
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 3012 update | Chapter 6271 & 6272 Chapter 3012 should be the same | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 3012 should be the same

In the afternoon, Charlie  said goodbye to Helena, said goodbye to Zhou Liangyun, and left to return to the United States alone.

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

  Not far from Ottawa to Burlington, but the border is a little more troublesome, but the relatively lax management of the US-Canada border, coupled with the absence of the Rothschilds secretly watching, is not difficult for Charlie . 

  After a smooth entry into the United States, Charlie drove to Burlington, where his plane was waiting and ready to take off.

  At the small airport a few dozen kilometers from Burlington International Airport, DHS was still conducting an extremely detailed search of the Gulfstream 650, but there was no valuable discovery.

  The DHS also began to wonder if this would be an outright prank, or if the intelligence officer was mistaken, but as long as there were no turning arrows in the bow, they would have to scrupulously search the plane to complete the case.

  However, this does not affect the normal operation of Burlington International Airport.

  Charlie  arrived at Burlington International Airport and passed through customs and boarded a special plane to return to China.

  And at this moment, Wu Feiyan took Wu Tianlin to the door of the navigation company that had been temporarily suspended.

  The previous fire scene, after police investigation, had determined that there were no casualties, so it was also dealt with in accordance with the general accident for the time being, so the police had long been evacuated clean and clean.

  Since the airline had just had a major accident, and now Chen Zhimin is missing, and no money has been approved for reconstruction, it has basically stalled, leaving only one security guard at the scene, and everyone else has taken a holiday.

  When Wu Feiyan and Wu Tianlin went to the door of the general aviation company, the security personnel outside the door said: “ embarrassed two people,business here has stopped.”

  Wu Feiyan glanced at him and said in a cold voice: “ open the door.”

  The man looked surprised, quickly opened the door, respectfully said: “ two please.”

  Wu Feiyan, seeing that he had not looked at him again, walked straight in, and Wu Tianlin followed closely.

  It was easy to get a few security guards under control, then walke in with Wu Tianlin and swaggeringly.

  Wu Feiyan felt that if you really want to find clues related to Chen Zhimin, this is the most critical place.

  At this time, the hangar of the burned-out helicopter was shocking and was supposed to stop in the hangar

There must have been somewhere else, but I can't imagine that since everything happened in the bustling metropolis of New York, the other party can't have the powerful weapon of the near-defense gun, so what exactly did they use to make Zhongyong don't even have the chance of martyrdom died?”

  For many years, Wu Feiyan has been instilling the significance of the Niwan Palace in the four earls, who have already firmly believed that if they encounter dangers and cannot escape, they will definitely open the Niwan Palace in the first place.

  As long as the Niwan Palace is opened, the formation they have left in their Niwan Palace will be martyred, and if it is martyred in a bustling city like New York, buildings within a few hundred meters will probably be spared.

  As Wu Feiyan could not think of any logic, she suddenly saw something and immediately walked to the center of the hangar.

  In the centre of the hangar ruins, a skeletonised helicopter stands in solitude as a backdrop to the.

  The helicopter has four crossed rotors, one of which appears to have some less visible damage to its tail.

  Wu Feiyan immediately walked forward, carefully observed the small damage on the rotor, and suddenly thumped in her heart, and said: “ I know how Zhongyong Bo died.”

  Wu Tianlin came forward and asked, How did the “ hero and Zhongyong Bo die?”

  Wu Feiyan sullenly face, said:“ If I guess right, he should have been decapitated by this rotor.”

  Wu TianLing was horrified:“ actually has this strange thing?!”

  Wu Feiyan said coldly: “ the damage on the rotor, consistent with the width of the human cervical spine, normally, this part of the site can not be subject to this inconspicuous damage, and, on the night of the incident, Chen Zhimin let the helicopter fly to the top floor of the Manhattan hospital, and then Zhongyong Bo just stared at the antique dealer in the Manhattan hospital…… Several key factors emerged at Manhattan Hospital, and it made sense to use it to cut off the head of Zhongyong Bo.” 

  Wu Tianlin's puzzled question: “ Zhongyong Bo can not make such a stupid mistake, you just said that he did not even have the chance of martyrdom before his death, that is to say, someone took advantage of his unprepared, directly put his head into this rotor?”

  “ should be this.” Wu Feiyan sighed and said seriously: “ the person who killed him, and the person who killed Jian Gongfu and Chang Shengbei should be the same.”

Friday, January 12, 2024

Chinese Super hero Novel Chapter 2995 update | Chapter 6237 & 6238 Chapter 2995 No starting position | Wade latest Chapters today's update Free Asian Novels

 Chapter 2995: No starting position

Hearing the other person's answer, Wu Feiyan's heart sank deeper.

Friends, kindly pay some money to encourage me to continue posting story  ( or to upi id ueperumal@oksbi).

  Both Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo disappeared at this hospital, and when Chen Zhimin's assistant died at this hospital, it is needless to think and know that there must be hidden enemies.

  Now three people have only one body left, and the other two are like evaporation, which makes Wu Feiyan extremely nervous.

  Considering that Chen Zhimin's assistant was found dead in the morning, and that Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo were positioned to disappear in the early morning hours before dawn, Wu Feiyan speculated that if they had really been attacked, they should have solved Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo first, and then killed Chen Zhimin's assistant.

  She couldn't help asking herself in the bottom of her heart: “ why did the other party not let go of Chen Zhimin's assistant who was hit by the car? What threat does a patient in a hospital bed pose to him? Has that assistant seen him?”

  Thinking of this, she immediately asked the police officer: “ there is no evidence that the deceased was murdered?”

  The police shook his head: “ is presumed to have been killed, but no direct evidence has been found, and we are now investigating morphine use from various departments in Manhattan Hospital to see if we can find clues.”

  Wu Feiyan asked, “ about how long it takes?”

  The police thought to themselves: “ A significant portion of the New York police force is now working with the Rothschilds to find their stolen antiques, so the investigation of this case should be slower, at least two or three months, I personally estimate.”

  “ two three months?!” Wu Feiyan hated the straight gnashing of teeth and asked: “ did you have the surveillance video from yesterday to this morning?”

  The police said truthfully: “ found out this morning that all surveillance footage had been destroyed.”

  Wu Feiyan also asked: “ that data can not be recovered?”

  The police shook their heads: “ could not recover, the other party's means were very professional, all storage equipment was completely destroyed, and after evaluation, the professional found that even one byte could not be restored.”

  Wu Feiyan's heart is angry.

  She had already probed the entire Manhattan hospital with aura, and she was unaware of the half-fragile marks, which proved that the other side had already handled the scene very clean.

  Now even the surveillance video is completely destroyed and can not be recovered, which means that the other side has broken the clue from the perspective of criminal investigation.

  She pressed the tension in her heart and asked the police officer:“, did you know master Chen Zhimin's movements?”

  “ does not.” The policeman said truthfully: “ We tried many ways to contact Chen Zhimin, but there was no audio, and we speculated that he had disappeared.”

  Wu Feiyan was extremely depressed, and her expression was angry.

  She never thought that she was looking forward to arriving in New York to get the treasure of the Sifang Bao Building, but she did not expect that the news of the Sifang Bao Building had not been found, and that her two generals had disappeared at the same time without leaving any clues.

  In anger, she asked again: “ Chen Zhimin disappeared here in the early morning of this morning, how did he leave the hospital, do you not know?”

  “ does not.” The policeman said truthfully: “ all the surveillance videos have been gone, and we can only rely on the criminal investigation expert for clues

Locations were searched on the spot, but clues were also destroyed, and even a complete footprint and fingerprints could not be extracted, so it was not known how they left.”

  As the heart of Howard Rothschild, Hank, although not an Oriental martial arts, is a very professional top agent who is very good at dealing with all kinds of traces, and Ye Charlie left him here to finish yesterday, which is to clean up all the clues, Let the police and Wu Feiyan not find any breakthrough point for a while and a half. 

  Wu Feiyan also felt a deep sense of powerlessness, she thought of the Sifang Bao Building, and asked: “ the antique dealer named Zhou Peter, was he protected here before? Where is he now?”

  That police said: “ week Peter was acquitted last night and the responsible police officer who protected him and Fbi were withdrawn overnight.” was not known

  Wu Feiyan frowned tighter, her heart was teetering: “ two of my generals are missing, the antique dealer is also missing, is the mysterious enemy also staring at the Sifang Bao House?!”

  “ It must be so! The mysterious person has a deep relationship with Master and may also know the origin and use of the Sifang Bao Building, but this matter is strengthened by him first?!”

  At the thought of this, Wu Feiyan was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot.

  Zhong Yong Bo and Chen Zhimin are important to her, but they are not worth mentioning compared with the Sifang Bao Building, which can affect the world social network.

  If the Sifang Bao Building can affect the social millet of Datang One country in that year, if she can get the treasure house, the operation of the Po Qing Society will surely be greatly assisted, and maybe it will multiply its strength;

  And for Wu Feiyan, more importantly, if the movement of the Po Qing Society flies into the sky, her personal fortune of Wu Feiyan will also be unreachable.

  She felt that her luck in finding the secret of her life and the key to the next five hundred years had been bad, and that the Po Qing Society had recently been repeatedly created by an enemy hidden in the dark, and even Wu Feiyan was tortured to sleep. These things revealed a fact, That is Wu Feiyan's movement has begun to decline sharply.

  Although Wu Feiyan is very strong, she has lived for four hundred years, and her life style, like a towering tree with four hundred years, has been strengthened by four hundred rings, and has been strong as iron. Even she herself can not resolve it.

  Even if you call a Feng Shui master like Lai Tsinghua, in the face of this super-numerous life of four hundred years of buff, you will not be able to solve the dilemma of life for her.

  Therefore, Wu Feiyan feels that the dilemma in her own life can only be solved by the national heavy weapon of the Sifang Bao Building.

  Because of this, she has already made up her mind this time in New York, and it is absolutely impossible to lose the antique.

  It was also because she had to get to the Sifang Bao Building that she asked Chen Zhimin and Zhongyong Bo to look at the antique dealer together.

  After all, in her opinion, the antique dealer was the only clue to the Sifang Bao, and if she could pry open his mouth, she would be sure to get the Sifang Pao.

  But now the Sifang bao is unaccounted for, the only antique dealer with a clue also missing a few hours ago, the clue about the Sifang Bao was completely severed at once!

  Wu Feiyan, who was furious, saw that the police in front of her could not find any valuable clues, and looked at another police officer and asked in a cold voice: “ about the few questions I just asked, do you have any clues to supplement?”

  The policeman shook his head and said, “, I have nothing to add.”

  Wu Feiyan expressed disappointment and said to the two people in a cold voice: “ you two remember, do not mention to anyone what happened to me, if you have any progress and clues here, go to Starbucks across from the hospital to find me.”

  The two police officers still looked empty, but their expressions were very firm and nodded respectfully: “ remembered!”

  Wu Feiyan ignored the two and turned around and left the hospital.

  Wu Tianlin and others outside the hospital, saw Wu Feiyan come out so soon, and asked in a low voice before her: “ British Lord, how did you come out so soon? Have you found any clue?”

  Wu Feiyan shook her head gloomily, she now feels that everything seems to be unable to start, but she can not give up on this, so she said to Wu Tianlin in a cold voice: “ you go to inform the left army of the governor of Wu Yongzhen, let him mobilize the left army of the governor of the United States all the intelligence network, at all costs to find Chen Zhimin、 Zhongyong Bo, and the whereabouts of the antiques dealer! They would have a big reward if anyone could find!”

  Wu Tianlin said:“ good British master, this I will notify him!“

  Saying that, Wu Tianlin asked again: “ British Lord, do you see if you need to arrange a hotel to temporarily settle down?”

  Wu Feiyan shook her head and pointed to Starbucks across the road and said: “ go there, I want a coffee.”

  Wu Tianlin hurriedly followed Wu Feiyan across the road and came to the Starbucks store to find a window seat and sit down.

  Subsequently, Wu Tianlin graciously ordered an ice American for Wu Feiyan, respectfully served to Wu Feiyan in front of him, and then said: “ British Lord, Wu Yongzheng has already started action over there.” 

  “ good.” Wu nodded, resulting in a cup of coffee, but she did not drink it, and looked through the window at the Manhattan hospital building.

  Immediately afterwards, she saw a policeman scurrying out, the very one who had been questioned by herself.

  As she saw the other person running towards her Starbucks, she suddenly heard a happy thought: “ is no longer a clue?”

  With this in mind, Wu Feiyan silently read the tips of the law, releasing a little aura, and all the guests in the whole Starbucks are instantly controlled by her, ignoring her everything and deaf to her.

  Soon, the police officer ran to Starbucks, met Wu Feiyan, and ran to her, respectfully said: “ we just confirmed one thing.”

  Wu Feiyan said coldly:” quickly!“

  The police officer said truthfully: “ had a patient reaction, and in the early hours of this morning, a helicopter movement was heard above the hospital!”

  Wu Feiyan frowned: “ MoF they fled by helicopter?”

  Thinking of this, she immediately told Wu Tianlin Road: “ informe Wu Yongzhen to thorough

ly check all the helicopters under the name of Ann and see which one had been to the Manhattan hospital in the morning!”

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Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain

 Chapter 3131 It’s all in vain Sometimes, making the other party despair appropriately is also a strategic method. If you meet a friend who ...