
Sunday, November 5, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2926 update | Chapter 6099 & 6100 Chapter 2926 Looking for Peter Zhou | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2926 Looking for Peter Zhou

In order to satisfy Charlie as soon as possible, the fifteen prisoners started cleaning everything that could still be moved as soon as possible. They threw all the bedding that had not been changed for a long time into the bathroom, leaving a few person is responsible for cleaning, and the rest of the people start cleaning everywhere.

As for the injured, as long as they could still move, they all tried their best to participate. Those with broken legs sat on the ground and wiped the lower half of the wall. Those with broken hands stepped on towels and wiped them on the ground.

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Thanks to the large number of people and the small area, it didn't take long for the inmates to clean the room and make it spotless.

None of the fifteen prisoners expected that this cell would one day be cleaner than a five-star hotel.

They knew that if Charlie was not satisfied with hygiene at all, they would not be able to avoid having to suffer a physical meal.

Moreover, the pain Charlie gave them was really painful!

The floor that used to stick to your shoes when you walk on it is now as shiny as new, and you even need to be careful to avoid falling.

However, the body odor and cigarette odor in the room have been there for a long time, and it will be difficult to remove it after a while.

So Charlie temporarily added another rule: no one was allowed to smoke in the cell or bathroom, otherwise he would be slapped a hundred times.

Although these prisoners were all severely addicted to smoking, they did not dare to say a word of objection at this time.

At half past five in the afternoon, it’s dinner time.

The prison guard came to count the number of people. When he saw the injured Dean, he was particularly shocked. He was about to ask what happened. Then he saw several other prisoners with severed arms and legs, and he was even more shocked.

Looking at the newly arrived Charlie, he looked calm and content, with no trace of any scars on his face, and he guessed that all of this was done by Charlie.

However, he did not ask about this matter. He knew the rules of Brooklyn Prison better than the prisoners. The prisoners here did not bother the guards unless necessary, and the guards here did not interfere with the prisoners' internal affairs unless necessary.

The prison implements three purposes from top to bottom: first, don't resist; second, don't kill anyone; third, don't escape.

In other words, as long as the prisoners did not attack the prison guards, were still in prison and were not dead, everything else had nothing to do with them.

As for the conflicts and struggles between the prison blocks, between the cells, or within the cells, they have always turned a blind eye.

At present, none of the injured people have asked for medical treatment, which means that they themselves do not want the prison to intervene, so the prison guards don't even bother to ask. They just want to count the number of prisoners and let the prisoners go there in a queue. prison.

However, when he saw that John Lawrence's face had been swollen into a pig's head, he couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

John Lawrence shivered in fright when he heard the word "father" and hurriedly asked He said, "I'm not a priest! I no longer have a priesthood!"

In fact, John Lawrence had enjoyed being called a priest by prisoners.

After all, although many prisoners are guilty of crimes, they still have religious beliefs in their hearts. If they can meet a priest who is also an inmate in prison, even if they know that this guy has a disgraceful past, everyone will give him a little favor.

But John Lawrence knew that it was because he was a priest in the past that made Charlie feel particularly unhappy with him. From now on, he would be slapped a hundred times a day, and just thinking about it would make him feel hopeless.

So, he subconsciously asked the prison guard in a low voice, "Can you help me change a cell?"I'm not used to this cell..."

As soon as John Lawrence said these words, all the prisoners except Charlie looked at him in surprise. 

The rules of Brooklyn Prison are that internal affairs are resolved internally. Anyone who asks the prison guard for help is breaking the rules of Brooklyn.

Therefore, they all can't understand why John Lawrence suddenly asked the prison guard for help. Could it be that asking the prison guard can escape Charlie's threat?

The prison guard was also a little surprised and said He said, "Father, changing cells is very simple, but prisoners who ask the prison guards to change cells will not be welcomed in other cells. This has happened before. The prisoner asked to change cells, but in the end, no cell was willing to accept him. After being beaten and beaten all the time, you can only go back to your original cell, so I suggest you not to change. "

John Lawrence suddenly burst into tears. He also knew the rules of the prison. The reason why he impulsively proposed to change cells was because he was really afraid of Charlie. But after thinking about it carefully, what the prison guard said was not unreasonable. The prisoners in this prison, They don't like people who break the rules. Even if he changes cells, he will definitely be the popular one.

Thinking of this, he could only say with tears, "I was joking with you just now. If I don't change, I won't change even if I die." ..."

The prison guard patted him on the shoulder, and then said to everyone, "Everyone, leave the cell and go to the restaurant. "

With the order, everyone lined up to walk out of the cell and headed to the restaurant with the prisoners in other cells.

Along the way, Charlie kept paying attention to the other prisoners around him, hoping to see Peter Zhou here, but he never found him. Along the way, he saw many prisoners who also went to the restaurant. They had different skin colors and very large age gaps. However, it could be seen that in Brooklyn Prison, there were gang members with tattoos and strong muscles. Accounting for about half.

Moreover, Charlie also found that many prisoners had flesh wounds on their faces and bodies, and some were wearing bandages and using crutches. It looked like they had been beaten. No wonder the prison guard saw several prisoners in his cell. He didn't care if someone was injured.

The cafeteria in Brooklyn Prison is very large and can accommodate one or two thousand prisoners to eat here at the same time.

After the prison guards brought everyone into the cafeteria, they immediately retreated outside the iron gate, and then the place was closed. Give the prisoners autonomy in the prison.

The prisoners are the ones who eat, and they are also the prisoners who are responsible for preparing meals for all the prisoners.

While queuing up for meals, Dean told Charlie, "Sir, you can't just sit around when dining here. Almost every day There are fixed users in each area. The seats by the window on the south side are almost divided between the bosses of the two prison districts and their younger brothers. For example, we can only sit by the window on the north side. Although there is no sunlight there, The sight line is pretty good.

Charlie asked him, "Do you have a boss in Brooklyn Prison? " 

Dean shook his head and replied, "The boss of Block One is Gustavo Sanchez. He doesn't look down on us little gangsters at all, and he doesn't allow us to get too close to the boss of District Two, so we don't dare." With other bosses, otherwise, I would definitely have to hang out with the boss from Block 2. After all, he was originally from a New York gang and is our senior. "

Charlie asked curiously, "Since Gustavo Sanchez looks down on you, why doesn't he let you work with other bosses? "

Dean said, "Gustavo Sanchez had too many enemies. It is said that when he was developing in Mexico, he killed at least thousands of people directly and indirectly, including There are also many government officials there. In Mexico alone, there are countless people who want to seek revenge from him, so he pays great attention to his personal safety in prison. Anyone who forms a gang in a block is a threat to him. They all pose a certain threat, so once he discovers that someone in block 1 is forming a gang, especially joining forces with people in block 2, he will issue a death notice. This guy has his own armed force in Mexico. If anyone provokes him, he will Just kill the whole family, we can't afford to offend him."

Charlie nodded. At this time, Dean looked at the entrance to the first area and whispered to Charlie, "Sanchez is here!"

Charlie followed his gaze, only a few brown-skinned Mexicans were seen striding forward, roughly pushing everyone aside on both sides, and then, a short and fat middle-aged man about 1.65 meters tall walked away expressionlessly. When he came out, there were several brown-skinned bodyguards behind him.

Dean said to Charlie, "The people around Sanchez are all masters he carefully selected from his own armed forces, who came in specifically to protect him."

Charlie didn't take Sanchez seriously, and he didn't care about Mexican criminal groups either. I have been in contact with it, and on the whole, there is no essential difference from criminal groups around the world. It is just that they are more brutal and have no bottom line than most criminal groups.

Back in Mexico, Charlie once eradicated an entire criminal group. Although these lawless militants were brutal in their methods, their combat effectiveness was not very strong. They just had an overwhelming advantage over ordinary civilians. In front of the Wanlong Palace, they are simply not enough to see.

And Charlie came to Brooklyn Prison this time not to punish evil and promote good. He just wanted to find Zhou Liangyun from Ji Qingtang, the one in his father’s old photo. Peter Zhou, as for who is the boss of this prison, he doesn't care.

So, he asked Dean, "Is the know-it-all Lucas here?"

Dean searched around for a long time, pointed at a thin young man in the crowd not far away and said, "That's Lucas."

At this time, Lucas, just walked into the restaurant, waiting in line behind Charlie to get food, while whispering to the prisoners next to him.

Charlie took note of Lucas's appearance and prepared to find an opportunity to chat with him later.

At this time, Sanchez and his group of more than a dozen people had already sat down by the largest window on the south side. Sanchez himself sat at a six-person dining table by the window, and the others sat in a semicircle at the empty table next to him. sit down.

When Charlie was wondering why no one in this group went to get food, several prison guards and a man wearing chef's clothes walked in pushing a dining cart. Although the top of the dining cart was covered with a stainless steel cover, there was a strong aroma inside. It still made many prisoners secretly swallow their saliva.

The dining car was pushed directly to Sanchez's side. His men immediately stepped forward to open the lid and take a look. There were many exquisite meals inside, including bread, salads, cold-cut Spanish ham, French escargot soup, and more... What's more, there is also a medium-rare top steak and a bottle of Romanée-Conti red wine.

Charlie was surprised when he saw it. He didn't expect that the prison of the American Empire would be so blatant in its privileges. Sanchez's dinner was simply a French meal with three Michelin stars.

At this time, Sanchez's men began to bring out the meals and place them in front of Sanchez, and a younger brother skillfully opened Romanee-Conti's bottle.For red wine, he took out a decanter and a red wine glass from the second floor of the dining car, and poured the red wine into them.

Seeing Dean drooling while looking at the other person's food, Charlie couldn't help but ask him, "Has this Sanchez always been so high-profile in prison?" "

Yes..." The wound in Dean's mouth was stung by saliva and he endured the pain. He said to Charlie, "From the day Sanchez came in, he has been like this, and he brought the chef from Mexico. It is said that part of the prison kitchen is specially used by his chef. He has three meals a day." His chef is in charge."

As he spoke, Dean said with an envious look, "Brooklyn Prison is a federal prison. Federal prisons do not have the opportunity for conjugal visits, but Sanchez has the privilege. He has three three-hour conjugal visits every week. Time, it is said that his subordinates outside will send him some beauties of different styles every time for him to enjoy..."

Charlie saw his envy overflowing, and asked curiously, "Why are you still so envious? You are not gay. Are you?"

Dean said with a sad face, "Sir... whenever I have a chance to meet a woman, I will not be gay... I am forced to have no choice but if someone sends me three beauties every week, I will beat him to death. I don't know how to be gay..."

Charlie smiled slightly and said nothing. He had been paying attention to his surroundings. Almost everyone from the first and second wards were here, but he still didn't see Peter Zhou.

After grabbing a meal, he did not go to a fixed area with Dean to dine. Instead, he walked near the queue at the back and said to Lucas, "Lucas, right? I am Andrew's friend. He asked me to come in to see you and said you could take care of me if I have anything."

As soon as Lucas heard Andrew's name, he quickly pointed to a table in the corner and said to Charlie, "Brother, wait for me at that table. I'll be here in a minute. ."

Charlie nodded and came to the corner with the dinner plate.

In Brooklyn Prison, all prisoners like to join in the fun, and few like to sit in the corner, so there are no other prisoners around Charlie.

A few minutes later, Lucas came over with a dinner plate, sat down opposite Charlie, and asked him in a low voice, "Is there anything you need my help with?"

Charlie said in a low voice while eating, "I heard there is A Chinese-American named Peter Zhou was imprisoned here a few months ago. Have you received any news?"

"Peter Zhou?" Lucas thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this guy.  Are you sure he is being held here?"

Charlie nodded, "I'm sure, the source of the information is very reliable and there shouldn't be anything wrong."

"Strange..." Lucas said seriously, "I've never heard of Peter Zhou you mentioned. I haven't heard of it, and I have a list of new prisoners there. I compile and update it every day, but I haven't seen this name."

Charlie asked him, "Will he be held in solitary confinement somewhere in this prison? "

Lucas thought for a while and said seriously, "I can't promise you this. Since you were introduced by Angelou, I can't hide anything from you. To tell you the truth, although Brooklyn Prison is apparently a federal prison, Prison, but the actual controller is the Rothschild family."

As he spoke, he looked at Sanchez who was cutting steaks and drinking red wine leisurely in the distance, and said to Charlie, "Look at that person, the big drug lord Gu Stavo Sanchez, he can eat steak and drink red wine here not only because he is rich and powerful, but also because he cooperates with the Rothschild family!”

I know least people are watching my videos... i request everyone to play videos when you read... you can mute the audio if you don't understand the language...

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