
Showing posts with label Asian story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asian story. Show all posts

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2933 update | Chapter 6113 & 6114 Chapter 2933 has an entry point | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels


 Chapter 2933 has an entry point

Joseph’s younger brother has not recovered from the shock and surprise.

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They couldn't understand that the boss had been planning for so many days just to find an opportunity to kill Gustavo, but when he was about to succeed, a so-called uncle of the boss suddenly appeared. The key is that this uncle was much younger than the boss.

What's even more outrageous is that the young uncle stood up and said a word, and the boss immediately terminated all plans.

However, since they were chosen by Joseph to implement this plan, at least their loyalty was guaranteed, so even if they were surprised, as long as the boss spoke, they could only obey unconditionally.

Charlie also knew that this matter was not over yet.

There was a conflict between the two sides today, and Gustavo's younger brothers were all beaten to the ground. Even if the Rothschild family didn't come to ask, the warden would definitely ask what happened; and today

Gustavo is not dead, Joseph also has to give an explanation to Gustavo's son.

Therefore, how to stabilize these two ends and prevent today's events from having subsequent consequences is the top priority right now.

So, Charlie said to Joseph, "Eldest nephew, ask your brothers to step aside first. I need to have a good chat with you and Gustavo about something." 

There were only two things in Joseph's mind at the moment, Charlie is his uncle, and he must obey his orders unconditionally. 

So, he said to Charlie without thinking, "Uncle, don't worry, I'll make arrangements right away."

After that, he called a few younger brothers, and after whispering for a while, The boys immediately stepped back more than ten meters away, leaving room for the three of them to talk.

Charlie said at this time, "This matter has become a big deal today. All the prisoners have seen the conflict between the two of you again. Fortunately, they haven't seen that Joseph's side is about to kill people, so now we have to discuss a unified solution." Caliber to deal with these people in the prison, including the warden, to prevent the matter from continuing to ferment."

Joseph said respectfully, "Uncle Wade, you can make the decision in everything, I will listen to you!"

Charlie nodded with satisfaction. He nodded and praised, "Good nephew, I saw you right."

After saying that, he looked at Gustavo again and asked him, "What about you?"

Gustavo quickly bowed and said, "Mr. Wade, I...I too… Everything is at your command! "

Charlie nodded and said seriously, "Since you let me make the decision, I will tell you my approximate solution. "

First of all, no matter who asks about this matter in prison today, it must be said that Joseph is very dissatisfied with the privileges Gustavo has enjoyed for a long time, so he wants to take the opportunity to teach Gustavo a lesson. In addition, Apart from that, there is nothing else;"

The two of them immediately nodded, fully agreeing with what Charlie said.

Charlie continued, "Secondly, there might be an informant from Gustavo's son here, so don't wait for him to look back. If he succeeds in questioning you, you can call him when you are free for a while and tell him that today is to test it first to see if there is any action from the prison guards, and then tell him that you will be there in the next two days. I will look for opportunities to implement this matter. 

Joseph naturally agreed 10,000%, but Gustavo said with some worry, "Mr. Wade, what should I do if my son keeps urging Joseph to take action?" You can't drag it on forever, otherwise he will definitely become suspicious. Once he becomes suspicious, he will find someone else to attack me..." 

Charlie nodded, "This is what I want to tell you next. The problem. "

After a pause, Charlie continued, "First of all, as I said just now, this is just a delaying strategy, and it can only delay it for two or three days at most. Therefore, I will find someone to protect you within these two or three days. 

Gustavo asked nervously, "Mr. Wade... Do you have any plan now to protect me from being killed by my son? "

Charlie smiled and said, "If you want to avoid being killed by your son here, then you have to start with the warden and give you extra protection. Then I believe that no one in this prison can kill you.". "

Gustavo said with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "Although the warden here does not seem to have a high status, he is actually a member of the Rothschild family. He only takes orders from the Rothschild family and does not treat outsiders at all. I went to ask him for help. Not only would he not agree, but he would report the situation to the Rothschild family as soon as possible. 

If The Rothschild family knows that my son wants to kill me, then they also know that I have lost value to them, and I will only be more dangerous by then..." 

Charlie asked him "Can you take me to see this warden?" "

No..." Gustavo said truthfully, "This guy is very strange. He rarely contacts prisoners. He only comes to inspect a few times a year. Prisoners cannot see him at other times. And even if I want to When you see him, you have to say hello and check his time in advance. If he wants to see me, he will go to the separate reception room in the prison area to meet me.

Charlie asked in surprise, "Do you always meet in the reception room? " Have you ever been to his office? "


Charlie asked again, "Then can you go to his office to meet him? " "

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Can't. " Gustavo shook his head and said, "The management here is still very strict. I still don't know what their internal office area looks like." "

Charlie asked curiously, "I heard from others that you have a lot of freedom here, and you can even sneak out to spend the night. You have such a high degree of freedom, haven't you even been to their internal office area? "

Gustavo said, "Although I can occasionally leave the prison area quietly to relax, he also made a stipulation with me. Every time I go out, I must first lie about being sick, and then the doctor will issue me a certificate of indwelling observation. , after the lights go out at night, my people will send my temporary replacement over, and he will spend the night in the infirmary instead of me, while I will be taken out masked by the prison guards arranged by the warden, and they will be very cautious every time. "

Charlie smacked his lips and continued to ask him, "Can you introduce  the warden to me? Whose last name, background, age, hobbies, etc.

Gustavo nodded and said, "The warden here is named Bruce Weinstein. He is forty-three years old. "

Charlie frowned, "Weinstein? " This surname seems to be rare. 

Gustavo said , "It's really not that common. It's a Jewish surname. Bruce Weinstein is not very famous, but you should have heard of his distant uncle, who is the famous villain in Hollywood." "

Charlie suddenly realized, "Oh...I know, that's it.The Hollywood villain who assaulted hundreds of female stars. "

Yes!" Gustavo nodded and said, "Bruce is similar to his distant uncle. They are both keen on playing with women. Apart from making money, their biggest hobby is women." "

Charlie nodded slightly and said with a smile, "If you like to play with women, then there is an entry point. "

As he said that, Charlie asked him again, "Is there any benefit transfer between you and this Bruce? "

Gustavo said, "On the surface, there is no benefit transfer. After all, he is a member of the Rothschild family, and he doesn't dare to be too arrogant. But secretly, I did have people arrange some beauties for him outside. Every time he Never refused once. "

Charlie nodded and said, "In this case, then you should find a way to make an appointment with him, the sooner the better, and you must take me to see him. 

Gustavo asked, "Mr. Wade, how should I introduce you to him?" "

Charlie said, "This is simple, you just say that you had a relationship with me in Mexico before, but you didn't expect that I was arrested for illegal immigration, so you want him to take care of me in prison. "

With that said, Charlie added, "Don't let his favor go to waste. Hurry up and arrange some beauties for him. The prettier the better. Let's take good care of him tonight.

Gustavo nodded, " Okay, I'll make the arrangements." "

As he said that, he took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

When Joseph saw that he still had a mobile phone, he immediately said subconsciously, "Fcuk, where did you get the mobile phone from? Get me one sometime! "

Charlie rolled his eyes at him and scolded, "Shut up! We're busy with business, don't interrupt! "

Joseph immediately shut his mouth knowingly.

Gustavo found a number and dialed it. After giving instructions to the person on the phone, he said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, I have made arrangements. There are two worlds tonight. The lady just happened to be attending an event in New York. I originally wanted to go out and enjoy myself, but now it's cheaper for Bruce. "

Charlie nodded. "It's not too early now. You should quickly find a way to contact him and make an appointment with him.

Gustavo said without thinking, "Okay Mr. Wade, I will contact him right now! " "

Friday, November 10, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2932 update | Chapter 6111 & 6112 Chapter 2932 It depends on whether you listen or not | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels


 Chapter 2932 It depends on whether you listen or not

A sudden voice from outside the crowd made everyone look back subconsciously.

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Neither Joseph nor Gustavo expected that someone would intervene at this time.

Just as he was wondering, Charlie had already separated from the people outside and walked up to Gustavo and Joseph.

The boys who were pushed away didn't understand why they were pushed to both sides by this tall and thin boy. Before they could react, the person had already passed by them. 

Seeing that Charlie was a strange oriental face, Joseph immediately pointed at Charlie angrily and asked, "Who the hell are you? Are you looking for death?" 

Saying that, he did not want to waste time on Charlie. At the same time, he immediately yelled at the two men around him, "Pull this kid out and beat him to death!"

As soon as the two heard this, they immediately geared up and approached Charlie.

In their opinion, Charlie was tall and thin, and looked like the kind of person who never exercised. And they were both muscular men bigger than the mouth of a bowl. It was easy to teach Charlie a lesson.

The two people quickly came to Charlie, one of them stretched out a hand, and was about to grab Charlie and drag him out. Unexpectedly, Charlie suddenly became angry and suddenly took action, grabbing the two people's outstretched arms. .

The expressions of both of them were shocked. No one saw how Charlie made his move, but his hand was indeed caught by Charlie.

Just when the two of them were surprised, Charlie suddenly twisted his hands inwards, twisting their arms instantly and deforming them. A crackling sound like firecrackers came out, and the two of them were directly on the spot because of the huge torque in their arms. After twisting and turning for half a round, their heads hit each other directly, and they were instantly bruised and bloody.

The worst thing at this time was that their arms had been broken into countless pieces.

As the two of them sat on the ground and wailed, everyone was completely frightened by Charlie.

They simply couldn't imagine how Charlie could easily flip two muscular men weighing more than 200 kilograms into the air. This kind of power could not be achieved by even the strongest strongman in the United States!

Joseph was also dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the two most capable men around him would become useless in an instant. He had been in the gang for many years and had seen all kinds of injuries. The broken arms of his two younger brothers had already been damaged. It turned over more than once. With this level of tragedy, even with all-out treatment and recovery, he is afraid that they will not be able to hold a mobile phone in the future. It is basically equivalent to losing an arm. This kind of strength is simply unbelievable.

Joseph, who was a little nervous, subconsciously asked Charlie, "Who are you? What do you want to do? No matter how good you are, you may not be able to beat the ten of us, right?" 

Charlie smiled, looked at Joseph seriously, and said seriously "You are such a b!tch and forgetful about things. I am your Uncle Wade.Ah, you forgot? "

Joseph did not expect that Charlie would call him a b!tch when he opened his mouth. Seeing that he was not older than him, he actually said he was his uncle. He suddenly became furious and shouted at the younger brothers around him, "Come together! Get rid of him! "

Although the younger brothers were nervous, after all, they had weapons in hand, and with the large number of people, they thought that their chances of winning were not small, so their expressions turned cold, and they turned around to attack Charlie. 

At this time, Charlie did He made a blocking gesture and said to Joseph seriously, "Have you forgotten? Your dad and I have been friends for many years, and we always call him eldest brother. Since your dad and I are brothers, don't you have to call me uncle? "

While speaking, Charlie's spiritual energy quietly penetrated into Joseph's brain.

Joseph was stunned for a moment, then looked at Charlie and said excitedly, "Fcuk! Uncle Wade! It’s really you, Uncle Wade! "

These two calls of "Uncle Wade" made everyone at the scene dumbfounded.

They all thought that Charlie was looking for death because he had no eyesight, and he even boasted that he was Joseph's uncle. Isn't this just because he is tired of life?

But no one expected it. Joseph actually admitted it?!

At this time, Joseph excitedly stepped forward, held Charlie's right hand with both hands, and said excitedly, "Uncle Wade, why are you here? "

Everyone around them had their jaws dropped, and Gustavo was also dumbfounded.

But Charlie said calmly, "This prison is not run by your family. If you can come, can't I come? ? You are allowed to make mistakes, but Uncle Wade is not allowed to make mistakes?

Joseph said with great respect at this time, "Yes, yes, Uncle Wade, you are right! " "

Charlie rolled his eyes at him, then pointed at Gustavo and said, "Today, if you show your uncle some face, don't touch him yet. "

Joseph said without any hesitation, "Okay! Now that Uncle Wade has spoken, I definitely can't touch him again. "

After that, he looked at Gustavo and said with a serious face, "Gustavo, you are fcuking lucky today. If my Uncle Wade hadn't come out to speak for you, I would definitely let my brothers Turn you into a hornet's nest! "

Gustavo didn't understand what was going on, but when he heard Joseph's words, he couldn't help but feel grateful to have survived the disaster. When he thought about how he was almost killed secretly by his son, he couldn't control his tears. His eyes burst into tears.

At this time, Charlie came to Gustavo, slapped him on the back of the head, and said in a cold voice, "You're going to cry. Why are you crying? Can you be successful? "

Gustavo didn't expect that Charlie would actually raise his hand to hit him. The first reaction in his heart was that he was furious. But when he thought that the man in front of him helped him stop Joseph, he could only swallow his anger and pretend to be grateful and said, "Sir, Thank you for saving me, I will definitely repay you!

"Repay me? " "Charlie said disdainfully, "Look at what you are like now, what can you do in return for me? Although my eldest nephew will spare your life for the time being, do you think there is anything you can do now? Your entire family is now managed by your son, but your son wants your life. Have you ever thought that if my eldest nephew doesn’t kill you today, will your son find someone else to kill you tomorrow? "

Gustavo was speechless for a moment.

It was at this moment that he finally figured out one thing. Since his son intended to kill him and take full control of the entire criminal group, what happened to him in Brooklyn Prison before? It's all just false prosperity.

By that time, I am afraid that I will have no support in this prison. 

Moreover, people say that there is no turning back. Since my son has asked Joseph to do something to him today, as long as he has not If he dies, he will definitely not give up this idea, and will definitely continue to think of ways to assassinate him.

 What is even more aggrieved is that he cannot go to the Rothschild family for help. The Rothschild family gives him privileges because of They don’t know that he has been given up by their sons and think that he still has value. If they know the actual situation, then he will lose all value to them. 

So, if he can't find a strong backing, he will definitely die in this prison soon.

Charlie is his life-saving straw right now.

So, he quickly begged Charlie, "Sir, please give me some guidance." There is a clear path. As long as I can survive the disaster before me, I am willing to pay 100 million US dollars as a reward! "

Charlie said disdainfully, "Come on, you can save your life now only because of me. Let alone drinking red wine and eating steak for the next meal, whether you can survive until then is still unknown. It's all like this. Now, are you still dreaming about recapturing your Sanchez family? Don’t forget that you have been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Americans and you will never be able to get out. "

Gustavo asked helplessly, "Then... what should I do now..."

Charlie said lightly, "Follow me. I will protect you from now on. Go and tell the prison guard that from today on, you will move to me." Live with me in my cell and I'll keep you safe. "

Gustavo didn't know why Charlie was willing to help him even though he knew there was no hope for him to survive. Come to think of it,Go, he couldn't help but think to himself, "Could this man be a gay?! It must be like this... Otherwise, why would he help me, why would he protect me? And he asked me to move to his cell to live with him..." "

But ...But what does he see in me? After all, I am already old..."

At this time, Charlie saw that Gustavo didn't speak for a long time, so he said coldly, "I'm warning you, I didn't help you in vain. , I helped you, and you have to obey my command in everything. Whatever I ask you to do, you have to do it, otherwise I will directly tell my eldest nephew that I don’t care about your life or death, do you understand?! "

Gustavo trembled in fright, and said quickly, "I...I understand, I understand..."

As he said that, he suppressed the humiliation in his heart, walked to Charlie, lowered his head and choked, "In the future, you will let me Whatever you do, I'll do it. I just ask you to protect me and don't let me be killed by others..."

Charlie nodded with satisfaction, but deliberately said with a cold face, "Should I protect you? Let’s see if you are obedient.”

Gustavo said quickly, “I am obedient, I will definitely be obedient!”

As he said that, he took the initiative to reach into Charlie’s trouser pocket.

Charlie thought this guy had something good that he wanted to bribe him with, but he didn't expect that he actually turned out his trouser pockets, then held the turned out trouser pockets in his hands and looked at Charlie pitifully, with an expression on his face. Humiliated but willing to accommodate.

Charlie immediately understood this guy's intention. Isn't this a joke from the American TV series "Prison Break"?

Co-author: This old guy still thinks he has plans for him?

Feeling disgusted, Charlie raised his hand and slapped him away from him a few meters away. He cursed and said, "Are you fcuking sick? Do you think I'm gay? If you fcuking disgust me again, I'll let my eldest nephew do it right away." I'll beat you to death!"

Gustavo was slapped in the face for the first time in his life, and his face instantly swelled up.

Although his first thought was to be angry, he was so angry that he wished he could conjure an AK47 out of thin air, and then shoot all the bullets at Charlie.

However, in the next second, he suddenly felt relieved and grateful to have survived the disaster.

It seemed that Joseph, the uncle who suddenly appeared, was not plotting against him, and he finally no longer had to endure the humiliation.

Soon, the joy completely suppressed the previous anger, and a smile appeared on his face for the first time, but this smile looked very flattering.

With a flattering look on his face, he looked at Charlie and said with a smile, "I'm sorry Mr. Wade, I misunderstood. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. Don't worry. From today on, I will do whatever you ask me to do." Just do whatever you want!”

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Sunday, November 5, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2926 update | Chapter 6099 & 6100 Chapter 2926 Looking for Peter Zhou | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2926 Looking for Peter Zhou

In order to satisfy Charlie as soon as possible, the fifteen prisoners started cleaning everything that could still be moved as soon as possible. They threw all the bedding that had not been changed for a long time into the bathroom, leaving a few person is responsible for cleaning, and the rest of the people start cleaning everywhere.

As for the injured, as long as they could still move, they all tried their best to participate. Those with broken legs sat on the ground and wiped the lower half of the wall. Those with broken hands stepped on towels and wiped them on the ground.

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Thanks to the large number of people and the small area, it didn't take long for the inmates to clean the room and make it spotless.

None of the fifteen prisoners expected that this cell would one day be cleaner than a five-star hotel.

They knew that if Charlie was not satisfied with hygiene at all, they would not be able to avoid having to suffer a physical meal.

Moreover, the pain Charlie gave them was really painful!

The floor that used to stick to your shoes when you walk on it is now as shiny as new, and you even need to be careful to avoid falling.

However, the body odor and cigarette odor in the room have been there for a long time, and it will be difficult to remove it after a while.

So Charlie temporarily added another rule: no one was allowed to smoke in the cell or bathroom, otherwise he would be slapped a hundred times.

Although these prisoners were all severely addicted to smoking, they did not dare to say a word of objection at this time.

At half past five in the afternoon, it’s dinner time.

The prison guard came to count the number of people. When he saw the injured Dean, he was particularly shocked. He was about to ask what happened. Then he saw several other prisoners with severed arms and legs, and he was even more shocked.

Looking at the newly arrived Charlie, he looked calm and content, with no trace of any scars on his face, and he guessed that all of this was done by Charlie.

However, he did not ask about this matter. He knew the rules of Brooklyn Prison better than the prisoners. The prisoners here did not bother the guards unless necessary, and the guards here did not interfere with the prisoners' internal affairs unless necessary.

The prison implements three purposes from top to bottom: first, don't resist; second, don't kill anyone; third, don't escape.

In other words, as long as the prisoners did not attack the prison guards, were still in prison and were not dead, everything else had nothing to do with them.

As for the conflicts and struggles between the prison blocks, between the cells, or within the cells, they have always turned a blind eye.

At present, none of the injured people have asked for medical treatment, which means that they themselves do not want the prison to intervene, so the prison guards don't even bother to ask. They just want to count the number of prisoners and let the prisoners go there in a queue. prison.

However, when he saw that John Lawrence's face had been swollen into a pig's head, he couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Father, what's wrong with you?"

John Lawrence shivered in fright when he heard the word "father" and hurriedly asked He said, "I'm not a priest! I no longer have a priesthood!"

In fact, John Lawrence had enjoyed being called a priest by prisoners.

After all, although many prisoners are guilty of crimes, they still have religious beliefs in their hearts. If they can meet a priest who is also an inmate in prison, even if they know that this guy has a disgraceful past, everyone will give him a little favor.

But John Lawrence knew that it was because he was a priest in the past that made Charlie feel particularly unhappy with him. From now on, he would be slapped a hundred times a day, and just thinking about it would make him feel hopeless.

So, he subconsciously asked the prison guard in a low voice, "Can you help me change a cell?"I'm not used to this cell..."

As soon as John Lawrence said these words, all the prisoners except Charlie looked at him in surprise. 

The rules of Brooklyn Prison are that internal affairs are resolved internally. Anyone who asks the prison guard for help is breaking the rules of Brooklyn.

Therefore, they all can't understand why John Lawrence suddenly asked the prison guard for help. Could it be that asking the prison guard can escape Charlie's threat?

The prison guard was also a little surprised and said He said, "Father, changing cells is very simple, but prisoners who ask the prison guards to change cells will not be welcomed in other cells. This has happened before. The prisoner asked to change cells, but in the end, no cell was willing to accept him. After being beaten and beaten all the time, you can only go back to your original cell, so I suggest you not to change. "

John Lawrence suddenly burst into tears. He also knew the rules of the prison. The reason why he impulsively proposed to change cells was because he was really afraid of Charlie. But after thinking about it carefully, what the prison guard said was not unreasonable. The prisoners in this prison, They don't like people who break the rules. Even if he changes cells, he will definitely be the popular one.

Thinking of this, he could only say with tears, "I was joking with you just now. If I don't change, I won't change even if I die." ..."

The prison guard patted him on the shoulder, and then said to everyone, "Everyone, leave the cell and go to the restaurant. "

With the order, everyone lined up to walk out of the cell and headed to the restaurant with the prisoners in other cells.

Along the way, Charlie kept paying attention to the other prisoners around him, hoping to see Peter Zhou here, but he never found him. Along the way, he saw many prisoners who also went to the restaurant. They had different skin colors and very large age gaps. However, it could be seen that in Brooklyn Prison, there were gang members with tattoos and strong muscles. Accounting for about half.

Moreover, Charlie also found that many prisoners had flesh wounds on their faces and bodies, and some were wearing bandages and using crutches. It looked like they had been beaten. No wonder the prison guard saw several prisoners in his cell. He didn't care if someone was injured.

The cafeteria in Brooklyn Prison is very large and can accommodate one or two thousand prisoners to eat here at the same time.

After the prison guards brought everyone into the cafeteria, they immediately retreated outside the iron gate, and then the place was closed. Give the prisoners autonomy in the prison.

The prisoners are the ones who eat, and they are also the prisoners who are responsible for preparing meals for all the prisoners.

While queuing up for meals, Dean told Charlie, "Sir, you can't just sit around when dining here. Almost every day There are fixed users in each area. The seats by the window on the south side are almost divided between the bosses of the two prison districts and their younger brothers. For example, we can only sit by the window on the north side. Although there is no sunlight there, The sight line is pretty good.

Charlie asked him, "Do you have a boss in Brooklyn Prison? " 

Dean shook his head and replied, "The boss of Block One is Gustavo Sanchez. He doesn't look down on us little gangsters at all, and he doesn't allow us to get too close to the boss of District Two, so we don't dare." With other bosses, otherwise, I would definitely have to hang out with the boss from Block 2. After all, he was originally from a New York gang and is our senior. "

Charlie asked curiously, "Since Gustavo Sanchez looks down on you, why doesn't he let you work with other bosses? "

Dean said, "Gustavo Sanchez had too many enemies. It is said that when he was developing in Mexico, he killed at least thousands of people directly and indirectly, including There are also many government officials there. In Mexico alone, there are countless people who want to seek revenge from him, so he pays great attention to his personal safety in prison. Anyone who forms a gang in a block is a threat to him. They all pose a certain threat, so once he discovers that someone in block 1 is forming a gang, especially joining forces with people in block 2, he will issue a death notice. This guy has his own armed force in Mexico. If anyone provokes him, he will Just kill the whole family, we can't afford to offend him."

Charlie nodded. At this time, Dean looked at the entrance to the first area and whispered to Charlie, "Sanchez is here!"

Charlie followed his gaze, only a few brown-skinned Mexicans were seen striding forward, roughly pushing everyone aside on both sides, and then, a short and fat middle-aged man about 1.65 meters tall walked away expressionlessly. When he came out, there were several brown-skinned bodyguards behind him.

Dean said to Charlie, "The people around Sanchez are all masters he carefully selected from his own armed forces, who came in specifically to protect him."

Charlie didn't take Sanchez seriously, and he didn't care about Mexican criminal groups either. I have been in contact with it, and on the whole, there is no essential difference from criminal groups around the world. It is just that they are more brutal and have no bottom line than most criminal groups.

Back in Mexico, Charlie once eradicated an entire criminal group. Although these lawless militants were brutal in their methods, their combat effectiveness was not very strong. They just had an overwhelming advantage over ordinary civilians. In front of the Wanlong Palace, they are simply not enough to see.

And Charlie came to Brooklyn Prison this time not to punish evil and promote good. He just wanted to find Zhou Liangyun from Ji Qingtang, the one in his father’s old photo. Peter Zhou, as for who is the boss of this prison, he doesn't care.

So, he asked Dean, "Is the know-it-all Lucas here?"

Dean searched around for a long time, pointed at a thin young man in the crowd not far away and said, "That's Lucas."

At this time, Lucas, just walked into the restaurant, waiting in line behind Charlie to get food, while whispering to the prisoners next to him.

Charlie took note of Lucas's appearance and prepared to find an opportunity to chat with him later.

At this time, Sanchez and his group of more than a dozen people had already sat down by the largest window on the south side. Sanchez himself sat at a six-person dining table by the window, and the others sat in a semicircle at the empty table next to him. sit down.

When Charlie was wondering why no one in this group went to get food, several prison guards and a man wearing chef's clothes walked in pushing a dining cart. Although the top of the dining cart was covered with a stainless steel cover, there was a strong aroma inside. It still made many prisoners secretly swallow their saliva.

The dining car was pushed directly to Sanchez's side. His men immediately stepped forward to open the lid and take a look. There were many exquisite meals inside, including bread, salads, cold-cut Spanish ham, French escargot soup, and more... What's more, there is also a medium-rare top steak and a bottle of Romanée-Conti red wine.

Charlie was surprised when he saw it. He didn't expect that the prison of the American Empire would be so blatant in its privileges. Sanchez's dinner was simply a French meal with three Michelin stars.

At this time, Sanchez's men began to bring out the meals and place them in front of Sanchez, and a younger brother skillfully opened Romanee-Conti's bottle.For red wine, he took out a decanter and a red wine glass from the second floor of the dining car, and poured the red wine into them.

Seeing Dean drooling while looking at the other person's food, Charlie couldn't help but ask him, "Has this Sanchez always been so high-profile in prison?" "

Yes..." The wound in Dean's mouth was stung by saliva and he endured the pain. He said to Charlie, "From the day Sanchez came in, he has been like this, and he brought the chef from Mexico. It is said that part of the prison kitchen is specially used by his chef. He has three meals a day." His chef is in charge."

As he spoke, Dean said with an envious look, "Brooklyn Prison is a federal prison. Federal prisons do not have the opportunity for conjugal visits, but Sanchez has the privilege. He has three three-hour conjugal visits every week. Time, it is said that his subordinates outside will send him some beauties of different styles every time for him to enjoy..."

Charlie saw his envy overflowing, and asked curiously, "Why are you still so envious? You are not gay. Are you?"

Dean said with a sad face, "Sir... whenever I have a chance to meet a woman, I will not be gay... I am forced to have no choice but if someone sends me three beauties every week, I will beat him to death. I don't know how to be gay..."

Charlie smiled slightly and said nothing. He had been paying attention to his surroundings. Almost everyone from the first and second wards were here, but he still didn't see Peter Zhou.

After grabbing a meal, he did not go to a fixed area with Dean to dine. Instead, he walked near the queue at the back and said to Lucas, "Lucas, right? I am Andrew's friend. He asked me to come in to see you and said you could take care of me if I have anything."

As soon as Lucas heard Andrew's name, he quickly pointed to a table in the corner and said to Charlie, "Brother, wait for me at that table. I'll be here in a minute. ."

Charlie nodded and came to the corner with the dinner plate.

In Brooklyn Prison, all prisoners like to join in the fun, and few like to sit in the corner, so there are no other prisoners around Charlie.

A few minutes later, Lucas came over with a dinner plate, sat down opposite Charlie, and asked him in a low voice, "Is there anything you need my help with?"

Charlie said in a low voice while eating, "I heard there is A Chinese-American named Peter Zhou was imprisoned here a few months ago. Have you received any news?"

"Peter Zhou?" Lucas thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "I've never heard of this guy.  Are you sure he is being held here?"

Charlie nodded, "I'm sure, the source of the information is very reliable and there shouldn't be anything wrong."

"Strange..." Lucas said seriously, "I've never heard of Peter Zhou you mentioned. I haven't heard of it, and I have a list of new prisoners there. I compile and update it every day, but I haven't seen this name."

Charlie asked him, "Will he be held in solitary confinement somewhere in this prison? "

Lucas thought for a while and said seriously, "I can't promise you this. Since you were introduced by Angelou, I can't hide anything from you. To tell you the truth, although Brooklyn Prison is apparently a federal prison, Prison, but the actual controller is the Rothschild family."

As he spoke, he looked at Sanchez who was cutting steaks and drinking red wine leisurely in the distance, and said to Charlie, "Look at that person, the big drug lord Gu Stavo Sanchez, he can eat steak and drink red wine here not only because he is rich and powerful, but also because he cooperates with the Rothschild family!”

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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2925 update | Chapter 6097 & 6098 Chapter 2925 Prison Survival Rules | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels


 Chapter 2925 Prison Survival Rules

Charlie’s request, if placed in the past, would definitely make these people think it was a fantasy.

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However, after a few people experienced Charlie's methods and most people witnessed Charlie's cruelty, these people felt in their hearts that Charlie's request was not excessive at all.

Therefore, each of them nodded as if they were talking, fearing that Charlie would take advantage of them if they expressed their opinions too late.

Seeing them all nodding in agreement, Charlie smiled slightly and said, "Since you all have no objections, we will implement it from now on. This cell is dirty and smelly right now, so all of you should do a general cleaning first. Be sure to: The cleaning must be spotless, otherwise, you will all be punished together." 

A group of people did not dare to say anything more and quickly started an unprecedented cleaning.

In order to satisfy Charlie as soon as possible, everyone who could still move immediately participated. They threw all the bedding that had not been changed for a long time into the bathroom, leaving a few people to be responsible for cleaning, while the rest began to clean everywhere. of hygiene.

They knew that if Charlie was not satisfied with hygiene in the slightest, they would not be able to avoid a physical meal.

Moreover, the pain Charlie gave them  was really painful!

Even Dean dragged his body and wiped Charlie's bed repeatedly with a towel, especially the footprints he had stepped on before, and no traces were left after he wiped them carefully.

At this time, Charlie looked at the miserable Dean and asked, "Dean, I have a question for you. You must answer it truthfully. If you dare to play tricks on me, I will make you a hundred times more miserable than you are now." Do you understand?"

Dean trembled and said quickly, "Sir, please tell me, as long as I know, I will not hide anything!"

Charlie nodded and asked, "Are you in Brooklyn Prison? , have you ever heard of a Chinese prisoner named Peter Zhou?"

"Peter Zhou?" Dean shook his head and said, "Never heard of this person."

Charlie asked back, "Think about it carefully, your memory "Can you not recall any memory about this person's name?"

Dean said with a panicked look on his face, "First of all,"Sir, I really didn't lie. I've never heard of the name you mentioned..."

Charlie could see that Dean didn't lie, and he didn't expect to find out News about Peter Zhou from Dean.

After all, he was the one targeted by the core members of the Rothschild family. Even if he was sent to this prison, it would definitely not be known to everyone. 

So, Charlie remembered what the policeman had mentioned to him Lucas, the informant, then asked, “Have you ever heard of a Brazilian named Lucas?

Dean nodded quickly and said, "I know Lucas. That kid is very smart. He has information from all directions in Brooklyn Prison. He has a nickname, Brooklyn Prison Know-It-All. He is in Cell No. 15, not far from here. " "

Charlie said again, "Now please introduce to me the situation of the prisoners in Brooklyn Prison, especially the situation of the gangs inside.

Dean thought for a while and said, "Sir, there are two wards in Brooklyn Prison. We are in the first ward now. Each ward has a boss. This boss can truly intimidate people. " People who live in the entire prison area. "

As he spoke, Dean added, "The boss of the first prison block where we are located is the famous Mexican drug lord Gustavo Sanchez. This man is very powerful. It is said that before he was arrested by the US police, he was worth more than 10 billion U.S. dollars. , but he was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. His family has inherited his drug sales empire in Mexico. After he was imprisoned, a group of diehards were sent to the prison one after another. They protected him and helped him gain the position of prison boss. With this gang of drug dealers around, the First ward became the prison ward with the highest death rate in the United States. "

Charlie continued to ask him, "What about the second prison area? Dean said , "

The boss of the Second Ward is Joseph Norris, the boss of the New York gang ten years ago. He was very prosperous in New York at the time and had many subordinates. 

The Italians only emerged after he was imprisoned. When he was still outside, the Italians from Sicily had to tighten their butts even if they farted in New York. .

Charlie nodded and asked, "How long until dinner time? "

Dean looked up at the electronic clock and said quickly, "There are still forty minutes. " "

Okay." "Charlie said calmly, "When we get to the restaurant, introduce Lucas to me.

Dean said respectfully, "Okay sir, I will introduce it to you. " 

Charlie smiled and suddenly asked him, "By the way, Dean, you won't take the opportunity of dinner to file a complaint to the prison, right?"

Dean waved his hands quickly and said, "No, no, sir, please rest assured. I will never complain to Yu Jing. There is an unwritten rule in this prison. Internal problems must be solved internally without seeking help from the prison guards. " Help, once a person asks the prison guards for help, he has broken the rules and will be reduced to the lowest level in this prison, and everyone will bully him..."

Dean did not lie.

In this prison, it has long been With these rules in the world, after all, those who can get in here are either gang members, serious criminals or drug lords. These people all have two characteristics in common. The first characteristic is that they are ruthless and ruthless, and the second characteristic is What they hate the most is someone reporting to the police. 

So once someone is bullied in this prison and turns around and reports to the prison, he will be hated by everyone in this prison.

The people who made the rules in the first place, in order to completely prevent anyone from snitching to the prison guards behind their backs, so they have always used lynching to maintain the deterrence of the rules. Over the years, many people in this prison have been imprisoned for snitching

. They were killed in various ways. Some people hanged themselves "suicide" because they were very upset about their whistle-blowing behavior. Some people accidentally "falled" to death while walking, and some people accidentally "choked" to death on their toothbrushes while brushing their teeth. Yes, there are even people who "suffocate" to death because they can't poop.

After many people died, internal whistleblowing was almost completely eliminated in this prison, and Dean was considered an old face here, and he knew the rules here very well.

In his opinion, although he was very angry when he was beaten, tortured and humiliated by Charlie today, after all, he survived for the time being. As long as he still had a way to survive, he must not report it, because that would be tantamount to Pushing oneself to a dead end.

After hearing what he said, Charlie roughly understood the survival rules of this prison, so he asked him, "If a serious violent conflict occurs here, will the prison guards intervene?" 

Dean said truthfully, "In this place, As long as it is a violent conflict among the prisoners themselves, they will never interfere. They usually let the prisoners resolve it themselves. As long as no lives are lost, they will never show up." 

After that, Dean added, "Because there is no such thing in Brooklyn Prison. Outdoor playground, so the exercise here is connected with the meal time. Usually after lunch, the prison guards will send everyone back to the prison area, and then let everyone move freely in the prison area for an hour, which is the time for all cells. The door is open and the prisoners can move around freely in the prison area. If there are friends or enemies in other cells, they can go to them at this time;" 

"After dinner, the prison guards will leave all prisoners to move around in the restaurant and fitness area. One hour later, everyone will be sent back to the cells. During this hour, the prisoners in the two prison areas will be together. If there are friends or enemies in other prison areas, they can also meet at this time;"

 "Two prison cells every day During each release, the prison guards will evacuate the release area, leaving the prisoners free to move around. If there is a violent conflict between prisoners, the prison guards will not intervene."

Charlie nodded and said, "As you said, we will eat later. After dinner, will the two prison areas have free activities together?"

"Yes." Dean said quickly, "Who is that Peter Zhou you are looking for? If he is in this prison and has not been detained or injured and sent for treatment. If so, you can see him while eating!"

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2919 update | Chapter 6085 & 6086 Chapter 2919 Can you do it? | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2919 Can you do it?

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2919 update  |  Chapter 6085 & 6086 Chapter 2919 Can you do it? |  Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels    

When Charlie and Chen Zhaozhong left the goose shop together, Chen Zhaozhong looked back at the simple facade and sighed softly, "From now on, my father's goose roasting skills will be lost." 

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Charlie smiled and asked him, "Uncle Zhong, do you doubt or object to my decision today?"

Chen Zhaozhong was silent for a moment and said seriously, "Master, Qiangzai is an orphan I adopted, not a pet I tame. I started from the day I adopted him. , I never thought about making any plans for his life. He learned to cook roast goose from me, not because of my intention, but because he had a wandering childhood, had neither read much nor had the heart to study, and an illegal immigrant His identity meant that it would be difficult for him to get out of Chinatown, so I taught him how to make roast goose, so that he could make a living." 

Speaking of this, Chen Zhaozhong added, "As for whether he chooses to sell roast goose or give up selling roast goose , I respect his choice, but the opportunity given to him by the young master today is too big, and I'm afraid that he doesn't have enough experience to grasp it." 

Charlie said seriously, "Uncle Zhong might as well look at this problem differently."

Chen Zhaozhong said respectfully, "Master, please speak."

Charlie said, "Before you and I came, Qiang Zai had been targeted by them and had been beaten. Today they came to visit, and Qiang Zai definitely couldn't come up with three thousand US dollars. What if If we didn't come, what would happen to Qiang Zi now? At best, he would have at least received a more severe beating. Judging from the ruthlessness of those gang members, Qiang Zi will most likely have lifelong sequelae. In the worst cases, it can be disabled, or even paralyzed, and this is only a relatively good result;"

After a pause, Charlie said again, "If you think about the worst, these people have already started killing in Chinatown, and they have killed more than one or two. If they want to use Qiang Zai to scare the monkeys today, or if Qiang Zai resists too fiercely today, once they pull out a gun, Qiang Zai will definitely die today." 

"So, it can range from serious injury to death. In this case, Qiang Zai will be killed. Qiang Zai has nothing to lose. From now on, everything for him is earned;" "

Besides, when Qiang Zai was about to shoot and kill those few gangsters, he was really murderous. Faced with oppression, Qiang Zai had nothing to lose. If your enemy is murderous, it means he still has blood. Taking this path must be better for him than not taking it at all."

Chen Zhaozhong nodded slightly in agreement, and then asked, "By the way, young master, why didn't you let Qiang Zai shoot and kill those people?"

Charlie said, "He will definitely have to kill people in the future, but it shouldn't be now. He kills so many people right from the start. It's easy to become cruel and bloodthirsty, so let him slowly adapt to it. Let's do it."

After saying that, Charlie asked Chen Zhaozhong, "Uncle Zhong didn't have any rest all night. Do you want to go to the hotel to catch up on some sleep first?" "

No." Chen Zhaozhong waved his hand quickly and said, "I came with the young master to do some business, wait. Let's talk about it after finishing the business. Let's go to Queens now and find a place to have a cup of coffee. Peter's antique shop should probably open." "

Okay." Charlie nodded, "Then go directly to Queens."


New York ,The Queen.

Queens is a large area. Although it is not as prosperous as Manhattan, its central location can be regarded as a smaller version of Manhattan.

Moreover, Queens has a dense population and a lot of immigrants of all ethnic groups, so it is relatively lively. The famous Flushing is a neighborhood where Chinese and Chinese traders gather.

Peter Zhou's antique shop is located in the center of Queens. Although the store is not large, the location is really not a choice.

When Charlie and Chen Zhaozhong parked opposite the antique store, they found that the antique store was not open.

At first, Chen Zhaozhong didn't notice anything wrong. After all, it was still morning, and few antique shops opened early in the morning.

But Charlie, whose eyesight was obviously better, noticed something unusual.

He saw the mottled rust on the iron door and handle of the antique store, as if no one had taken care of it for a while.

He originally planned to have a cup of coffee opposite, so he drove the car to the opposite side of the road and stopped. When he walked closer to check, he discovered that the antique shop had indeed not been opened for a long time, and there were even spider webs hanging above the folding iron door.

Looking inside through the window, the displays inside were all dirty and seemed to have not been maintained for a long time.

Chen Zhaozhong on the side couldn't help but frown, "It feels like this place has been closed for at least a few months." "

Yes." Charlie nodded, "Didn't you say that the Zhou family has run many antique shops in Europe and the United States? Maybe this place has been abandoned?" "

Chen Zhaozhong took a look at the second-hand store next door and found that although the store still had a closed sign, there were already people inside, so he walked up, knocked on the door, and chatted with people.

After the chat, he turned around and came out and said to Charlie, "Master, let's go back to the car and talk."

Charlie realized that Chen Zhaozhong might have found some sensitive clues, so he returned to the car with him.

After getting in the car, Chen Zhaozhong said, "Master, I just asked the owner next door. The owner said that Peter Zhou was arrested in this store four months ago, and the store was closed accordingly." 

"Caught?" Charlie asked curiously, "Why was he arrested?"

Chen Zhaozhong said, "It is said that it was because of fraud, but the shop owner next door said that his situation was very special and different from ordinary fraud. When he was arrested, it was the FBI who came to arrest him. People, the battle is big."


Charlie muttered and asked him, "Uncle Zhong, shouldn't the police be responsible for cases like fraud?"

Chen Zhaozhong said, "Not necessarily, if the circumstances are serious, endangering national security, and involving important people and items, the FBI may be responsible. Since Peter Zhou is suspected of fraud and is arrested by the FBI, it proves that the situation should be quite serious." 

Charlie asked, "The shop owner just now knows What's Peter Zhou's current situation?"

Chen Zhaozhong shook his head and said, "That person doesn't know very well. He only knows that the Zhou family's antique stores in the United States seem to have closed. As for his current situation, that person hasn't received any news." 

As he said, Chen Zhaozhong sighed helplessly and said, "In the past few years that I have been in New York, I have basically been bored in Chinatown and seldom come out. I don't know many people. I can't find a suitable channel to get information." 

Charlie took a sip. He said, "It's okay. Regarding matters in New York, it's probably safe to ask Miss Fei. Her connections and information channels must be much better than the two of us." After that, he took out his mobile phone and called Fei Kexin.

The phone rang seven or eight times before it was finally picked up. Fei Kexin asked as soon as he opened his mouth, "Old Bai, how is the situation in Atlanta?" 

Charlie realized that Fei Kexin might not be able to speak conveniently, and She completely made up the title, probably because she was with her wife Claire Wilson at the moment.

So Charlie asked, "If it's inconvenient for Ms. Fei, we can talk later."

Fei Kexin said, "I'm currently working on a project in New York. Please wait for me. I'll get back to you in five minutes."

"Okay." Charlie responded and hung up the phone.

Five minutes later, Fei Kexin's phone call came on time. As soon as the call came through, she said respectfully, "Mr. Wade, I just discussed the plan with Madam. I was afraid that she would misunderstand, so I didn't dare to talk to you directly. Please give me some advice." Please forgive me."

Charlie smiled and said, "It's okay, you are more considerate than me. How is Claire doing with you recently?"

Fei Kexin said, "Mrs. I have been busy with the project these days, because I don't I am sure how long you need me to hold off Madam, so I pretended to be real and entrusted her with full responsibility for the project here. It may be a little tiring, but Madam is still very devoted." 

Charlie smiled and said, "My wife is very enterprising, much better than me."

Fei Kexin smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Wade must be very enterprising, otherwise he wouldn't have let me invite your wife to New York."

As he said, , Fei Kexin quickly asked, "By the way, Mr. Wade, do you have anything to do with me?"

Charlie hummed and said, "I want you to help me find out about a person." 

Fei Kexin said without thinking, "Tell me the situation and I'll start immediately."

Charlie said, "There is an antique dealer named Zhou Peter. It is said that the Zhou family is quite famous in antiques in Europe and the United States." Have you heard of him?"

Fei Kexin smiled and said, "Peter Zhou, his family is indeed quite famous in the Chinese antique circle. They have been mainly engaged in Chinese antiques overseas for so many years, from the beginning of the Opium War to the end of the Anti-Japanese War. There are a large number of antique cultural relics flowing out of China in Europe and the United States. Peter Zhou's family's main business is to recover these Chinese antiques from overseas and then sell them. Some precious cultural relics are often donated to China for free. My grandfather often used to buy them from their family. I bought some toys in my hand. It’s just that I’ve gotten older in the past few years and played less.”

Charlie smiled and said, “It would be great if Miss Fei knew about him. To tell you the truth, I have something very important to do with him.” I need to consult, but after I arrived in New York, I found that their store had been closed. It is said that he was also arrested by the FBI on suspicion of fraud. I wonder if you can help me check his whereabouts?" 

Fei Kexin said in surprise. "Mr. Wade, have you come to New York? Does Madam know?"

Charlie said, "I came in a hurry this time, and the investigation was a bit sensitive, so I didn't tell Claire, and I asked Miss Fei to keep it a secret for me."

Fei Kexin said hurriedly, "Don't worry, Mr. Wade, I won't tell Madam."

After that, she said, "You just said that Peter Zhou was arrested. I have never heard of it, but don't worry. , I will ask someone to collect clues and let you know when I find out!"

"Okay." Charlie thanked, "Thank you, Miss Fei."

After hanging up the phone, Charlie said to Chen Zhaozhong, "Uncle Zhong, Fei The lady helped to check it out. It will probably take some time. Let's go to Buckingham Palace in New York to have some breakfast and then take a rest." "

No problem." Chen Zhaozhong nodded and said with a smile, "It's just that there is still some distance from Buckingham Palace. If Miss Fei If the progress over there is faster, it might not take half an hour for the news to arrive. How about we just eat something across the street? Just give me a cup of coffee.

Coffee, I don't have to sleep all day. "Charlie also felt that what he said made sense, so he agreed.

The two of them went to the restaurant opposite, ordered some food and drank some coffee. Before they finished the cup of coffee, Fei Kexin called. 

The phone call came. Once the call was made, Fei Kexin said to Charlie, "Mr. Wade, I have already found out the situation you asked me to check. Peter Zhou was indeed arrested by the FBI four months ago. He was arrested because he provoked A member of the Rothschild family is also the person the Rothschild family asked the FBI to arrest.

Charlie frowned and asked, "Rothschild family? " Is it direct or collateral? "

Direct. " "Fei Kexin said, "It is said that he is of a very high level and should be a core member of the entire Rothschild family.

Charlie asked again, "Then what specifically caused them to be offended? Have you heard about it? " "

No." "Fei Kexin said truthfully, "It is said that although the person was arrested by the FBI, he was interrogated by Rothschild people personally. When the Rothschild family interrogated him, the FBI was not qualified to stay at the scene, but it is said that After the trial, the Rothschilds were very angry and used their own power to imprison Peter Zhou in Brooklyn Prison without trial. For several months, Peter Zhou's family and lawyers were not allowed to meet him. "

Charlie is not surprised. After all, they are the Rothschild family. Not only are they extremely wealthy, but they have already penetrated into the powerful elite of the United States. In the United States, they naturally have the ability to catch people and lock them up. It's definitely not difficult to say, and maybe even just one sentence is enough.

So Charlie asked her, "In a situation like this, if you put people in jail without trial and don't allow visits, does that mean that Never come out in this life? "

Very likely. " "Fei Kexin said, "The Rothschild family probably wants to get some clues or results from Peter Zhou. Before the goal is achieved, he will never be released, even if he takes the best lawyer in the United States. It was useless to call them all over. Once this happened, they could label Zhou Peter as a threat to the country's territorial security at any time. This would be equivalent to possessing Shang Fang's sword, which would be difficult for anyone to use. "

Charlie asked her, "Miss Fei, is there any way to get him out?" 

Fei Kexin said in embarrassment, "Mr. Wade, Kexin, let me tell you the truth. In theory, there is nothing that the Fei family can't do in New York, but the premise is that the Rothschild family has no objections. In New York and even the entire In the United States, if something is decided by the Rothschild family, then no one can change it. If I go to recruit people, everyone I find will definitely tell me that it cannot be done. "

Charlie smacked his lips, feeling a little difficult.

The main purpose of coming to see Peter Zhou this time was to find out what kind of relationship he had with his father, and why he went to Aurous Hill, Antique shop under the alias Zhou Liangyun. He works in the hall, and what connection he has with him obtaining the "Nine Mysterious Heavenly Scriptures" that he doesn't know about.

But all this is based on the premise that he must see him and face him face to face.

Now Peter Zhou actually Being sent to prison by the Rothschild family, even Fei Kexin couldn't get him out of prison, which was really difficult. 

In desperation, Charlie asked her, "Ms. Fei, if you ask you, Can you send someone to Brooklyn Jail? "

Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain

 Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain Sometimes, making the other party despair appropriately is also a strategic method. If you meet a friend who ...