said to Joseph seriously, "Have you forgotten? Your dad and I have been friends for many years, and we always call him eldest brother. Since your dad and I are brothers, don't you have to call me uncle? "

While speaking, Charlie's spiritual energy quietly penetrated into Joseph's brain.

Joseph was stunned for a moment, then looked at Charlie and said excitedly, "Fcuk! Uncle Wade! It’s really you, Uncle Wade! "

These two calls of "Uncle Wade" made everyone at the scene dumbfounded.

They all thought that Charlie was looking for death because he had no eyesight, and he even boasted that he was Joseph's uncle. Isn't this just because he is tired of life?

But no one expected it. Joseph actually admitted it?!

At this time, Joseph excitedly stepped forward, held Charlie's right hand with both hands, and said excitedly, "Uncle Wade, why are you here? "

Everyone around them had their jaws dropped, and Gustavo was also dumbfounded.

But Charlie said calmly, "This prison is not run by your family. If you can come, can't I come? ? You are allowed to make mistakes, but Uncle Wade is not allowed to make mistakes?

Joseph said with great respect at this time, "Yes, yes, Uncle Wade, you are right! " "

Charlie rolled his eyes at him, then pointed at Gustavo and said, "Today, if you show your uncle some face, don't touch him yet. "

Joseph said without any hesitation, "Okay! Now that Uncle Wade has spoken, I definitely can't touch him again. "

After that, he looked at Gustavo and said with a serious face, "Gustavo, you are fcuking lucky today. If my Uncle Wade hadn't come out to speak for you, I would definitely let my brothers Turn you into a hornet's nest! "

Gustavo didn't understand what was going on, but when he heard Joseph's words, he couldn't help but feel grateful to have survived the disaster. When he thought about how he was almost killed secretly by his son, he couldn't control his tears. His eyes burst into tears.

At this time, Charlie came to Gustavo, slapped him on the back of the head, and said in a cold voice, "You're going to cry. Why are you crying? Can you be successful? "

Gustavo didn't expect that Charlie would actually raise his hand to hit him. The first reaction in his heart was that he was furious. But when he thought that the man in front of him helped him stop Joseph, he could only swallow his anger and pretend to be grateful and said, "Sir, Thank you for saving me, I will definitely repay you!

"Repay me? " "Charlie said disdainfully, "Look at what you are like now, what can you do in return for me? Although my eldest nephew will spare your life for the time being, do you think there is anything you can do now? Your entire family is now managed by your son, but your son wants your life. Have you ever thought that if my eldest nephew doesn’t kill you today, will your son find someone else to kill you tomorrow? "

Gustavo was speechless for a moment.

It was at this moment that he finally figured out one thing. Since his son intended to kill him and take full control of the entire criminal group, what happened to him in Brooklyn Prison before? It's all just false prosperity.

By that time, I am afraid that I will have no support in this prison. 

Moreover, people say that there is no turning back. Since my son has asked Joseph to do something to him today, as long as he has not If he dies, he will definitely not give up this idea, and will definitely continue to think of ways to assassinate him.

 What is even more aggrieved is that he cannot go to the Rothschild family for help. The Rothschild family gives him privileges because of They don’t know that he has been given up by their sons and think that he still has value. If they know the actual situation, then he will lose all value to them. 

So, if he can't find a strong backing, he will definitely die in this prison soon.

Charlie is his life-saving straw right now.

So, he quickly begged Charlie, "Sir, please give me some guidance." There is a clear path. As long as I can survive the disaster before me, I am willing to pay 100 million US dollars as a reward! "

Charlie said disdainfully, "Come on, you can save your life now only because of me. Let alone drinking red wine and eating steak for the next meal, whether you can survive until then is still unknown. It's all like this. Now, are you still dreaming about recapturing your Sanchez family? Don’t forget that you have been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Americans and you will never be able to get out. "

Gustavo asked helplessly, "Then... what should I do now..."

Charlie said lightly, "Follow me. I will protect you from now on. Go and tell the prison guard that from today on, you will move to me." Live with me in my cell and I'll keep you safe. "

Gustavo didn't know why Charlie was willing to help him even though he knew there was no hope for him to survive. Come to think of it,Go, he couldn't help but think to himself, "Could this man be a gay?! It must be like this... Otherwise, why would he help me, why would he protect me? And he asked me to move to his cell to live with him..." "

But ...But what does he see in me? After all, I am already old..."

At this time, Charlie saw that Gustavo didn't speak for a long time, so he said coldly, "I'm warning you, I didn't help you in vain. , I helped you, and you have to obey my command in everything. Whatever I ask you to do, you have to do it, otherwise I will directly tell my eldest nephew that I don’t care about your life or death, do you understand?! "

Gustavo trembled in fright, and said quickly, "I...I understand, I understand..."

As he said that, he suppressed the humiliation in his heart, walked to Charlie, lowered his head and choked, "In the future, you will let me Whatever you do, I'll do it. I just ask you to protect me and don't let me be killed by others..."

Charlie nodded with satisfaction, but deliberately said with a cold face, "Should I protect you? Let’s see if you are obedient.”

Gustavo said quickly, “I am obedient, I will definitely be obedient!”

As he said that, he took the initiative to reach into Charlie’s trouser pocket.

Charlie thought this guy had something good that he wanted to bribe him with, but he didn't expect that he actually turned out his trouser pockets, then held the turned out trouser pockets in his hands and looked at Charlie pitifully, with an expression on his face. Humiliated but willing to accommodate.

Charlie immediately understood this guy's intention. Isn't this a joke from the American TV series "Prison Break"?

Co-author: This old guy still thinks he has plans for him?

Feeling disgusted, Charlie raised his hand and slapped him away from him a few meters away. He cursed and said, "Are you fcuking sick? Do you think I'm gay? If you fcuking disgust me again, I'll let my eldest nephew do it right away." I'll beat you to death!"

Gustavo was slapped in the face for the first time in his life, and his face instantly swelled up.

Although his first thought was to be angry, he was so angry that he wished he could conjure an AK47 out of thin air, and then shoot all the bullets at Charlie.

However, in the next second, he suddenly felt relieved and grateful to have survived the disaster.

It seemed that Joseph, the uncle who suddenly appeared, was not plotting against him, and he finally no longer had to endure the humiliation.

Soon, the joy completely suppressed the previous anger, and a smile appeared on his face for the first time, but this smile looked very flattering.

With a flattering look on his face, he looked at Charlie and said with a smile, "I'm sorry Mr. Wade, I misunderstood. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. Don't worry. From today on, I will do whatever you ask me to do." Just do whatever you want!”

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